CF1741A Compare T-Shirt Sizes 题解

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      • 样例 #1
        • 样例输入 #1
        • 样例输出 #1
  • 代码实现





给定两个字符串 aaa 和 bbb 表示两件衣服的尺码,我们规定:字符串只能由字符 M(中等尺寸)组成或由几个字符 X(可以是 0 个)加上一个字符 S(小尺寸) 或 L(大尺寸) 组成。


  • 无论前面有多少个字符 X 的小尺寸,都小于中等尺寸和大尺寸;
  • 无论前面有多少个字符 X 的大尺寸,都大于中等尺寸和小尺寸;
  • 字符 S 前的字符 X 越多,尺寸越小;
  • 字符 L 前的字符 X 越多,尺寸越大。

给定 ttt 组尺寸(1≤t≤1041 \le t \le 10^41≤t≤104),若第一件衣服尺寸大,输出 >,若第二件衣服尺寸大,输出 <,否则输出 =。每组数据换行隔开。


Two T-shirt sizes are given: $ a $ and $ b $ . The T-shirt size is either a string M or a string consisting of several (possibly zero) characters X and one of the characters S or L.

For example, strings M, XXL, S, XXXXXXXS could be the size of some T-shirts. And the strings XM, LL, SX are not sizes.

The letter M stands for medium, S for small, L for large. The letter X refers to the degree of size (from eXtra). For example, XXL is extra-extra-large (bigger than XL, and smaller than XXXL).

You need to compare two given sizes of T-shirts $ a $ and $ b $ .

The T-shirts are compared as follows:

  • any small size (no matter how many letters X) is smaller than the medium size and any large size;
  • any large size (regardless of the number of letters X) is larger than the medium size and any small size;
  • the more letters X before S, the smaller the size;
  • the more letters X in front of L, the larger the size.

For example:

  • XXXS < XS
  • XXXL > XL
  • XL > M
  • XXL = XXL
  • XXXXXS < M
  • XL > XXXS


The first line of the input contains a single integer $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 10^4 $ ) — the number of test cases.

Each test case consists of one line, in which $ a $ and $ b $ T-shirt sizes are written. The lengths of the strings corresponding to the T-shirt sizes do not exceed $ 50 $ . It is guaranteed that all sizes are correct.


For each test case, print on a separate line the result of comparing $ a $ and $ b $ T-shirt sizes (lines “<”, “>” or “=” without quotes).

样例 #1

样例输入 #1


样例输出 #1




using namespace std;int t;
string a,b;
int main(){cin>>t;while(t--){cin>>a>>b;int lena=a.length(),lenb=b.length();if(a[lena-1]<b[lenb-1]){cout<<">"<<endl;continue;}else if(a[lena-1]>b[lenb-1]){cout<<"<"<<endl;continue;}else{if(a[lena-1]=='L'){if(lena>lenb)cout<<">";else if(lena==lenb)cout<<"=";else cout<<"<";cout<<endl;}else{if(lena>lenb)cout<<"<";else if(lena==lenb)cout<<"=";else cout<<">";cout<<endl;  }}}return 0;

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