

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | thinkphp+extjs +jquery CMS管理系统// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Copyright (c) 2010 http://blog.aigouw.net All rights reserved.// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Author: 殷志朋 <601046124@qq.com> 7391390// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Q&A: 群 7391390// +-----class MenuItemAction extends Action {

    /**     * 取出所有菜单项     */    function ListAll() {

        $keyword = $_POST['searchstring'];        $limit = $_POST['limit'];        $start = $_POST['start'];        $limits = $start . "," . $limit;        if (!empty($keyword)) {            $where['name'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%');            $_SESSION['keyword'] = $where;        } else {            if (empty($keyword)) {                unset($_SESSION['keyword']);            } else            if (!empty($_SESSION['keyword'])) {                $where = $_SESSION['keyword'];            }        }        $menuitem = new MenuItemModel();        $keyword = $_POST['keyword'];        $ftype = $_POST['ftype'];        if (!empty($keyword) && !empty($ftype)) {            $where[$ftype] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%');            $_SESSION['keyword'] = $where;        } else {            if (empty($keyword) && !empty($ftype)) {                unset($_SESSION['keyword']);            } else            if (!empty($_SESSION['keyword'])) {                $where = $_SESSION['keyword'];            }        }        if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {            $_SESSION['menuid'] = $_REQUEST['id'];            $where['menuid'] = $_SESSION['menuid'];        } elseif ($_SESSION['menuid']) {            $where['menuid'] = $_SESSION['menuid'];        } else {            echo('请选择菜单');        }

        $count = $menuitem->where($where)->count();

        $list = $menuitem->field("id,name,pid,type,componentid,`order`,published,access,concat(path,'-',id) as bpath")->                        order("bpath,id")->limit($limits)->where($where)->select();        $role = new Model('Role');        $rlist = $role->getField('id,name');

        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {            if ($list[$key]['access'] != 0) {                $list[$key]['access'] = $rlist[$list[$key]['access']];            }            $list[$key]['signnum'] = count(explode('-', $value['bpath'])) - 1;            $list[$key]['marginnum'] = (count(explode('-', $value['bpath'])) - 1) * 20;        }

        if ($list) {

            $result = json_encode($list);            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count . ',"data":' . $result . '}';        } else {            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count .            ',"data":[{"id":"0","name":"<font color=red><b>暂无记录</b></font>"}]}';        }    }

    /**     * 构造路径     */    function GetPath() {        $menu = new MenuItemModel();        $pid = $_POST['pid'];        $mi = $menu->field('id,path')->getById($pid);        $path = $pid != 0 ? $mi['path'] . '-' . $mi['id'] : 0;        return $path;    }

    /**     * 添加     */    function Add() {        $menu = new MenuItemModel();        switch ($_POST['fenlei']) {            case '1':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Article';            case '2':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Section';            case '3':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Category';        }        $data['link'] = 'index.php/' . $_POST['fenlei'] . '/view/id/' . $_POST['ctype'];        $data['access'] = $_POST['access'];        $data['published'] = $_POST['published'];

        $data['browserNav'] = $_POST['nav'];        $data['name'] = $_POST['name'];        $data['type'] = $_POST['fenlei'];        $data['menuid'] = $_POST['menuid'];        $data['path'] = $this->GetPath();        $data['pid'] = $_POST['pid'];

        if (false !== $menu->data($data)->Add()) {            echo '{"success":true}';        } else {            echo '{"success":false}';        }    }

    /**     * 保存     */    function Save() {        $menu = new MenuItemModel();        switch ($_POST['fenlei']) {            case '1':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Article';            case '2':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Section';            case '3':$_POST['fenlei'] = 'Category';        }        $data['link'] = 'index.php/' . $_POST['fenlei'] . '/view/id/' . $_POST['ctype'];        $data['access'] = $_POST['access'];        $data['published'] = $_POST['published'];

        $data['browserNav'] = $_POST['nav'];        $data['name'] = $_POST['name'];        $data['type'] = $_POST['fenlei'];        $data['menuid'] = $_POST['pid'];        $data['path'] = $this->getPath();        $data['id'] = $_POST['id'];

        if (false !== $menu->data($data)->Save()) {            echo '{"success":true}';        } else {            echo '{"success":false}';        }    }

    /**     * 移除     */    function Remove() {        $did = $_POST['deleteIds'];        if (!empty($did)) {            $user = new MenuItemModel();

            if (false !== $user->where('id in(' . $did . ')')->delete()) {

                echo "{'success':true}";            } else {

                echo "{'success':true}";            }        } else {            echo "{'success':true}";        }    }

