
A magical art of teaching a computer to perform a task is called computer programming. Programming is one of the most valuable skills to have in this competitive world of computers. We, as modern humans, are living with lots of gadgets such as smartphone, computers and much more digital inventions. One must agree that gadgets are nothing without programming.

教导计算机执行任务的神奇艺术称为计算机编程。 在这个竞争激烈的计算机世界中,编程是最有价值的技能之一。 作为现代人类,我们生活在许多小工具中,例如智能手机,计算机和更多数字发明。 必须同意,如果没有编程,则小工具一无是处。

Even though the programming languages started to evolve only before half a century ago, the rate of growth was very huge compared to any other man-made things. In this article, I will teach you my favorite language Python and how to learn a language.

即使编程语言仅在半个世纪之前才开始发展,但与任何其他人造事物相比,其增长速度还是非常巨大的。 在本文中,我将教您我最喜欢的语言Python以及如何学习语言。

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash
由Austin Chan 摄于Unsplash

先做这个... (Do this first…)

Why do you want to learn to program?


Think deeply before reading further. I asked the same question to my students on the first day of a programming class. Most of the answers were the same as the following statements.

在进一步阅读之前,请深思。 在编程课程的第一天,我向我的学生问了同样的问题。 大多数答案与以下陈述相同。

“ I want a good job in a well-reputed software company so I need to learn a programming language ”


“ Learning a programming language will make me able to learn some advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning ”


The major reason to learn a programming language is to get a job with a good salary or to learn more about some advanced technologies. If you are familiar with some tutorial websites and online courses, then you may know that they start the tutorial by writing the applications of the language.

学习编程语言的主要原因是获得一份高薪的工作或更多地了解一些先进技术。 如果您熟悉某些教程网站和在线课程,那么您可能知道他们通过编写该语言的应用程序来开始教程。

Learning with a purpose is not the right way. This is not going to be the right approach as that is followed by everyone. If you need to learn something do it with passion. While doing something, if it fills your heart with enthusiasm then you are in the right path.

有目的的学习不是正确的方法。 这不是每个人都遵循的正确方法。 如果您需要学习一些东西,那就去做吧。 在做某事时,如果它充满热情,那么您就走对了。

“Programming is not a subject. It is a basic ability of human brain.”

“编程不是主题。 这是人脑的基本能力。”

If you are a complete beginner to this language, try to learn it with your whole heart. This article is not going to make you a great developer. Only thing I can swear you that you will learn programming is a language of nature.

如果您是该语言的完整入门者,请尝试全心学习。 本文不会使您成为一名出色的开发人员。 我只能向你发誓,你将学习编程是自然的语言。

为什么要使用Python? (Why Python among others?)

In this world, there are more than seven hundred programming languages available. But not everything gets noticed by all. I have started to learn programming in 2015. I just started with the language C. I still have respect on the C language. But, when I started learning python in 2019 I loved the language very much. The love is still alive. I don’t know the reason for that. It may be a clean syntax. It may be the high readability of code. But something attracted me to stick with that language. I promise you that you will love the language and how it responds to the problems.

在这个世界上,有超过七百种编程语言可用。 但是并不是所有人都注意到所有事情。 我从2015年开始学习编程。我刚开始使用C语言。我仍然对C语言敬重。 但是,当我在2019年开始学习python时,我非常喜欢这种语言。 爱情仍然存在。 我不知道原因。 这可能是一种干净的语法。 这可能是代码的高可读性。 但是某种吸引我的地方是那种语言。 我向您保证,您会喜欢这种语言及其对问题的回应。

Look at the quote by its Inventor Guido van Rossum.

查看其发明人Guido van Rossum的报价。

“The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code — not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death.”


Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash
Hitesh Choudhary 摄于Unsplash

Among all other languages, Python is worth considering due to its simplicity and readability of code. We, as humans, use many languages to convey some information to others. Programming is language to speak with computers. If you are looking for a computer language that is same as a human language then Python is the first choice.

在所有其他语言中,Python因其简单性和代码可读性而值得考虑。 作为人类,我们使用多种语言向他人传达某些信息。 编程是与计算机交谈的语言。 如果您正在寻找与人类语言相同的计算机语言,那么Python是首选。

When you are speaking with someone, you don’t need to mention what type of information you are speaking about. The person who is hearing your talk can understand that without any external aid. Python works in the same way. Not like other popular languages, It works great without declaring the data type.

与某人交谈时,无需提及您要谈论的信息类型。 听到您讲话的人可以理解,而无需任何外部帮助。 Python的工作方式相同。 与其他流行语言不同,它无需声明数据类型就可以很好地工作。

The following topics will be covered in this article. This will help you to know most of the basic things in programming.

本文将介绍以下主题。 这将帮助您了解编程中的大多数基本知识。


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