这是一个贪吃蛇大作战类游戏,修改特性为 AI 不互杀;

该程序有四个类:蛇基类 SnakeBase,玩家类 Player,AI 类,Game 类;

SnakeBase 和 AI 均继承自 SnakeBase,SnakeBase 提供基础接口,Game 提供数据初始化以及游戏主循环。

程序设计之初,采用“实运行”方式,即所有动画均在地图 imgMap 上真实绘制,









// 头文件 //
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#pragma comment( lib, "MSIMG32.LIB")// 窗口大小 //
const short ScreenWidth = 640;
const short ScreenHeight = 480;// 全局变量 //
long ret = 0;
const short gap = 20;
const short xSide = ScreenWidth / 2 + gap;
const short ySide = ScreenHeight / 2 + gap;
IMAGE* imgMap = new IMAGE(ScreenWidth * 4, ScreenHeight * 4);
const double PI = 3.1415926;
const short nodeSize = 17;
const short nodeGap = 16;
const short stepLen = 4;
const short frame = 4;
const short snakeSpecies = 20;
int killCount = 0;
int mapX = 0;
int mapY = 0;
typedef struct _FOOD
{int x;int y;int r;COLORREF c;
Food* food;
short nFood = 520;
IMAGE imgFood(nodeSize, nodeSize);
const COLORREF mapMainColor = WHITE;
const COLORREF playerColor0 = RGB(120, 0, 0);
const COLORREF playerColor1 = RGB(200, 0, 0);
const COLORREF playerColor2 = RGB(255, 255, 0);
const COLORREF mapLineColor = RGB(225, 225, 225);// 透明贴图函数:(更多内容请参考官网)
// 参数:
//      x, y:   目标贴图位置
//      srcimg: 源 IMAGE 对象指针。NULL 表示默认窗体
//      dstimg: 目标 IMAGE 对象指针。NULL 表示默认窗体
//      transparentcolor: 透明色。srcimg 的该颜色并不会复制到 dstimg 上,从而实现透明贴图
void putTimage(int x, int y, IMAGE* srcimg, IMAGE* dstimg = NULL, UINT transparentcolor = 0)
{HDC dstDC = GetImageHDC(dstimg);HDC srcDC = GetImageHDC(srcimg);int w = srcimg->getwidth();int h = srcimg->getheight();// 使用 Windows GDI 函数实现透明位图TransparentBlt(dstDC, x, y, w, h, srcDC, 0, 0, w, h, transparentcolor);
}// 蛇基类 //
class SnakeBase
public:// 构造函数SnakeBase(){Count++;isDead = false;length = 50 + rand() % 50;nNode = length / 5;maxNode = 9999;imgHead = imgNode = imgTail = nullptr;headNode = tailNode = nullptr;nodeMsg = nullptr;}// 析构函数virtual ~SnakeBase(){Count--;Node* temp = headNode;while (temp != nullptr){headNode = headNode->nextNode;delete temp;temp = headNode;}delete imgHead, imgNode, imgTail;if (nodeMsg != nullptr)delete[] nodeMsg;}// 设置imagevoid SetImage(COLORREF headColor, COLORREF nodeColor, COLORREF tailColor){imgHead = new IMAGE(nodeSize, nodeSize);imgNode = new IMAGE(nodeSize, nodeSize);imgTail = new IMAGE(nodeSize, nodeSize);SetWorkingImage(imgHead);setfillcolor(headColor);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2);setfillcolor(tailColor);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, 2);SetWorkingImage(imgNode);setfillcolor(nodeColor);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2);SetWorkingImage(imgTail);setfillcolor(tailColor);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2);SetWorkingImage();}// 创建各节点void Creat(int headX, int headY){headNode = new Node;headNode->lastNode = nullptr;headNode->nextNode = nullptr;headNode->x = headX;headNode->y = headY;Node* temp = headNode;for (int i = 0; i < nNode - 1; i++){Node* newNode = new Node;newNode->lastNode = temp;newNode->x = temp->x;newNode->y = temp->y;temp->nextNode = newNode;temp = newNode;}temp->nextNode = nullptr;tailNode = temp;temp = nullptr;}// 绘制蛇身void ShowBody(){int n = nNode % 2;Node* temp = tailNode;while (temp != headNode){if (temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX >= nodeSize * -1 && temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX <= ScreenWidth&& temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY >= nodeSize / -2 && temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY <= ScreenHeight)putTimage(temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX, temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY, n % 2 == 0 ? imgNode : imgTail);temp = temp->lastNode;n++;}if (temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX >= nodeSize * -1 && temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX <= ScreenWidth&& temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY >= nodeSize / -2 && temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY <= ScreenHeight)putTimage(temp->x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX, temp->y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY, imgHead);temp = nullptr;}// 刷新数据void FlushData(short& n, int& dx, int& dy){if (n == frame){nodeMsg = new POINT[nNode];Node* temp = headNode;int i = 0;while (temp != nullptr){nodeMsg[i].x = temp->x;nodeMsg[i].y = temp->y;temp = temp->nextNode;i++;}}Node* temp = tailNode;int i = nNode - 2;while (temp != headNode){if (n == 1){temp->x = nodeMsg[i].x;temp->y = nodeMsg[i].y;}else{temp->x += int(stepLen * cos(atan2(nodeMsg[i].y - temp->y, nodeMsg[i].x - temp->x)));temp->y += int(stepLen * sin(atan2(nodeMsg[i].y - temp->y, nodeMsg[i].x - temp->x)));}temp = temp->lastNode;i--;}temp = nullptr;headNode->x += dx;headNode->y += dy;if (n == 1){delete[] nodeMsg;nodeMsg = nullptr;}}// 据长度添加节点void SetNode(int ex = 0){int n = nNode;length += ex;n = length / 5 - n;if (n > 0){while (nNode < maxNode && n != 0){n--;nNode++;Node* newNode = new Node;newNode->lastNode = tailNode;newNode->nextNode = nullptr;newNode->x = tailNode->x;newNode->y = tailNode->y;tailNode->nextNode = newNode;tailNode = newNode;newNode = nullptr;}}else if (n < 0){while (nNode > 10 && n != 0){n++;nNode--;Node* temp = tailNode;tailNode = tailNode->lastNode;tailNode->nextNode = nullptr;delete temp;temp = nullptr;}if (nNode == 10)length = 50;}}// 吃到食物bool GetFood(int k, int x, int y){int len = nodeGap + 5;if (x - headNode->x < len && headNode->x - x < len && y - headNode->y < len && headNode->y - y < len){food[k].x = rand() % (imgMap->getwidth() - xSide * 2) + xSide;food[k].y = rand() % (imgMap->getheight() - ySide * 2) + ySide;food[k].r = rand() % 2 + 3;food[k].c = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f, rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f);return true;}return false;}protected:long length;int nNode;int maxNode;IMAGE* imgHead, * imgNode, * imgTail;POINT* nodeMsg;public:// 蛇节点typedef struct _NODE{int x;int y;struct _NODE* lastNode;struct _NODE* nextNode;}Node;bool isDead;static int Count;Node* headNode, * tailNode;
int SnakeBase::Count = 0;// Player 类 //
class Player :public SnakeBase
public:// 构造函数Player() :SnakeBase(){SetImage(playerColor0, playerColor1, playerColor2);int headX = rand() % (imgMap->getwidth() - xSide * 2 - nodeSize * 10) + xSide + nodeSize;int headY = rand() % (imgMap->getheight() - ySide * 2 - nodeSize * 12) + ySide + nodeSize;Creat(headX, headY);nt = frame;}// 是否死亡void IsDead(){if (headNode->x <= xSide || headNode->x >= imgMap->getwidth() - 1 - xSide || headNode->y <= ySide || headNode->y >= imgMap->getheight() - 1 - ySide)isDead = true;else{double radian = atan2(headNode->y - headNode->nextNode->y, headNode->x - headNode->nextNode->x);int x = ScreenWidth / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * cos(radian));int y = ScreenHeight / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * sin(radian));COLORREF c = getpixel(x, y);if (!