android twrp

TWRP backups can save your bacon if you mess up your Android device. But if you’ve run out of space on your phone–or if you need to wipe its storage–you can copy those backups to your PC with a simple ADB command.

如果您弄乱了Android设备,TWRP备份可以节省您的培根。 但是,如果手机空间不足或需要擦除其存储空间,则可以使用简单的ADB命令将这些备份复制到PC中。

如何将TWRP备份复制到您的PC (How to Copy TWRP Backups to Your PC)

Lots of Android hacking requires wiping your phone, and wiping your phone means losing those backups–which you need to save you if something goes wrong. So, if you anticipate having to wipe your phone (or just want a second copy of those backups for safe keeping), you should copy them to your PC first.

许多Android骇客都需要擦拭手机,而擦拭手机则意味着丢失这些备份-如果出了问题,您需要保存这些备份。 因此,如果您预计必须擦拭手机(或只想要第二份备份以安全保存),则应首先将其复制到PC。

Unfortunately, this isn’t as simple as connecting your phone and dragging the TWRP folder to your PC. In many cases, you may not even be able to see any of the backups in that TWRP folder on your PC, even if you can see them on your phone. So, you’ll need to use the ADB command line tool to copy the files.

不幸的是,这并不像连接手机并将TWRP文件夹拖到PC那样简单。 在许多情况下,即使您可以在手机上看到它们,您甚至可能看不到PC上该TWRP文件夹中的任何备份。 因此,您将需要使用ADB命令行工具来复制文件。

First, ensure that you have the latest version of ADB installed using these instructions. If you do, head to your ADB folder on your PC and Shift+Right Click on an empty space in the window. Choose “Open a Command Prompt Here”.

首先,请确保按照以下说明安装最新版本的ADB。 如果这样做,请转到PC上的ADB文件夹,然后按Shift + Right并单击窗口中的空白区域。 选择“在此处打开命令提示符”。

Next, boot your phone into TWRP’s recovery environment. This usually involves holding down a specific combination of the volume and power buttons. Google instructions for your device if you aren’t sure. If all goes well, you should see the familiar TWRP home screen.

接下来,将手机启动到TWRP的恢复环境中。 这通常涉及按住音量和电源按钮的特定组合。 如果不确定,Google会为您的设备提供说明。 如果一切顺利,您应该会看到熟悉的TWRP主屏幕。

Plug your phone into your PC with a USB cable. In your command prompt, run the following command to ensure your device is connected and recognized by ADB:

用USB电缆将手机插入PC。 在命令提示符中,运行以下命令以确保设备已连接并被ADB识别:

adb devices

You should see the serial number of your device pop up, which indicates it is connected and recognized.


Now, just run this command to copy your TWRP folder to your computer:


adb pull /sdcard/TWRP TWRP

This will “pull” your TWRP folder into your ADB folder on your PC. This will take a while, so be patient and wait until you see the command prompt re-appear.

这会将TWRP文件夹“拉”入PC上的ADB文件夹。 这将需要一段时间,因此请耐心等待,直到看到重新出现命令提示符。

When it’s done, you can close the Command Prompt window, disconnect your device, and reboot into Android. You should now feel safe wiping your phone, because all your TWRP backups are stored safely on your computer.

完成后,您可以关闭“命令提示符”窗口,断开设备连接,然后重新启动进入Android。 现在您应该可以安全擦除手机了,因为所有TWRP备份都安全地存储在计算机上。

如何将TWRP备份复制回手机 (How to Copy TWRP Backups Back to Your Phone)

So let’s say you wipe your phone, erasing all your backups, and you want to restore from one of the backups on your PC. It’s very simple: you’ll just use the adb push command to perform the opposite transfer.

因此,假设您擦拭手机,擦除了所有备份,并且想要从PC上的备份之一进行还原。 这很简单:您将只使用adb push命令执行相反的传输。

Boot back into TWRP’s recovery environment on your phone and connect it to your PC with a USB cable. On your PC, head to your ADB folder and Shift+Right Click on an empty space in the window to “Open a Command Prompt Here”.

在手机上重新启动到TWRP的恢复环境,然后使用USB电缆将其连接到PC。 在PC上,转到ADB文件夹,然后按Shift + Right并单击窗口中的空白处,以“在此处打开命令提示符”。

In the command prompt, run:


adb push TWRP /sdcard/TWRP

This will copy the TWRP folder in your ADB folder–the backups we copied in the first section of this guide–back to your phone. Again, this will take a while, so give it time and wait for the command prompt to re-appear before continuing.

这会将TWRP文件夹复制到您的ADB文件夹中(我们在本指南的第一部分中复制的备份)回到您的手机中。 同样,这将需要一段时间,因此请花一些时间并等待命令提示符重新出现,然后再继续。

When it’s finished, tap the Restore button on TWRP’s home screen. You should see your backups have returned to your phone, and you can restore them normally.

完成后,点击TWRP主屏幕上的恢复按钮。 您应该看到备份已返回到手机,并且可以正常还原它们 。

NOTE: If your phone is encrypted with a PIN or password, you may have a problem unlocking your phone after restoring. Check out our guide on how to fix this problem if you do.

注意:如果您的手机已使用PIN或密码进行了加密,则还原后解锁手机可能会遇到问题。 如果需要,请查看我们的指南以解决此问题 。

Copying TWRP backups to your PC is simple, but it’s a godsend if you ever need to wipe your phone. Plus, it never hurts to have your backups in a few places in case something goes wrong.

将TWRP备份复制到您的PC很简单,但是如果您需要擦拭手机,这真是天赐的礼物。 另外,万一出了问题,在几个地方进行备份也无济于事。


android twrp

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