




Counter with period 1000



module top_module (input clk,input reset,output [9:0] q);always @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) beginq <= 10'd0;endelse if(q == 10'd999) beginq <= 10'd0;endelse beginq <= q + 1'b1;endendendmodule

4-bit shift register and down counter



module top_module (input clk,input shift_ena,input count_ena,input data,output [3:0] q);reg [3:0] q_temp;always @(posedge clk) beginif(shift_ena) beginq_temp <= {q_temp[2:0],data};endelse if(count_ena) beginif(q_temp == 4'd0) beginq_temp <= 4'd15;endelse beginq_temp <= q_temp - 1'b1;endendendassign q = q_temp;endmodule


FSM:Sequence 1101 recognizer



module top_module (input clk,input reset,      // Synchronous resetinput data,output start_shifting);parameter IDLE = 3'd0, S1 = 3'd1, S2 = 3'd2;parameter S3 = 3'd3, OUT = 3'd4;reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;always @(*) begincase(current_state)IDLE:       next_state = data ? S1 : IDLE;S1:         next_state = data ? S2 : IDLE;S2:         next_state = data ? S2 : S3;S3:         next_state = data ? OUT : IDLE;OUT:        next_state = OUT;default:    next_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincurrent_state <= IDLE;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign start_shifting = current_state == OUT;endmodule

FSM:Enable shift register



module top_module (input clk,input reset,      // Synchronous resetoutput shift_ena);parameter IDLE = 2'd0, ENA = 2'd1, STOP = 2'd2;reg [1:0] current_state, next_state;reg [2:0] counter;always @(*) begincase(current_state)IDLE:       next_state = ENA;ENA:        next_state = (counter == 3'd3) ? STOP : ENA;STOP:       next_state = STOP;default:    next_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincurrent_state <= IDLE;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincounter <= 3'd0;endelse begincase(next_state)IDLE:       counter <= 3'd0;ENA:        counter <= counter + 1'b1;STOP:       counter <= 3'd0;default:    counter <= 3'd0;endcaseend      endassign shift_ena = current_state == ENA | current_state == IDLE;endmodule


FSM:The complete FSM



module top_module (input clk,input reset,      // Synchronous resetinput data,output shift_ena,output counting,input done_counting,output done,input ack );parameter S = 4'd0, S1 = 4'd1, S11 = 4'd2, S110 = 4'd3;parameter B0 = 4'd4, B1 = 4'd5, B2 = 4'd6, B3 = 4'd7;parameter Count = 4'd8, Wait = 4'd9;reg [3:0] current_state, next_state;always @(*) begincase(current_state)S:          next_state = data ? S1 : S;S1:         next_state = data ? S11 : S;S11:        next_state = data ? S11 : S110;S110:       next_state = data ? B0 : S;B0:         next_state = B1;B1:         next_state = B2;B2:         next_state = B3;B3:         next_state = Count;Count:      next_state = done_counting ? Wait : Count;Wait:       next_state = ack ? S : Wait;default:    next_state = S;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincurrent_state <= S;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign shift_ena = current_state == B0 | current_state == B1 | current_state == B2 | current_state == B3;assign counting = current_state == Count;assign done = current_state == Wait;endmodule


The complete timer



module top_module (input clk,input reset,      // Synchronous resetinput data,output [3:0] count,output counting,output done,input ack );parameter IDLE = 4'd0, S1 = 4'd1, S2 = 4'd2, S3 = 4'd3;parameter C0 = 4'd4, C1 = 4'd5, C2 = 4'd6, C3 = 4'd7;parameter Count_1000 = 4'd8, Done = 4'd9;reg [3:0] current_state, next_state;reg [15:0] num;reg [3:0] delay;reg [3:0] already_count;wire count_state;assign count_state = (num == (delay + 1'b1)*1000) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;always @(*) beginif(num <= 16'd1000) beginalready_count = 4'd0;endelse if(num > 16'd1000 && num <= 16'd2000) beginalready_count = 4'd1;endelse if(num > 16'd2000 && num <= 16'd3000) beginalready_count = 4'd2;endelse if(num > 16'd3000 && num <= 16'd4000) beginalready_count = 4'd3;endelse if(num > 16'd4000 && num <= 16'd5000) beginalready_count = 4'd4;endelse if(num > 16'd5000 && num <= 16'd6000) beginalready_count = 4'd5;endelse if(num > 16'd6000 && num <= 16'd7000) beginalready_count = 4'd6;endelse if(num > 16'd7000 && num <= 16'd8000) beginalready_count = 4'd7;endelse if(num > 16'd8000 && num <= 16'd9000) beginalready_count = 4'd8;endelse if(num > 16'd9000 && num <= 16'd10000) beginalready_count = 4'd9;endelse if(num > 16'd10000 && num <= 16'd11000) beginalready_count = 4'd10;endelse if(num > 16'd11000 && num <= 16'd12000) beginalready_count = 4'd11;endelse if(num > 16'd12000 && num <= 16'd13000) beginalready_count = 4'd12;endelse if(num > 16'd13000 && num <= 16'd14000) beginalready_count = 4'd13;endelse if(num > 16'd14000 && num <= 16'd15000) beginalready_count = 4'd14;endelse beginalready_count = 4'd15;endendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) beginnum <= 16'd0;endelse if(next_state == Done) beginnum <= 16'd0;endelse if(next_state == Count_1000) beginnum <= num + 16'd1;endendalways @(*) begincase(current_state)IDLE:       next_state = data ? S1 : IDLE;S1:         next_state = data ? S2 : IDLE;S2:         next_state = data ? S2 : S3;S3:         next_state = data ? C0 : IDLE;C0:beginnext_state = C1;delay[3] = data;end         C1:beginnext_state = C2;    delay[2] = data;end         C2:beginnext_state = C3;    delay[1] = data;end         C3:beginnext_state = Count_1000;    delay[0] = data;end         Count_1000: next_state = count_state ? Done : Count_1000;Done:       next_state = ack ? IDLE : Done;default:    next_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincurrent_state <= IDLE;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign count = (current_state == Count_1000) ? (delay - already_count) : 4'd0;assign counting = (current_state == Count_1000);assign done = current_state == Done;endmodule

FSM:One-hot logic equations



module top_module(input d,input done_counting,input ack,input [9:0] state,    // 10-bit one-hot current stateoutput B3_next,output S_next,output S1_next,output Count_next,output Wait_next,output done,output counting,output shift_ena
); //// You may use these parameters to access state bits using e.g., state[B2] instead of state[6].parameter S=0, S1=1, S11=2, S110=3, B0=4, B1=5, B2=6, B3=7, Count=8, Wait=9;assign B3_next = state[B2];assign S_next = ~d & state[S] | ~d & state[S1] | ~d & state[S110] | ack & state[Wait];assign S1_next = d & state[S];assign Count_next = state[B3] | ~done_counting & state[Count];assign Wait_next = done_counting & state[Count] | ~ack & state[Wait];assign done = state[Wait];assign counting = state[Count];assign shift_ena = state[B0] | state[B1] | state[B2] | state[B3];endmodule




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