(c == mapLineColor || c == mapMainColor))isDead = true;else{for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++){x = ScreenWidth / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * cos(radian));y = ScreenHeight / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * sin(radian));c = getpixel(x, y);if (!(c == mapLineColor || c == mapMainColor)){isDead = true;break;}x = ScreenWidth / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * cos(radian));y = ScreenHeight / 2 + int(nodeSize / 2 * sin(radian));c = getpixel(x, y);if (!(c == mapLineColor || c == mapMainColor)){isDead = true;break;}}}}}// 移动void Move(int& ex, int& mapX, int& mapY, short& ddx, short& ddy){int dx = int(stepLen * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));int dy = int(stepLen * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));mapX -= dx;mapY -= dy;FlushData(nt, dx, dy);for (int k = 0; k < nFood; k++)if (GetFood(k, food[k].x, food[k].y))ex += food[k].r / 2;nt--;if (nt <= 0){nt = frame;while (MouseHit())msg = GetMouseMsg();ddx = msg.x - ScreenWidth / 2;ddy = msg.y - ScreenHeight / 2;SetNode(ex);ex = 0;}}// 打印成绩void Print(){settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(20, 0, _T("微软雅黑"));TCHAR str[32] = { 0 };_stprintf_s(str, _T("长度:%d"), length);outtextxy(5, 5, str);_stprintf_s(str, _T("节点:%d"), nNode);outtextxy(5, 25, str);_stprintf_s(str, _T("击杀:%d"), killCount);outtextxy(5, 45, str);}public:short nt;
};// AI 类 //
class AI :public SnakeBase
public:// 构造函数AI(Player* player){p = player;COLORREF c0 = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), 1.0f, 0.4f);COLORREF c1 = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), 1.0f, 0.8f);COLORREF c2 = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), 1.0f, 1.0f);SetImage(c0, c1, c2);int headX = 0;int headY = 0;do{headX = rand() % (imgMap->getwidth() - xSide * 2 - nodeSize * 3) + xSide + nodeSize;headY = rand() % (imgMap->getheight() - ySide * 2 - nodeSize * 5) + ySide + nodeSize;} while (IsInPlayer(headX, headY));Creat(headX, headY);nt = frame;minLine = 3 * frame;curLine = minLine + (rand() % 12) * frame;ddx = (rand() % ScreenWidth) * (rand() % 1000 < 500 ? 1 : -1);ddy = (rand() % ScreenHeight) * (rand() % 1000 < 500 ? 1 : -1);dx = int(stepLen * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));dy = int(stepLen * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));isFast = false;ct = 0;exp = 0;}// 是否死亡bool IsDead(int& ex){if (headNode->x <= xSide || headNode->x >= imgMap->getwidth() - 1 - xSide || headNode->y <= ySide || headNode->y >= imgMap->getheight() - 1 - ySide)return true;else{bool is_dead = IsInPlayer(headNode->x, headNode->y);if (is_dead){killCount++;ex += nNode;}return is_dead;}}// 位置是否接触 playerbool IsInPlayer(int headX, int headY){Node* temp = p->headNode;while (temp != nullptr){if (headX - temp->x < nodeSize && temp->x - headX < nodeSize && headY - temp->y < nodeSize && temp->y - headY < nodeSize)return true;temp = temp->nextNode;}return false;}// 移动void Move(int& ex){if (curLine <= 0){double rad = atan2(ddy, ddx);isFast = rand() % 1200 < 100 ? true : false;curLine = minLine + (rand() % 21) * frame;do{ddx = (rand() % ScreenWidth + 40) * (rand() % 1000 < 500 ? 1 : -1);ddy = (rand() % ScreenHeight + 30) * (rand() % 1000 < 500 ? 