今日从CrackBerry上获知,黑莓设备销售高级副总裁Alex Thurber在UTB Blogs播客中明确表示:黑莓Priv确认不会升级安卓7.0。

Alex Thurber在播客中表示:黑莓Priv将不会收到Android 7 牛轧糖的更新。黑莓Priv已经在2016年从Lolipop更新为Marshmallow,而再将所有合作伙伴整合在一起升级7.0,这一工作量是不可能的。

Alex Thurber was able to confirm that Priv will not receive an update to Android 7 Nougat. He cited Priv already being updated from Lolipop to Marshmallow in 2016 and that the amount of work required to get all the partners together behind such an update was next to impossible.

关于安卓7.0更新与否的问题,Alex Thurber还提到DTEK系列设备,而他不能肯定地说是否会有更新,似乎不大可能。 DTEK作为过渡设备(TCL设计用来测试与黑莓达成的许可模式是否行的通),似乎不可能获得额外的支持。


Questions also arose relative to the DTEK series of devices, and while Thurber could not say with certainty whether an update would come, it seems pretty unlikely. Thurber mentioned that the DTEK devices were TCL reference designs to test the reality of whether the licensing model made sense. With the subsequent rollout of KEYone and its worldwide success, we imagine that reality tested well, but these transition devices do not seem likely to get additional support. BlackBerry does continue to support Priv, DTEK50, and DTEK60 (and of course KEYone) with security updates but even these Thurber explained require a complex matrix of partners working together, including the licensees, carriers, Qualcomm and of course BlackBerry.

Thurber还详细说明,黑莓KEYone将会升级到安卓 8.0 Oreo ,TCL的作品中的新设备也将有一个升级路径,Oreo取决于他们何时进入市场。




Our pals over at UTB Blogs celebrated episode #100 of their podcast and had none other than Alex Thurber GM of BlackBerry Mobility Solutions on to help share in the milestone. The podcast ran just over an hour, and the crew asked many of the questions we’ve seen crop up regularly here in our forums. One of the biggest takeaways from the podcast was that Thurber was able to confirm that Priv will not receive an update to Android 7 Nougat. He cited Priv already being updated from Lolipop to Marshmallow in 2016 and that the amount of work required to get all the partners together behind such an update was next to impossible.

Questions also arose relative to the DTEK series of devices, and while Thurber could not say with certainty whether an update would come, it seems pretty unlikely. Thurber mentioned that the DTEK devices were TCL reference designs to test the reality of whether the licensing model made sense. With the subsequent rollout of KEYone and its worldwide success, we imagine that reality tested well, but these transition devices do not seem likely to get additional support. BlackBerry does continue to support Priv, DTEK50, and DTEK60 (and of course KEYone) with security updates but even these Thurber explained require a complex matrix of partners working together, including the licensees, carriers, Qualcomm and of course BlackBerry.

Thurber also detailed that Oreo will, in fact, come to KEYone and that new device in the works from TCL will also have an upgrade path to Oreo depending on when they hit the market.

Another interesting tidbit was that BlackBerry encourages the phone licensee partners to work together, we’ve seen results of this with the TCL born KEYone that in the coming weeks will be manufactured via Optiemus in India. Also, while BlackBerry offers feedback and advice on the design of devices the partners also provide feedback on the software. It’s a unique arrangement in the smartphone space considering the global scope and relative autonomy of each partner to develop, support and market in their respective regions.

The podcast also covered BBM and some hiccups moving the consumer version to new servers, BlackBerry’s enterprise and software focus BlackBerry 10.3.4, Hub+ Services Suite and more. How do you feel about waning support for older BlackBerry Android devices, will you upgrade to the newer BlackBerry Mobile handsets which seem to have a much better support and upgrade path?

黑莓 priv android 8,黑莓官方确认:黑莓Priv不会升级安卓7.0相关推荐

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