用 threading 模块多线程读图片加速,flickr25k 和 nuswide 两个数据集的图片准备见 [1-4],图像预处理程序来自 [5]。

为了测试,写了一个叫 LazyImage 的类,和其多线程版本 LazyImage_MT,代码:

import time
import multiprocessing
import threading
import os
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image#
# 普通顺序加载:LazyImage、ImageF25k、ImageNUS
#class LazyImage:"""mimics np.ndarray, but uses lazy loading"""def __init__(self, image_path, image_size=224):"""image_size: int"""self.image_path = image_pathself.image_size = image_size# used in resizingself.lower_half = image_size // 2self.upper_half = (image_size + 1) // 2def __getitem__(self, index):if isinstance(index, int):return self._load_image(index)elif isinstance(index, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):if isinstance(index, np.ndarray):assert 1 == index.ndim, "* index should be vector"return np.vstack([np.expand_dims(self._load_image(i), 0) for i in index])raise NotImplementeddef _load_image(self, full_index):"""loads single image & resizesInput:- full_index: int, the sample ID"""img = Image.open(self._get_image_path(full_index))xsize, ysize = img.sizeseldim = min(xsize, ysize)rate = float(self.image_size) / seldimimg = img.resize((int(xsize * rate), int(ysize * rate)))nxsize, nysize = img.sizecx, cy = nxsize / 2.0, nysize / 2.0box = (cx - self.lower_half, cy - self.lower_half, cx + self.upper_half, cy + self.upper_half)img = img.crop(box)img = img.convert("RGB")  # can deal with grey-scale imagesimg = img.resize((224, 224))img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)return img  # [H, W, C]def _get_image_path(self, full_index):"""get image path according to sample ID"""raise NotImplementedclass ImageF25k(LazyImage):def _get_image_path(self, full_index):# shift to 1-basereturn osp.join(self.image_path, "im{}.jpg".format(full_index + 1))class ImageNUS(LazyImage):"""depends on (github) iTomxy/data/nuswide/make.image.link.py"""def _get_image_path(self, full_index):# remain 0-base as isreturn osp.join(self.image_path, "{}.jpg".format(full_index))#
# 多线程加载:LazyImage_MT、ImageF25k_MT、ImageNUS_MT
#class LazyImage_MT:"""multi-threading version"""def __init__(self, image_path, image_size=224, n_thread=None):"""image_size: int"""self.image_path = image_pathself.image_size = image_size# used in resizingself.lower_half = image_size // 2self.upper_half = (image_size + 1) // 2self._mutex_put = threading.Lock()self._buffer = []self.n_thread = n_thread if (n_thread is not None) else \max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2)def __getitem__(self, index):if isinstance(index, int):return self._load_image(index)elif isinstance(index, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):if isinstance(index, np.ndarray):assert 1 == index.ndim, "* index should be vector"if self.n_thread < 2:return np.vstack([np.expand_dims(self._load_image(i), 0) for i in index])self._buffer = []batch_size = (len(index) + self.n_thread - 1) // self.n_threadt_list = []for tid in range(self.n_thread):t = threading.Thread(target=self._load_image_mt, args=(index, range(tid * batch_size, min((tid + 1) * batch_size, len(index)))))t_list.append(t)t.start()for t in t_list:t.join()del t_listassert len(self._buffer) == len(index)self._buffer = [t[1] for t in sorted(self._buffer, key=lambda _t: _t[0])]return np.vstack(self._buffer)raise NotImplementeddef _load_image_mt(self, indices, seg_meta_indices):batch_images = [(mid, np.expand_dims(self._load_image(indices[mid]), 0))for mid in seg_meta_indices]self._mutex_put.acquire()self._buffer.extend(batch_images)self._mutex_put.release()def _load_image(self, full_index):"""loads single image & resizesInput:- full_index: int, the sample ID"""img = Image.open(self._get_image_path(full_index))xsize, ysize = img.sizeseldim = min(xsize, ysize)rate = float(self.image_size) / seldimimg = img.resize((int(xsize * rate), int(ysize * rate)))nxsize, nysize = img.sizecx, cy = nxsize / 2.0, nysize / 2.0box = (cx - self.lower_half, cy - self.lower_half, cx + self.upper_half, cy + self.upper_half)img = img.crop(box)img = img.convert("RGB")  # can deal with grey-scale imagesimg = img.resize((224, 224))img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)return img  # [H, W, C]def _get_image_path(self, full_index):"""get image path according to sample ID"""raise NotImplementedclass ImageF25k_MT(LazyImage_MT):def _get_image_path(self, full_index):# shift to 1-basereturn osp.join(self.image_path, "im{}.jpg".format(full_index + 1))class ImageNUS_MT(LazyImage_MT):"""depends on (github) iTomxy/data/nuswide/make.image.link.py"""def _get_image_path(self, full_index):# remain 0-base as isreturn osp.join(self.image_path, "{}.jpg".format(full_index))#
# 测试:速度、一致性
#if "__main__" == __name__:batch_size = 128N_F25K = 25000N_NUS = 269648indices_f25k = np.arange(N_F25K)indices_nus = np.arange(N_NUS)print("-> flickr25k")tic = time.time()im_f25k = ImageF25k("data/flickr25k/mirflickr")for i in range(0, N_F25K, batch_size):_ = im_f25k[indices_f25k[i: i + batch_size]]print(time.time() - tic)  # 214.9833734035492# del im_f25kprint("-> flickr25k multi-threading")tic = time.time()im_f25k_mt = ImageF25k_MT("data/flickr25k/mirflickr")for i in range(0, N_F25K, batch_size):_ = im_f25k_mt[indices_f25k[i: i + batch_size]]print(time.time() - tic)  # 56.653871297836304# del im_f25k_mtprint("-> nuswide")tic = time.time()im_nus = ImageNUS("data/nuswide-tc21/images")for i in range(0, N_NUS, batch_size):_ = im_nus[indices_nus[i: i + batch_size]]print(time.time() - tic)  # 631.8568336963654# del im_nusprint("-> nuswide multi-threading")tic = time.time()im_nus_mt = ImageNUS_MT("data/nuswide-tc21/images")for i in range(0, N_NUS, batch_size):_ = im_nus_mt[indices_nus[i: i + batch_size]]print(time.time() - tic)  # 207.77122569084167# del im_nus_mtprint("-> consistency")for i in range(0, N_F25K, batch_size):i_s = im_f25k[indices_f25k[i: i + batch_size]]i_mt = im_f25k_mt[indices_f25k[i: i + batch_size]]print("f25k diff:", (i_s != i_mt).sum())  # 0i_s = im_nus[indices_nus[i: i + batch_size]]i_mt = im_nus_mt[indices_nus[i: i + batch_size]]print("nus diff:", (i_s != i_mt).sum())  # 0break
  • 输出
-> flickr25k
-> flickr25k multi-threading
-> nuswide
-> nuswide multi-threading
-> consistency
f25k diff: 0
nus diff: 0


  1. MIR-Flickr25K数据集预处理
  2. iTomxy/data/flickr25k
  3. NUS-WIDE数据集预处理
  4. iTomxy/data/nuswide
  5. DeXie0808/GCH/load_data.py


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