Linear Algebra Handnote(1)

  • If LL is lower triangular with 1’s on the diagonal, so is L−1L^{-1}

  • Elimination = Facotization: A=LUA=LU

  • ATA^T is the matrix that makes these two inner products equal for every xx and yy:


    Inner product of AxAx with yy = Inner product of xx with ATyA^Ty

  • DEFINITION: The space RnR^n consists of all column vectors vv with nn components

  • DEFINITION: A subspace of a vector space is a set of vectors (including 0) that satisfies two requirements: (1) v+wv+w is in the subspace, (2) cvcv is in the subspace

  • The colomn space consists of all linear combinations of the columns. The combinations are all possible vectors AxAx. They fill the column space C(A)C(A)

    The system Ax=bAx=b is solvable if and only if bb is in the column space of AA

  • The nullspace of A consists of all solutions to Ax=0Ax=0. These vectors xx are in RnR^n. The nullspace containing all solutions of Ax=0Ax=0 is denoted by N(A)N(A)

  • the nullspace is a subspace of RnR^n, the column space is a subspace of RmR^m
  • the nullspace consists of all combinations of the special solutions
  • Nullspace(plane) perpendicular to row space(line)

  • Ax=0Ax=0 has rr pivots and n−rn-r free variables: nn columns minus rr pivot columns. The nullspace matrix NN (contains all special solutions) contains the n−rn-r special solutions. Then AN=0AN=0

  • Ax=0Ax=0 has rr independent equations so it has n−rn-r independent solutions.

  • xparticularx_{particular}: the particular solution solves Axp=bAx_p=b

  • xnullspacex_{nullspace}: the n−rn-r special solutions solve Axn=0Ax_n=0

  • Complete solution: one xpx_p, many xnx_n: x=xp+xnx=x_p+x_n

  • The four possibilities for linear equations depend on the rank rr:

    • r=mr=m, and r=nr=n: Square ane invertible, Ax=bAx=b has 1 solution
    • r=mr=m, and r<nr: Short and wide, Ax=bAx=b has ∞\infty solutions
    • r<mr, and r=nr=n: Tall and thin, Ax=bAx=b has 0 or 1 solutions
    • r<mr, and r<nr: Not full rank, Ax=bAx=b has 0 or ∞\infty solutions
    • Independent vections (no extra vectors)

    • Spanning a space (enough vectors to produce the rest)
    • Basis for a space (not too many or too few)
    • Dimension of a space (the number of vectors in a basis)

    • Any set of nn vectors in RmR^m must be linearly dependent if n>mn>m

    • The columns spans the column space. The rows span the row space

      • The column space / row space of a matrix is the subspace of RmR^m/RnR^n spanned by the columns/rows.
    • A basis for a vector space is a sequence of vectors with two properties: linear independent and span the space.

      • The basis is not unique. But the combination that produces the vector is unique.
      • The columns of a n×nn \times n invertible matrix are a basis for RnR^n.
      • The pivot columns of A are a basis for its column space.
    • DEFINITION: The dimension of a space is the number of vectors in every basis.

    • The space ZZ that contains only the zero vector. The dimension of this space is zero. The empty set (containing no vectors) is a basis for Z. We can never allow the zero vector into a basis, because then linear independence is lost.

      Four Fundamental Subspaces
      1. The row space C(AT)C(A^T), a subspace of RnR^n
      2. The column space C(A)C(A), a subspace of RmR^m
      3. The nullspace is N(A)N(A), a subspace of RnR^n
      4. The left nullspace N(AT)N(A^T), a subspace of RmR^m

      1. AA has the same row space as RR. Same dimension rr and same basis.
      2. The column space of AA has dimension rr. The number of independent columns equals the number of independent rows.
      3. AA has the same nullspace as RR. Same dimension n−rn-r and same basis.
      4. The left nullspace of AA (the nullspace of ATA^T has dimension m−rm-r.

      Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra, Part 1

      • The column space and row space both have dimension rr.
      • The nullspaces have dimensions n−rn-r and m−rm-r.

      • Every rank one matrix has the special form A=uvT=column×row.A=uv^T=column \times row.

      • The nullspace N(A)N(A) and the row space C(AT)C(A^T) are orthogonal subspaces of RnR^n.

      • DEFINITION: The orthogonal complement of a subspace VV contains every vector that is perpendicular to VV.

      Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra, Part 2
      * N(A)N(A) is the orthogonal complement of the row space C(AT)C(A^T) (in RnR^n)
      * N(AT)N(A^T) is the orthogonal complement of the column space C(A)C(A) (in RmR^m)

      Projection Onto a Line
      * The projection matrix P=aaTaTaP=\frac{aa^T}{a^Ta} onto the line through aa
      * The projection p=x¯a=aTbaTaap=\bar{x}a=\frac{a^Tb}{a^Ta}a

      Projection Onto a Subspace

      Problem: Find the combination p=x1¯a1+⋯+xn¯anp=\bar{x_1}a_1+\cdots+\bar{x_n}a_n closest to a given vector bb. The nn vectors a1,⋯,ana_1, \cdots, a_n in RmR_m span the column space of AA. Thus the problem is to find the particular combination p=Ax¯p=A\bar{x}(the projection) that is closest to bb. When n=1n=1, the best choice is aTbaTa\frac{a^Tb}{a^Ta}

      • AT(b−Ax¯)=0A^T(b-A\bar{x})=0, or ATAx¯=ATbA^TA\bar{x}=A^Tb

      • The symmetric matrix ATAA^TA is n×nn\times n. It is inverible if the aa’s are independent.

      • The solution is x¯=(ATA)−1ATb\bar{x}=(A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb
      • The projection of bb onto the subspace p=Ax¯=A(ATA)−1ATbp=A\bar{x}=A(A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb
      • The projection matrix P=A(ATA)−1ATP=A(A^TA)^{-1}A^T

      * ATAA^TA is invertible if and only if AA has linearly independent columns*

      Least Squares Approximations

      • When Ax=bAx=b has no solution, multiply by ATA^T and solve ATAx¯=ATbA^TA\bar{x}=A^Tb

        • The least squares solution x¯\bar{x} minimizes E=||Ax−b||2E=||Ax-b||^2. This is the sum of squares of the errors in the mm equations (m>nm>n)

        • The best x¯\bar{x} comes from the normal equations ATAx¯=ATbA^TA\bar{x}=A^Tb
        • Orthogonal Bases and Gram-Schmidt

          • orthonormal vectors

            • A matrix with orthonormal columns is assigned the special letter QQ. The matrix QQ is easy to work with because QTQ=IQ^TQ=I
            • When QQ is square, QTQ=IQ^TQ=I means that QT=Q−1Q^T=Q^{-1}: transpose = inverse.
            • If the columns are only orthogonal (not unit vectors), dot products give a diagonal matrix (not the identity matrix)
          • Every permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix.

          • If QQ has orthonormal columns (QTQ=IQ^TQ=I), it leaves lengths unchanged

          • Orthogonal is good

          • Use Gram-Schmidt for the Factorization A=QRA=QR

          [abc]=[q1q2q3]⎡⎣⎢⎢qT1aqT1bqT2bqT1cqT2cqT3c⎤⎦⎥⎥\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\rm{a}}&b&c \end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{q_1}}}} \end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {q_1^Ta}\\ {}\\ {}\end{array}} \right]

          • (Gram-Schmidt) From independent vectors a1,⋯,ana_1, \cdots, a_n, Gram-Schmidt constructs orthonormal vectors q1,⋯,qnq_1, \cdots, q_n. The matrces with these columns satisfy A=QRA=QR. Then R=QTAR=Q^TA is upper triangular because later qq’s are orthogonal to earlier aa’s.

          • Least squares: RTRx¯=RTQTbR^TR\bar{x}=R^TQ^Tb or Rx¯=QTbR\bar{x}=Q^Tb or x¯=R−1QTb\bar{x}=R^{-1}Q^Tb


          • The determinant is zero when the matrix has no inverse
          • The product of the pivots is the determinant
          • The determinant changes sign when two rows (or two columns) are exchanged
          • Determinants give A−1A^{-1} and A−1bA^{-1}b (this formulat is called Cramer’s Rule)
          • When the edge of a box are the rows of AA, the volume is |detA||det A|
          • For nn special numbers λ\lambda, called eigenvalues, the determinants of A−λIA-\lambda I is zero.

