如在LINUX 下,还可以细化,比如: rake -T |grep "db:"

D:/rails_app/cucumber>rake -T
(in D:/rails_app/cucumber)
rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations  # Raises an error if there are pending...
rake db:charset                      # Retrieves the charset for the curren...
rake db:collation                    # Retrieves the collation for the curr...
rake db:create                       # Create the database defined in confi...
rake db:create:all                   # Create all the local databases defin...
rake db:drop                         # Drops the database for the current R...
rake db:drop:all                     # Drops all the local databases define...
rake db:fixtures:identify            # Search for a fixture given a LABEL o...
rake db:fixtures:load                # Load fixtures into the current envir...
rake db:migrate                      # Migrate the database through scripts...
rake db:migrate:down                 # Runs the "down" for a given migratio...
rake db:migrate:redo                 # Rollbacks the database one migration...
rake db:migrate:reset                # Resets your database using your migr...
rake db:migrate:up                   # Runs the "up" for a given migration ...
rake db:reset                        # Drops and recreates the database fro...
rake db:rollback                     # Rolls the schema back to the previou...
rake db:schema:dump                  # Create a db/schema.rb file that can ...
rake db:schema:load                  # Load a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:sessions:clear               # Clear the sessions table
rake db:sessions:create              # Creates a sessions migration for use...
rake db:structure:dump               # Dump the database structure to a SQL...
rake db:test:clone                   # Recreate the test database from the ...
rake db:test:clone_structure         # Recreate the test databases from the...
rake db:test:load                    # Recreate the test database from the ...
rake db:test:prepare                 # Check for pending migrations and loa...
rake db:test:purge                   # Empty the test database
rake db:version                      # Retrieves the current schema version...
rake doc:app                         # Build the app HTML Files
rake doc:clobber_app                 # Remove rdoc products
rake doc:clobber_plugins             # Remove plugin documentation
rake doc:clobber_rails               # Remove rdoc products
rake doc:guides                      # Generate Rails guides
rake doc:plugins                     # Generate documentation for all insta...
rake doc:rails                       # Build the rails HTML Files
rake doc:reapp                       # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake doc:rerails                     # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake features                        # Run Features with Cucumber
rake gems                            # List the gems that this rails applic...
rake gems:build                      # Build any native extensions for unpa...
rake gems:install                    # Installs all required gems for this ...
rake gems:refresh_specs              # Regenerate gem specifications in cor...
rake gems:unpack                     # Unpacks the specified gem into vendo...
rake gems:unpack:dependencies        # Unpacks the specified gems and its d...
rake log:clear                       # Truncates all *.log files in log/ to...
rake notes                           # Enumerate all annotations
rake notes:custom                    # Enumerate a custom annotation, speci...
rake notes:fixme                     # Enumerate all FIXME annotations
rake notes:optimize                  # Enumerate all OPTIMIZE annotations
rake notes:todo                      # Enumerate all TODO annotations
rake rails:freeze:edge               # Lock to latest Edge Rails, for a spe...
rake rails:freeze:gems               # Lock this application to the current...
rake rails:unfreeze                  # Unlock this application from freeze ...
rake rails:update                    # Update both configs, scripts and pub...
rake rails:update:configs            # Update config/boot.rb from your curr...
rake rails:update:javascripts        # Update your javascripts from your cu...
rake rails:update:scripts            # Add new scripts to the application s...
rake routes                          # Print out all defined routes in matc...
rake secret                          # Generate a crytographically secure s...
rake stats                           # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) ...
rake test                            # Run all unit, functional and integra...
rake test:benchmark                  # Run tests for benchmarkdb:test:prepa...
rake test:functionals                # Run tests for functionalsdb:test:pre...
rake test:integration                # Run tests for integrationdb:test:pre...
rake test:plugins                    # Run tests for pluginsenvironment / R...
rake test:profile                    # Run tests for profiledb:test:prepare...
rake test:recent                     # Run tests for recentdb:test:prepare ...
rake test:uncommitted                # Run tests for uncommitteddb:test:pre...
rake test:units                      # Run tests for unitsdb:test:prepare /...
rake time:zones:all                  # Displays names of all time zones rec...
rake time:zones:local                # Displays names of time zones recogni...
rake time:zones:us                   # Displays names of US time zones reco...
rake tmp:cache:clear                 # Clears all files and directories in ...
rake tmp:clear                       # Clear session, cache, and socket fil...
rake tmp:create                      # Creates tmp directories for sessions...
rake tmp:pids:clear                  # Clears all files in tmp/pids
rake tmp:sessions:clear              # Clears all files in tmp/sessions
rake tmp:sockets:clear               # Clears all files in tmp/sockets

rake -T 列出所有RAKE 命令.相关推荐

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