1 : -1);} while (fabs(atan2(ddy, ddx) - rad) > PI / 6 * 5);dx = int(stepLen * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));dy = int(stepLen * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));}FlushData(nt, dx, dy);for (int k = 0; k < nFood; k++)if (GetFood(k, food[k].x, food[k].y))exp += food[k].r / 2;nt--;curLine--;if (nt <= 0){nt = frame;if (rand() % 1000 < 120){SetNode(rand() % 5 + exp);exp = 0;}if (rand() % 1000 < 80)curLine = 0;if (rand() % 1000 < 900 && curLine > 0)        // 90% 概率避免出界{int deadX = headNode->x + int((rand() % 50 + nodeGap) * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));int deadY = headNode->y + int((rand() % 50 + nodeGap) * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));if (deadX <= xSide || deadX >= imgMap->getwidth() - 1 - xSide){ddx *= -1;ddy += rand() % 30 + 30;}if (deadY <= ySide || deadY >= imgMap->getheight() - 1 - ySide){ddy *= -1;ddx += rand() % 40 + 40;}dx = int(stepLen * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));dy = int(stepLen * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));}if (rand() % 1000 < rand() % 400 + 400 && curLine > 0) // 40%-80%(也可以理解为60%) 概率躲避 player{int deadX = headNode->x + int((nodeGap + 5) * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));int deadY = headNode->y + int((nodeGap + 5) * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));if (IsInPlayer(deadX, deadY)){ddx = -1 * ddx + rand() % 40 + 40;ddy = -1 * ddy + rand() % 30 + 30;}dx = int(stepLen * cos(atan2(ddy, ddx)));dy = int(stepLen * sin(atan2(ddy, ddx)));}}isDead = IsDead(ex);if (isDead){int n = nNode / 2;Node* temp = headNode->nextNode->nextNode;while (n--){for (int k = 0; k < nFood; k++){if (food[k].x < -1 * mapX - nodeSize * 2 || food[k].x > -1 * mapX + nodeSize * 2 + ScreenWidth|| food[k].y < -1 * mapY - nodeSize * 2 || food[k].y > -1 * mapY + nodeSize * 2 + ScreenHeight){food[k].x = temp->x + (rand() % 5 + 3) * (rand() % 100 < 50 ? 1 : -1);food[k].y = temp->y + (rand() % 5 + 3) * (rand() % 100 < 50 ? 1 : -1);food[k].r = nodeSize / 2;food[k].c = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f, rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f);break;}else if (k == nFood - 1){n = 0;break;}}temp = temp->nextNode;}temp = nullptr;}}private:short nt;int minLine;int curLine;int ddx, ddy;int dx, dy;Player* p;public:bool isFast;clock_t ct;int exp;
};// 游戏主体类 //
class Game
public:// 构造函数Game(){flushTime = 32;setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);BeginBatchDraw();SetWorkingImage(imgMap);setlinecolor(mapLineColor);setfillcolor(mapMainColor);setbkcolor(BROWN);cleardevice();solidrectangle(xSide, ySide, imgMap->getwidth() - 1 - xSide, imgMap->getheight() - 1 - ySide);for (int i = gap + xSide; i < imgMap->getwidth() - xSide; i += gap)line(i, ySide, i, imgMap->getheight() - 1 - ySide);for (int j = gap + ySide; j < imgMap->getheight() - ySide; j += gap)line(xSide, j, imgMap->getwidth() - 1 - xSide, j);SetWorkingImage();player = new Player;mapX = -1 * (player->headNode->x - ScreenWidth / 2);mapY = -1 * (player->headNode->y - ScreenHeight / 2);ai = new Ai;ai->ais = new AI(player);Ai* temp = ai;for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++){temp->next = new Ai;temp = temp->next;temp->ais = new AI(player);}temp->next = ai;temp = nullptr;food = new Food[nFood];for (int k = 0; k < nFood; k++){food[k].x = rand() % (imgMap->getwidth() - xSide * 2) + xSide;food[k].y = rand() % (imgMap->getheight() - ySide * 2) + ySide;food[k].r = rand() % 2 + 3;food[k].c = HSVtoRGB(float(rand() % 360), rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f, rand() % 