我的sample code: 最后是framework debug

<script>function Aggregation(name) {this.mAggregationName = name;
}var oItemAgg = new Aggregation("item"); // so far, Aggregation oject has no available methoddebugger;Aggregation.prototype.generate = function(add, prototype) {var that = this, n = that.mAggregationName;add("getAggregation", prototype, function() {console.log(" getAggregation should be implemented here!");
}function add(name, proto, fn){if ( !proto[name] ) {proto[name] =  fn;
}oItemAgg.generate(add, Aggregation.prototype);oItemAgg.getAggregation();debugger;

这里的bindItem实际上不是一个function,而是Javascript对象的一个attribute,该attribute指向了一个匿名函数,其实现是 this.bindAggregation(n, o, t, s,f)

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