          The properties of the determinant

          1. The determinant of the n×nn \times n identity matrix is 1.
          2. The determinant changes sign when two rows are exchanged
          3. The determinant is a linear function of each row separately (all other rows stay fixed!)
          4. If two rows of AA are equal, then detA=0det A = 0
          5. Subtracting a multiple of one row from another row leave detAdet A unchanged.
            • |ab c−lad−lb|=∣∣∣acbd∣∣∣\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\rm{a}}&b\ {c - la}\end{array}} \right| = \left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} a&b\\ c&d \end{array}} \right|
          6. A matrix with a row of zeros has detA=0det A=0
          7. If AA is triangular then detA=a11a22⋯ann=productofdiagonalentriesdet A=a_{11}a_{22}\cdots a_{nn}=product of diagonal entries
          8. If AA is singular then detA=0det A=0. If AA is invertible then detA≠0det A \neq 0
            • Elimination goes from AA to UU.
            • detA=+−detU=+−(productofthepivots)det A = +-det U = +-(product of the pivots)
          9. The determinant of ABAB is detAtimesdetBdet A times det B
          10. The transpose ATA^T has the same determinant as AA

          Every rule of the rows can apply to columns*

          Cramer’s Rule

          • If detAdet A is not zero, Ax=bAx=b is solved by determinants:

            • x1=detB1detA,x2=detB2detA,⋯,xn=detBndetAx_1=\frac{det B_1}{det A}, x_2=\frac{det B_2}{det A}, \cdots, x_n=\frac{det B_n}{det A}
            • The matrix BjB_j has the jjth column of AA replaced by the vector bb

          Cross Product

          • ||u×v||=||u||||v|||sinθ|||u \times v|| = ||u||||v|||\sin \theta|
          • |u⋅v|=||u||||v|||cosθ||u \cdot v| = ||u||||v|||\cos \theta|

          • The length of u×vu \times v equals the area of the parallelogram with sides uu and vv

          • It points by the right hand rule (points along your right thumb when the fingers curl from uu to vv

          Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

          • The basic equation is Ax=λxAx=\lambda x, The number λ\lambda is an eigenvalue of AA

            • When AA is squared, the eigenvectors stay the same. The eigenvalues are squared.
          • The projection matrix has eigenvalues λ=1\lambda = 1 and λ=0\lambda = 0

            • PP is singular, so λ=0\lambda=0 is an eigenvalue
            • Each column of PP adds to 1, so λ=1\lambda=1 is an eigenvalue
            • PP is symmetric, so its eigenvectors are perpendicular
          • Permutations have all |λ|=1|\lambda|=1
          • The reflection matrix has eigenvalues 1 and -1

          • Solve the eigenvalue problem for an n×nn \times n matrix

            • Compute the determinant of A−λIA-\lambda I. It is a polynomial in λ\lambda of degree nn
            • Find the roots of this polynomial
            • For each eigenvalue λ\lambda, solve (A−λI)x=0(A-\lambda I)x=0 to find an eigenvector xx
          • Bad news: elimination does not preserve the λ\lambda’s

          • Good news: the product of eigenvalues equals the determinant, the sum of the eigenvalues equals the sum of the diagonal entries (trace)

          Diagonalizing a Matrix

          • Suppose the n×nn \times n matrix AA has nn linearly independent eigenvectors x1,⋯,xnx_1, \cdots, x_n. Put them into the columns of an eigenvector matrix SS. Then S−1ASS^{-1}AS is the eigenvalue matrix Λ\Lambda:

            • S−1AS=Λ=[λ1 ⋱ λn]{S^{ - 1}}AS = \Lambda = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\lambda _1}}\ {}& \ddots \ {}} \end{array}} \right]
          • There is no connection between invertibility and diagonalizability:

            • Invertibility is concerned with the eigenvalues (λ=0\lambda=0 or λ≠0\lambda \neq 0)
            • Diagonalizability is concerned with the eigenvectors (too few or enough for SS)

          Applications to differential equations

          • One equation dudt=λu\frac{du}{dt}=\lambda u has the solution u(t)=Ceλtu(t)=Ce^{\lambda t}

          • nn equations dudt=Au\frac{d\textbf{u}}{dt}=A\textbf{u} starting from the vector u(0)\textbf{u}(0) at t=0t=0

          • Solve linear constant coefficient equations by exponentials eλtxe^{\lambda t}\textbf{x}, when Ax=λxA\textbf{x}=\lambda \textbf{x}

          Symmetric Matrices

          • A symmetric matrix has only real eigenvalues.
          • The eigenvectors can be chosen orthonormal.

          • (Spectral Theorem) Every symmetric matrix haas the facorization A=QΛQTA=Q\Lambda Q^T with real eigenvalues in Λ\Lambda and orthonormal eigenvectors in S=QS=Q:

            • Symmetric diagonalization: A=QΛQ−1=QΛQTA=Q\Lambda Q^{-1}=Q \Lambda Q^T with Q−1=QTQ^{-1}=Q^T
          • (Orthogonal Eigenvectors) Eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix (when they correspond to different λ\lambda’s) are always perpendicular.

