“Your birthday is coming soon. Will you have a birthday party?” Jackson said, “ Yes, My birthday is on December twelfth , I will have a birthday party on Saturday evening this week. Would you like to join?” I said “Yes, I will be free on that day, I would love to go to your birthday party. see you .”

I called to the restaurant and ordered a dinner for my birthday party in advanced. The restaurant was in the city center and opposite the movie theatre. It was ten miles from my home to there. It would take us thirty minutes to drive there. Today was Saturday, The birthday party would begin at 6pm, There would be twenty people to join it.

When it was 5 pm, I got on the car, After strapped the seatbelt, I drove the car forward fast along the street, Suddenly it rained heavily, I drove the car under the low bridge. In a few minutes the rain stopped. I dove the car away from the low bridge. before it was on five fifty pm, I had arrived at the restaurant, My friends were waiting for me.

A few minutes later we went into the restaurant. I call to the receptionist and said “how can I get to the birthday party room?”, “Sir, your room number is six hundred and one, please take the elevator to the sixth floor, you can find it easily”, When we went into the room, I called to the waiter and ordered two bottle of wines which were one white and one red. We also ordered some snacks. We opened the bottle of wine and poured the wine into the glass. Everybody picked up the glass and drank the wine. As Jackson was walk towards me ,He dropped the glass on the table. The glass was broken down, There are a lot of wine on the table. I immediately wiped the wine off the table with the paper towels. He also spilt the wine on his trousers. I gave the roll of paper towels to him, he wiped the wine with the paper towels.

When the cake was ready, We lighted the candles. After blew out the candles, we cut the cake with the knife. we begin to have the cake. Wow, It tasted good, It was delicious. The cake contained a lot of fruit, butter and cream. It was one of the best cakes that I had ever had.

When it was 9pm, It was time to leave, I called the waiter to pay the bill. I said: waitress, I want to pay the bill by the credit card,” she said “sorry sir, we don’t accept the credit card, we only accept the cash”” although I normally carry the cash on me, I forget my wallet today, That is a big problem, What should I do?”” You can pay by We chat if you can. After pay the bill, we went out of the restaurant, we said goodbye to each other. It was a beautiful day. I loved this birthday party.


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