本文转载 https://www.techbliss.org/threads/python-plugin-loader-tut-for-ida-pro-7-0.951/
Many things have changed from older ida pro to 7.0
Alot of functions have been added to 7.0 python sdk, and alot deprecated.

In this little tut, i will explain and brakedown, how to make a python plugin loader for ida pro 7.0 , put in the menu at start up, together with a custom icon, and load the real app.
plugin loader example is from the python editor app found
here https://github.com/techbliss/Python_editor/blob/master/7.0/plugins/Python_editor.py

There are many ways to write this, some have intire plugin code included in the plugin loader or elsewhere like i normally do.

# Created by: Storm Shadow http://www.techbliss.org
import os
import ida_idaapi, ida_kernwin
import idc
from idc import *
from idaapi import *
import sys
sys.path.insert(0 , idaapi.idadir("plugins\\Code editor\\icons"))
import ico
from ico import *PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.4"
AUTHORS     = "Storm Shadow"
DATE           = "2017"
TWITTER     = "Twitter @zadow28"def banner():banner_options = (PLUGIN_VERSION, AUTHORS, DATE, TWITTER, IDAVERISONS)banner_titles = "Python Editor v%s - (c) %s - %s - %s - %s" % banner_options# print plugin bannerprint("---[" + banner_titles + "]---\n")banner()# 1) Create the handler class
class MyEditorHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t):def __init__(self):idaapi.action_handler_t.__init__(self)# Run editor when invoked.def activate(self, ctx):g = globals()idahome = idaapi.idadir("plugins\\Code editor")IDAPython_ExecScript(idahome + "\\pyeditor.py", g)def update(self, ctx):return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYSclass ripeye(idaapi.plugin_t):flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_FIXcomment = "Run me"help = "Python Editor"wanted_name = "Python Editor"wanted_hotkey = "" #the tooltip horkey goes away when setting it here DONT DO it! and only is shown in File/Plugins menudef editor_menuaction(self):action_desc = idaapi.action_desc_t('my:editoraction',  # The action name. This acts like an ID and must be unique'Python Editor!',  # The action text.MyEditorHandler(),  # The action handler.'Ctrl+H',  # Optional: the action shortcut DO IT  HERE!'Script editor',  # Optional: the action tooltip (available in menus/toolbar)idaapi.load_custom_icon(":/ico/python.png")  # hackish load action icon , if no custom icon use number from 1-150 from internal ida)# 3) Register the actionidaapi.register_action(action_desc)idaapi.attach_action_to_menu('File/Editor...',  # The relative path of where to add the action'my:editoraction',  # The action ID (see above)idaapi.SETMENU_APP)  # We want to append the action after the 'Manual instruction...form = idaapi.get_current_tform()idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, None, "my:editoraction", None)def init(self):"""This is called by IDA when it is loading the plugin."""#self._icon_id_file = idaapi.BADADDR# attempt plugin initializationtry:self._install_plugin()# failed to initialize or integrate the plugin, log and skip loadingexcept Exception as e:form = idaapi.get_current_tform()passreturn PLUGIN_KEEPdef _install_plugin(self):"""Initialize & integrate the plugin into IDA."""self.editor_menuaction()self._init()def term(self):passdef run(self, arg = 0):#we need the calls again if we wanna load it via File/Plugins/editoridaapi.msg("Python Editor Loaded to menu \n use Alt+E hot key to quick load ")hackish = MyEditorHandler()hackish.activate(self)def PLUGIN_ENTRY():return ripeye()
idaapi.PLUGIN_FIX = this plugin would be fixed at startup,
ther are many other option like only proccessors etc.,
but we wanna have it fixed.

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