
数据库管理员(DBA) (Database Administrator (DBA))

To use the Database Management System, it is necessary to have central control over data and programs together in order to access such data. A person who has central control over such system is referred to database Administrator (DBA).

要使用数据库管理系统,必须对数据和程序进行集中控制,以便访问这些数据。 对此类系统具有中央控制权的人称为数据库管理员(DBA)

数据库管理员(DBA)的功能 (Functions of Database Administrator (DBA))

  1. Schema definition:


    By executing set of data definition statements, DBA creates the original database schema in DDL. It stores the structure of the database and provides the method to access definitions.

    通过执行一组数据定义语句,DBA在DDL中创建原始数据库模式。 它存储数据库的结构,并提供访问定义的方法。

  2. Schema and physical-organization modification:


    To replicate the changing needs of the organization or to modify the physical organization to advance its performance, DBA brings out changes in the schema.


  3. Granting of authorization for data access:


    To access various parts of the database by different users, authorization needs to be granted, which can be done through DBA. The information about the authorization is kept private within the special system structure such that when an attempt is made to access the data in the system, the database system consults it with DBA.

    要由不同的用户访问数据库的各个部分,需要授予授权,可以通过DBA进行授权。 有关授权的信息在特殊的系统结构中保持私有状态,这样,当尝试访问系统中的数据时,数据库系统将与DBA进行协商。

  4. Routine maintenance:


    Routine maintenance activities can be done through various methodology:


    1. By backing up the database periodically, over tapes or remote serves in order to prevent the loss of data in case of any disaster as such earthquakes occur.
    2. By ensuring free disk space in the tapes or remote servers that is required for normal operations, and also keep updating the disk space in a certain interval of time.
    3. By monitoring the jobs running over the database and to ensure the reliability and performance even if the tasks submitted by the users are highly expensive.

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dbms/database-administrators-in-dbms.aspx



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