sql 算出下级销售总和



This is a standard interview problem to check that the given string is a sum string or not using backtracking.


Problem statement:


There is a string given to you. You have to find out whether the given string is a sum string or not. For a string "12345168213" if it goes like this, "123" + "45" = "168" "45" + "168" = "213" then it is a sum string otherwise not.

有一个字符串给你。 您必须找出给定的字符串是否为求和字符串。 对于字符串“ 12345168213”,如果这样, “ 123” + “ 45” = “ 168” “ 45” + “ 168” = “ 213” ,则为求和字符串,否则为非。

Test case T
T no. of strings we have to check.
If the string is a sum-string then you have to print
"It is a sum string"
and, if it is not then you have to print
"It is not a sum string".


Str= "12345168213"
"123" + "45" = "168"
"45" + "168" = "213"
It is a sum string
Str= "123581321"
"1" + "2" = "3"
"2" + "3" = "5"
"3" + "5" = "8"
"5" + "8" = "13"
"8" + "13" = "21"
It is a sum string
Str= "15643"
"1" + "5" = "6"
"5" + "6" = "11"
It is not a sum string

Explanation with example


To find out the actual length of the first two substrings is a problem of combination. We will solve the problem using the backtracking process. If we break the problem into sub-problems like,

找出前两个子串的实际长度是组合的问题。 我们将使用回溯过程解决问题。 如果我们将问题分解为子问题,

  1. Find out the length of the first sub-string.


  2. Find out the length of the second sub-string.


  3. Add the two strings.


  4. Check if the summation is the same as the next substring.


  5. If yes, we will continue the process otherwise the string is not a sum string.


    str.substring(i,j) + str.substring(j+1,k) = str.substring(k+1,l)
str.substring(j+1,k) + str.substring(k+1,l) = str.substring(l+1,m)

Where, i, j, k, l, m is the position index on the substring of the string.

其中, i , j , k , l , m是字符串的子字符串的位置索引。

For the string "12345168213"

对于字符串“ 12345168213”

To find out the length of the first substring we will look for the all possible combination of the sub-string of the string from the starting index.


"1" , "12" , "123" , "1234" , "12345" , "123451" etc.

“ 1”“ 12”“ 123”“ 1234”“ 12345”“ 123451”

To find out the length of the second substring we will look for all possible combinations of the sub-string of the string from the last index of the first substring.


Let the first index= "123" then the all possible combinations are "4", "45", "451", "4516" etc.

假设第一个索引= “ 123”,那么所有可能的组合都是“ 4”“ 45”“ 451”“ 4516”等。

After calculating the summation of the two sub-strings will also find out the length of the result and take the next sub-string who has a length equal to that length.


If the two substrings are "123" and "45" after calculating the summation the result "168" we will calculate its length which is equal to 3 and take the next sub-string e.g. "168"

如果两个子字符串分别是“ 123”“ 45” ,计算出结果“ 168”后,我们将计算其长度等于3,并取下一个子字符串,例如“ 168”

Both the resultant and the sub-string are the same therefore we will add up "45" and "168" and check with "213".

结果和子字符串都相同,因此我们将“ 45”“ 168”加起来并用“ 213”进行校验。

C++ implementation:

C ++实现:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//adding the numbers
string add(string str1, string str2)
{int len1 = str1.length();
int len2 = str2.length();
int i = 1;
int carry = 0;
string str = "";
while ((len1 - i) >= 0 && (len2 - i) >= 0) {int result = (str1[len1 - i] - '0') + (str2[len2 - i] - '0') + carry;
char ch = (result % 10) + '0';
str = ch + str;
carry = result / 10;
while ((len1 - i) >= 0) {int result = (str1[len1 - i] - '0') + carry;
char ch = (result % 10) + '0';
str = ch + str;
carry = result / 10;
while ((len2 - i) >= 0) {int result = (str2[len2 - i] - '0') + carry;
char ch = (result % 10) + '0';
str = ch + str;
carry = result / 10;
if (carry > 0) {char ch = carry + '0';
str = ch + str;
return str;
bool checksumUtill(string str, int pos, int str1_len, int str2_len)
{int n = str.length();
int i = str1_len, j = str2_len;
//if the total sum of the current position and
//both the strings is greater than total length
if (pos + str1_len + str2_len >= n)
return false;
//calculate the sum
string s = add(str.substr(pos, i), str.substr(pos + i, j));
//if the next substring of pos+i+j is equals to the sum
if (s == str.substr(pos + i + j, s.length())) {if (pos + i + j + s.length() == n)
return true;
return checksumUtill(str, pos + i, j, s.length());
return false;
bool check_sum_string(string str)
{if (str.length() == 0)
return false;
int str1_len = 1;
int str2_len = 1;
int pos = 0;
//go for all the combinations
for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++) {for (int j = 1; j < str.length(); j++) {if (checksumUtill(str, pos, i, j)) {return true;
return false;
int main()
{int t;
cout << "Test Case : ";
cin >> t;
while (t--) {string str;
cout << "Enter the String : ";
cin >> str;
if (check_sum_string(str)) {cout << "It is a sum string\n";
else {cout << "It is not a sum string\n";
return 0;



Test Case : 3
Enter the String : 12345168213
It is a sum string
Enter the String : 123581321
It is a sum string
Enter the String : 15648
It is not a sum string

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/icp/find-out-the-sum-string.aspx

sql 算出下级销售总和

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