1000 / 2000.0f + 0.5f);}Draw();outtextxy((ScreenWidth - textwidth(_T("左键或右键加速"))) / 2, ScreenHeight / 4 * 3 + 25, _T("左键或右键加速"));outtextxy((ScreenWidth - textwidth(_T("按任意键继续"))) / 2, ScreenHeight / 4 * 3 + 50, _T("按任意键继续"));FlushBatchDraw();ret = _getwch();}// 析构函数~Game(){EndBatchDraw();delete imgMap;delete player;if (ai != nullptr){Ai* temp = ai->next;while (temp != ai){delete temp->ais;temp = temp->next;}delete ai->ais;delete ai;}}// 绘制食物void DrawFood(){for (int k = 0; k < nFood; k++){if (food[k].x - 9 + mapX >= 0 && food[k].x - 9 + mapX <= ScreenWidth && food[k].y - 9 + mapY >= 0 && food[k].y - 9 + mapY <= ScreenHeight){if (food[k].r < 6){setfillcolor(food[k].c);solidcircle(food[k].x + mapX, food[k].y + mapY, food[k].r);}else{SetWorkingImage(&imgFood);cleardevice();setfillcolor(food[k].c);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2);setfillcolor(BLACK);solidcircle(nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 2, nodeSize / 5);SetWorkingImage();putTimage(food[k].x - nodeSize / 2 + mapX, food[k].y - nodeSize / 2 + mapY, &imgFood);}}}}// 绘制界面void Draw(){putimage(mapX, mapY, imgMap);DrawFood();Ai* temp = ai->next;while (temp != ai){temp->ais->ShowBody();temp = temp->next;}temp->ais->ShowBody();player->IsDead();player->ShowBody();player->Print();FlushBatchDraw();}// 运行void Running(){short ddx = 0;short ddy = 0;time_t ct = clock() - time_t(100);Ai* temp = ai->next;while (temp != ai){temp->ais->ct = clock();temp = temp->next;}temp->ais->ct = clock();temp = temp->next;int ex = 0;bool isFast = false;while (!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x8000) && !player->isDead){if (GetAsyncKeyState('P') & 0x8000)ret = _getwch();if (clock() - ct > flushTime){ct = clock();isFast = (msg.mkLButton || msg.mkRButton) ? true : false;player->Move(ex, mapX, mapY, ddx, ddy);if (isFast){player->Move(ex, mapX, mapY, ddx, ddy);if (rand() % 1000 < 100)ex -= 2;}Draw();}if (clock() - temp->ais->ct > flushTime && !player->isDead){temp->ais->ct = clock();temp->ais->Move(ex);if (temp->ais->isDead){delete temp->ais;temp->ais = new AI(player);temp->ais->ct = clock();}else if (temp->ais->isFast){temp->ais->Move(ex);if (temp->ais->isDead){delete temp->ais;temp->ais = new AI(player);temp->ais->ct = clock();}}ai = ai->next;temp = temp->next;}}}private:int flushTime;Player* player;typedef struct _AI{AI* ais;struct _AI* next;}Ai;Ai* ai;
};// 主函数 //
int main()
{initgraph(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);srand((unsigned)time(NULL));Game game;game.Running();settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(50, 0, _T("微软雅黑"));outtextxy((ScreenWidth - textwidth(_T("游戏结束"))) / 2, ScreenHeight / 3, _T("游戏结束"));settextstyle(20, 0, _T("微软雅黑"));outtextxy((ScreenWidth - textwidth(_T("按任意键退出"))) / 2, ScreenHeight / 4 * 3 + 50, _T("按任意键退出"));FlushBatchDraw();while (_kbhit())ret = _getwch();ret = _getwch();closegraph();return 0;



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  16. 进程、线程、协程、管程
  17. 基于stm32的智能小车设计(一)
  18. 数字信号处理相关4(FPGA实现FIR滤波器)
  19. 第十二届蓝桥杯省赛一等奖国赛一等奖经验总结
  20. 黑客攻击常见方法及安全策略制订(转)


  1. shell脚本打印日期时间
  2. 2022年中国冰雪旅游产业发展现状分析:预计2021-2022冰雪季旅游人数将达到3.05亿人次[图]
  3. win10 摄像头打不开
  4. win10任务栏搜索框无反应解决办法
  5. (已解决)BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) opcode of failed request: 152 (GLX)
  6. 【小程序源码】2022全新模板的姓氏头像制作生成
  7. 牛顿的一生:当智商高到一定程度,情商就不重要了
  8. 【阅读笔记】联邦学习实战——构建公平的大数据交易市场
  9. 【报告分享】 中国金融科技和数字普惠金融发展报告-中关村互联网金融研究院(附下载)
  10. 言简意赅的键盘盲打教程