ES.30: Don't use macros for program text manipulation

ES.30: 不要使用宏进行程序中的文本操作


Macros are a major source of bugs. Macros don't obey the usual scope and type rules. Macros ensure that the human reader sees something different from what the compiler sees. Macros complicate tool building.


Example, bad(反面示例)

#define Case break; case   /* BAD */

This innocuous-looking macro makes a single lower case c instead of a C into a bad flow-control bug.



This rule does not ban the use of macros for "configuration control" use in #ifdefs, etc.


In the future, modules are likely to eliminate the need for macros in configuration control.



This rule is meant to also discourage use of # for stringification and ## for concatenation. As usual for macros, there are uses that are "mostly harmless", but even these can create problems for tools, such as auto completers, static analyzers, and debuggers. Often the desire to use fancy macros is a sign of an overly complex design. Also, # and ## encourages the definition and use of macros:


#define CAT(a, b) a ## b
#define STRINGIFY(a) #avoid f(int x, int y)
{string CAT(x, y) = "asdf";   // BAD: hard for tools to handle (and ugly)string sx2 = STRINGIFY(x);// ...

There are workarounds for low-level string manipulation using macros. For example:


string s = "asdf" "lkjh";   // ordinary string literal concatenationenum E { a, b };template<int x>
constexpr const char* stringify()
{switch (x) {case a: return "a";case b: return "b";}
}void f(int x, int y)
{string sx = stringify<x>();// ...

This is not as convenient as a macro to define, but as easy to use, has zero overhead, and is typed and scoped.


In the future, static reflection is likely to eliminate the last needs for the preprocessor for program text manipulation.



Scream when you see a macro that isn't just used for source control (e.g., #ifdef)





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