# Python `locals()`函数

> 原文: [https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/locals/](https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/locals/)

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于 2020 年 1 月 7 日更新

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`locals()`函数返回一个字典,其中包含在本地名称空间中定义的变量。 在全局名称空间中调用`locals()`与调用[`globals()`](/python-builtin-functions/globals/)相同,并返回代表模块全局名称空间的字典。



locals() -> dictionary containg local scope variables





from pprint import pprint

a = 10

b = 20

def foo():

x = 30 # x and y are local variables

y = 40

print("locals() = {0}".format(locals()))

pprint(locals()) # same as calling globals()

print('*' * 80)

print("locals() == globals()? ", locals() == globals())

print('*' * 80)





{'__builtins__': ,

'__cached__': None,

'__doc__': None,

'__file__': 'module1.py',

'__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.sourcefileloader object at>,

'__name__': '__main__',

'__package__': None,

'__spec__': None,

'a': 10,

'b': 20,

'foo': ,

'pprint': }


locals() == globals()? True


locals() = {'y': 40, 'x': 30}




from pprint import pprint

a = 10

b = 20

def foo():

x = 30 # x and y are local variables

y = 40

print("locals() = {0}".format(locals()))

pprint(locals()) # same as calling globals()

print('*' * 80)

print("locals() == globals()? ", locals() == globals())

print('*' * 80)



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