Virtually every activity that entails牵扯 or facilitates便利 in-person亲自 human interaction seems to be in the midst of total meltdown熔化 as the coronavirus (冠状病毒) outbreak erases Americans’ desire to travel. Amtrak says booking are down 50 percent and cancelations are up 300 percent. Hotels in San Francisco are experiencing vacancy rate  between 70 and 80 percent. Broadway goes dark on Thursday night. Universities, now emptying their campuses have never tried online learning on this scale. White-collar白领的 companies like Amazon, Apple, and the New York Times are asking employees to work from home for the foreseeable future.

But what happens after the coronavirus?

In some ways, the answer is: All the old normal stuff所有旧的东西--》一切如旧. The pandemic (大流行病) will take lives,Strangle抑制 economies and destroy routines, but it will pass. Americans will never stop going to basketball games. (主题句) They won't stop going on vacation. They'll meet to do business. No decentralizing分散 technology so far - not telephones, not television, and not the internet- has dented损害 that human desire to shake hands, despite technologists'  predictions to the contrary.

shake hands 握手

Yet there are real reasons to think that things will not return to the way they were last week. Small disruptions create  small societal shifts; big ones change things for good. The New York transit交通运输系统 strike罢工 of 1980 is credited with归功于 prompting several long-term changes变革 in the city, including bus and bike lanes, and women wearing sports shoes to work. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 prompted the development of national health care in Europe.

for good 永远

A be credited with B

credit A with B

credit B to A


Here and now, this might not even be a question of preference. It's not clear that the cruise巡航 industry will survive.Or that public transit won't go broke破产 without federal assistance. The infrastructure might not even be in place to do what we were doing in 2019.

this = 疫情是否能回到过去

what happens after the coronavirus?

the answer is: All the old normal stuff   一切如旧

there are real reasons to think that things will not return to the way they were last week 事情不会恢复的和上周的一样

in place 在正确的位置;  准备妥当

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