    /**     * 构造路径     */    function ParentMenu() {        $menuitem = new MenuItemModel();        $result = $menuitem->field("id,name,pid,type,componentid,`order`,published,access,concat(path,'-',id) as bpath")->                        order("bpath,id")->where('pid=' . $_SESSION['menuid'])->select();        $json = array();        $ids = array();        foreach ($result as $val) {            if (in_array($ids, $val['id'])) {                return;            }            ;            array_puah($val['id'], $ids);            $json['id'] = $val["id"];            $json['text'] = $val["name"];            $json['leaf'] = 'true';            foreach ($resultc as $cval) {                if ($cval['pid'] = $val['id']) {                    $json['children']['id'] = $cval['id'];                    $json['children']['text'] = $cval['name'];                    $json['children']['leaf'] = 'false';                }            }        }        if ($result) {            $result = json_encode($result);            echo $result;        } else {            echo "{'success':false}";        }    }

    /**     * 构造extjs下拉树内层数据     */    function InsideTree($list) {        $str = '';        foreach ($list as $key => $value) { //遍历列表            if ($str != '')                $str .= ',';            $in_str = '';            foreach ($value as $n => &$v) { //遍历数组                if ($in_str != '')                    $in_str .= ',';                if ($n == 'leaf') {                    $in_str .= $n . ":" . $v;                } else {                    if ($n == 'children' && is_array($v)) {                        $v = $this->InsideTree($v);                        $in_str .= $n . ":" . $v;                    } else {                        $in_str .= $n . ":'" . $v . "'";                    }                }            }            $str .= '{' . $in_str . '}';        }        return $str = '[' . $str . ']';    }

    /**     * 完成extjs下拉树内层数据构造     */    function Tree() {        $menuitem = new MenuItemModel();        $result = $menuitem->field("id,name as text,pid,type")->select();        $tree = new TreeAction();        $tree->input_arr = $result;

        $data = $tree->GetTreeData(0);        echo "[{id:'0',text:'顶层菜单',children:" . $this->InsideTree($data) . "}]";    }

    function Art() {        $limit = $_POST['limit'];        $start = $_POST['start'];        $limits = $start . "," . $limit;        $role = new ArticleViewModel();        $where['Article.published'] = array('gt', 0);        $count = $role->where($where)->count();        $result = $role->order('id')->where($where)->limit($limits)->select();        if ($result) {

            $result = json_encode($result);            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count . ',"root":' . $result . '}';        } else {            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count .            ',"root":[{"id":"0","atitle":"<font color=red><b>暂无记录</b></font>"}]}';        }    }

    function Car() {        $limit = $_POST['limit'];        $start = $_POST['start'];        $limits = $start . "," . $limit;        $role = new CategoryViewModel();        $where['Category.published'] = array('gt', 0);        $count = $role->where($where)->count();        $result = $role->order('id')->where($where)->limit($limits)->select();        foreach ($result as & $val) {            $val['atitle'] = $val['ctitle'];        }        if ($result) {

            $result = json_encode($result);            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count . ',"root":' . $result . '}';        } else {            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count .            ',"root":[{"id":"0","atitle":"<font color=red><b>暂无记录</b></font>"}]}';        }    }

    function Sec() {        $limit = $_POST['limit'];        $start = $_POST['start'];        $limits = $start . "," . $limit;        $role = new SectionModel();        $where['published'] = array('gt', 0);        $count = $role->where($where)->count();        $result = $role->order('id')->where($where)->limit($limits)->select();        foreach ($result as & $val) {            $val['atitle'] = $val['title'];        }        if ($result) {

            $result = json_encode($result);            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count . ',"root":' . $result . '}';        } else {            echo '{"totalCount":' . $count .            ',"root":[{"id":"0","atitle":"<font color=red><b>暂无记录</b></font>"}]}';        }    }


<?php// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | thinkphp+extjs +jquery CMS管理系统// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Copyright (c) 2010 http://blog.aigouw.net All rights reserved.// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Author: 殷志朋 <601046124@qq.com> 7391390// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Q&A:群 7391390// +----------------------------------------------------------------------//class TreeAction {

    /**     * 生成数所需要的二维数组     */    public $input_arr;

    /**     * 数组父键值     */    public $parent_tag = 'pid';

    public function __construct($arr = array()) {        $this->input_arr = $arr;        return is_array($this->input_arr);    }

    /**     * 递归取树形纯数组     * @param  int    $start_id 从哪个id开始遍历,0为根节点     * @return array  排序好的数组     */    public function GetTreeData($start_id = 0, $leaf = false) {        $tree_arr = array();        $child = $this->GetChild($start_id, $leaf);

        if (is_array($child) && $child) {            foreach ($child as &$child_value) {                $tree_arr[$child_value['id']] = $child_value;                $data = $this->GetChild($child_value['id']);                if (is_array($data) && count($data) >= 1) {                    $leaf = 'false';                } else {                    $leaf = 'true';                }

                $tree_arr[$child_value['id']]['leaf'] = $leaf;                $tree_arr[$child_value['id']]['children'] = $this->GetTreeData($child_value['id']);            }        }        return $tree_arr;    }

    /**     * 获取子元素     * @param  string $my_id 其id     * @return array  $data  子元素数组     */    private function GetChild($my_id, $leaf) {        $data = array();        foreach ($this->input_arr as $key => $value) {            if ($value[$this->parent_tag] == $my_id) {

                $data[$key] = $value;            }        }

        return $data;    }




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