          • product of pivots = determinant = product of eigenvalues

          • Eigenvalues VS. Pivots

          • For symmetric matrices the pivots and the eigenvalues have the same signs:

            • The number of positive eigenvalues of A=ATA=A^T equals the number of positive pivots.
          • All symmetric matrices are diagonalizable

          Positive Definite Matrices

          • Symmetric matrices that have positive eigenvalues

          • 2 ×\times 2 matrices

            • The eigenvalues of AA are positive if and only if a>0a>0 and ac−b2>0ac-b^2>0.
          • xTAxx^TAx is positive for all nonzero vectors xx

            • If AA and BB are symmetric positive definite, so is A+BA+B
          • When a symmetric matrix has one of these five properties, it has them all:

            • All nn pivots are positive
            • All nn upper left determinants are positive
            • All nn eigenvalues are positive
            • xTAxx^TAx is positive except at x=0x=0. This is the energy-based definition
            • AA equals RTRR^TR for a matrix RR with independent columns

          Positive Semidefinite Matrices

          Similar Matrices

          • DEFINITION: Let MM be any invertible matrix. Then B=M−1AMB=M^{-1}AM is similar to AA

          • (No change in λ\lambda’s) Similar matrices AA and M−1AMM^{-1}AM have the same eigenvalues. If xx is an eigenvector of AA, then M−1xM^{-1}x is an eigenvector of BB. But two matrices can have the same repeated λ\lambda, and fail to be similar.

          Jordan Form

          • What is “Jordan Form”?

            • For every AA, we want to choose MM so that M−1AMM^{-1}AM is nearly diagonal as possible
          • JTJ^T is the similar to JJ, the matrix MM that produces the similarity happens to be the reverse identity

          • (Jordan form) If AA has ss independent eigenvectors, it is similar to a matrix JJ that has ss Jordan blocks on its diagonal: Some matrix MM puts AA into Jordan form.

            • Jordan block: The eigenvalue is on the diagonal with 11’s just above it. Each block in JJ has one eigenvalue λi\lambda_i, one eigenvector. and 1’s above the diagonal

          M−1AM=[J1 ⋱ Js]=J{{\rm{M}}^{ - 1}}AM = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{J_1}}\ {}& \ddots \ {}} \end{array}} \right] = J

          Ji=[λi1 ⋱1 ⋱1 λi]{J_i} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\lambda _i}}&1\ {}& \ddots &1\ {}& \ddots &1\ {}} \end{array}} \right]

          • AA is similar to BB if they share the same Jordan form JJ – not otherwise

          Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

          • Two sets of singular vectors, uu’s and vv’s. The uu’s are eigenvectors of AATAA^T and the vv’s are eigenvectors of ATAA^TA.

            • The singular vectos v1,⋯,vrv_1, \cdots, v_r are in the row space of AA. The outputs u1,⋯,uru_1, \cdots, u_r are in the column space of AA. The singular values σ1,⋯,σr\sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_r are all positive numbers, the equatinos Avi=σiuiAv_i=\sigma_i u_i tell us:

          A[v1⋯vr]=[u1⋯ur]⎡⎣⎢⎢σ1⋱σr⎤⎦⎥⎥A[\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{v_1}}& \cdots } \end{array}] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_1}}& \cdots } \end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\sigma _1}}\\ {}& \ddots \\ {}} \end{array}} \right]

          • We need n−rn-r more vv’s and m−rm-r more uu’s, from the nullspace N(A)N(A) and the left nullspace N(AT)N(A^T). They can be orthonormal bases for those two nullspaces. Include all the vv’s and uu’s in VV and UU, so these matrices become square.

          A[v1⋯vr⋯vn]=[u1⋯ur⋯um]⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢σ1⋱σr⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥A[\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{v_1}}& \cdots } \end{array} \cdots {v_n}] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_1}}& \cdots \cdots u{}_m} \end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\sigma _1}}\\ {}& \ddots \\ {}}\\ {}\end{array}} \right]

          VV is now a square orthogonal matrix, with V−1=VTV^{-1}=V^T. So AV=UΣAV=U\Sigma can become A=UΣVTA=U\Sigma V^T. This is the Singular Value Decomposition:


          A=U \Sigma V^T=u_1 \sigma_1 v_1^T+\cdots +u_r \sigma_r v_r^T

          The orthonormal columns of UU and VV are eigenvectors of AATAA^T and ATAA^TA


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