
环境:OpenCV 4.1.1 + VS2017
内容:Save an Image to a File
*/#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace std;
using namespace cv;int main()
{Mat image = imread("claudia.png");if (image.empty()){cout << "Could not open or find the image" << endl;cin.get();return -1;}/*Make changes to the image as necessarye.g.1. Change brightness/contrast of the image2. Smooth/Blur image3. Crop the image4. Rotate the image5. Draw shapes on the image*///bool isSuccess = imwrite("claudia_changed.jpg", image); //write the image to a file as JPEG bool isSuccess = imwrite("claudia_changed.png", image); //write the image to a file as PNGif (isSuccess == false){cout << "Failed to save the image" << endl;cin.get();return -1;}cout << "Image is succusfully saved to a file" << endl;cin.get();return 0;



bool imwrite( const String& filename, InputArray img, const std::vector& params = std::vector())

@brief Saves an image to a specified file.

The function imwrite saves the image to the specified file. The image format is chosen based on the filename extension (see cv::imread for the list of extensions). In general, only 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel (with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function, with these exceptions:

  • 16-bit unsigned (CV_16U) images can be saved in the case of PNG, JPEG 2000, and TIFF formats
  • 32-bit float (CV_32F) images can be saved in PFM, TIFF, OpenEXR, and Radiance HDR formats; 3-channel (CV_32FC3) TIFF images will be saved using the LogLuv high dynamic range encoding (4 bytes per pixel)
  • PNG images with an alpha channel can be saved using this function. To do this, create 8-bit (or 16-bit) 4-channel image BGRA, where the alpha channel goes last. Fully transparent pixels should have alpha set to 0, fully opaque pixels should have alpha set to 255/65535 (see the code sample below).

If the format, depth or channel order is different, use Mat::convertTo and cv::cvtColor to convert it before saving. Or, use the universal FileStorage I/O functions to save the image to XML or YAML format.

The sample below shows how to create a BGRA image and save it to a PNG file. It also demonstrates how to set custom compression parameters:
@include snippets/imgcodecs_imwrite.cpp
@param filename Name of the file.
@param img Image to be saved.
@param params Format-specific parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ... .) see cv::ImwriteFlags


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