C# 和 VB.NET 的 PDF 库
Docotic.Pdf 是一个用于 .NET 的高性能 C# PDF 库。您可以使用它在 .NET Core、ASP.NET、Windows Forms、WPF、Xamarin、Blazor、Unity 和 HoloLense 应用程序中创建、读取和编辑 PDF 文档。

该库支持 .NET 6、.NET 5、.NET Standard / .NET Core 和 .NET 4.x 框架。您可以在 Windows、Linux、macOS、Android、iOS 或云环境中使用 .NET 中的库。

Docotic.Pdf 提供了一个易于使用的 API。有大量C# 和 VB.NET 示例 可帮助您将 SDK 快速集成到项目中。 联系我们以在几个小时内获得全面的答复。您将直接从开发人员那里得到答案。

自 2010 年首次发布以来,我们不断提高 Docotic.Pdf 的质量并增加其功能集。该库速度很快,即使对于大型 PDF 文档,它的内存消耗也很低。我们的 C# 代码是 100% 托管的,没有不安全的块,并且没有外部依赖项。为了防止回归,我们使用数千个自动测试检查 PDF SDK 的每个版本。这使我们能够在带有修复和改进的新版本准备好后立即为您提供生产质量的版本。

Benefits and features
Using the Docotic.Pdf library provides the following advantages:

Extract text, images, and paths from PDF documents
Extract plain or formatted text from PDF. Extract text by words or characters. Extract right-to-left or bidirectional text. Extract images and vector paths from PDF.

Draw and print PDF documents
Save documents and individual pages as raster format images with desired zoom level, resolution, and background color. Produce thumbnail images of your documents. Draw documents on any Graphics surface (requires BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.Gdi extension DLL). Print PDFs to printer device contexts (requires BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.Gdi extension DLL).

Optimize new and existing PDFs
Linearize documents (optimize for Fast Web View). Remove unused objects while saving PDFs. Employ advanced compression options. Recompress, scale or resize images in your documents. Flatten form fields.

Sign PDF documents
Digitally sign PDF documents. Verify digital signatures.

Convert HTML to PDF
Create PDF from local or remote HTML (requires BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.HtmlToPdf extension DLL). Convert screen or print version. Execute a script before an HTML to PDF conversion. Convert password-protected HTML.

Create documents with ease
Create standards-compliant PDF and PDF/A documents from scratch using powerful API. Set document properties (including well-known and custom XMP Metadata properties).

Read, merge and modify existing PDF documents
Read documents produced by 3rd party applications. Extract text with or without formatting. Extract images preserving their compression and quality. Find position and size of text and images. Read document properties (author, subject, and so on). Add or remove pages. Merge documents. Append documents with new content.

Show text in different languages
Employ full support for Unicode to efficiently process text. Produce PDF files compatible with legacy applications. Use any font installed on your system. Use 14 built-in Type1 fonts. Load fonts from files. Embed fonts required to view or edit the produced document.

Compare and change document structures
Compare PDF files. Read and modify metadata. Setup how documents should be displayed by a PDF viewer. Split and combine PDF files. Add, remove and reorder pages in PDFs. Setup page size and other properties. Add labels to pages.

Insert images
Add images in popular formats (preserving format and colorspace, if any). Use any image as a thumbnail for a page. Output added images skewed, rotated, and/or resized. Use transparent images. Apply transparency to opaque images. Use images with multiple pages.

Use protection and security features
Check if a PDF is protected. Protect PDF documents with passwords or certificates using RC4 40-bit, RC4 128-bit, AES 128-bit, or AES 256-bit encryption algorithms. Allow or disallow printing and editing of documents. Tune-up other protection options.

Add interactivity to documents
Create forms (AcroForms) with buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, radio buttons, and text fields. Fill in existing forms and read data from already filled ones. Import and export data in Form Data Format (FDF files). Create document outlines (bookmarks). Add annotations. Insert links to pages, other documents, or internet sites. Add actions (including Javascript actions).

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