//--------------------------------------------------------------------------/***名称:日期的简单操作******类函数:构造函数,拷贝构造函数,析构函数,操作符重载函数****日期类操作函数: 1:计算一个日期加上多少天数后的日期       **                2:把该日期改为加上指定数目的天数后的日期**                3:一个日期减上多少天数后的日期 **                4:该日期加1(前置++)(后置++)**                5:该日期减1(前置--)(后置--)**                6:计算某日期到未来某日期间隔的天数******日期:2016/1/13*/
/*----------------------------------------头文件--------------------------------------*/# ifndef __DATA_H__
# define __DATA_H__# define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1# include <iostream>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <assert.h>using namespace std;class Date
public://打印函数void Display();
public://构造函数Date(size_t year, size_t month, size_t day);//拷贝构造函数Date(const Date & d);//析构函数~Date();//操作符重载bool operator==(const Date & d);bool operator>(const Date & d);bool operator<(const Date & d);bool operator>=(const Date & d);bool operator<=(const Date & d);Date operator=(const Date & d);//日期类操作Date operator+ (size_t day);Date& operator+= (size_t day);Date operator- (size_t day);Date& operator-= (size_t day);Date& operator++();Date operator++(int);Date& operator--();Date operator--(int);int Date::operator-(const Date & d);private:bool _IsLeapYear(size_t year);size_t _GetMonthDay(size_t year, size_t month);private:size_t _year;size_t _month;size_t _day;
};# endif   //__DATA_H__
/*------------------------------------功能函数-----------------------------------------*/# include "Date.h"//打印函数
void Date::Display()
{cout << _year << "年" << _month << "月" << _day << "日" << endl;
Date::Date(size_t year = 1900, size_t month = 1, size_t day = 1)
{if (year > 0 && month > 0 && month<13 && day>0 && day <= _GetMonthDay(year, month)){_year = year;_month = month;_day = day;}else{cout << "初始化数据非法" << endl;_year = 1900;_month = 1;_day = 1;}
Date::Date(const Date & d)
{_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;
bool Date::operator==(const Date & d)
{return (_year == d._year)&& (_month == d._month)&& (_day == d._day);
}bool Date::operator>(const Date & d)
{if (_year > d._year){return true;}else if (_year == d._year && _month > d._month){return true;}else if (_year == d._year && _month == d._month && _day > d._day){return true;}return false;
}bool Date::operator<(const Date & d)
{return !(*this == d) && !(*this > d);
}bool Date::operator>=(const Date & d)
{return (*this == d) || (*this > d);
}bool Date::operator<=(const Date & d)
{return !(*this > d);
}Date Date::operator=(const Date & d)
{_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;return *this;
bool Date::_IsLeapYear(size_t year)
{return ((0 == year % 4 && 0 != year % 100) || (0 == year % 400));
size_t Date::_GetMonthDay(size_t year, size_t month)
{size_t MonthArray[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };size_t MonthDays = MonthArray[month];bool ret;if ((2 == month) && (ret = _IsLeapYear(year))){MonthDays = 29;}return MonthDays;
Date Date::operator+ (size_t day)
{size_t MonthArray[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };Date tmp(*this);size_t SumDays = tmp._day + day;while (true){if (SumDays <= _GetMonthDay(tmp._year, tmp._month)){tmp._day = SumDays;return tmp;}else{SumDays -= _GetMonthDay(tmp._year, tmp._month);tmp._month++;if (tmp._month > 12){tmp._year++;tmp._month %= 12;}}}
Date& Date::operator+= (size_t day)
{*this = operator+(day);return *this;
Date Date::operator- (size_t day)
{size_t MonthArray[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };Date tmp(*this);size_t SumDays = tmp._day + day;while (true){if (day < tmp._day){tmp._day -= day;return tmp;}else{day -= tmp._day;if (1 == tmp._month){tmp._year--;tmp._month = 12;}else{tmp._month--;}tmp._day = _GetMonthDay(tmp._year, tmp._month);}}
Date& Date::operator-= (size_t day)
{*this = operator-(day);return *this;
Date& Date::operator++()
{++_day;if (_day > _GetMonthDay(_year, _month)){_day %= _GetMonthDay(_year, _month);++_month;if (_month > 12){++_year;_month %= 12;}}return *this;
Date Date::operator++(int)
{Date tmp(*this);*this = operator++();return tmp;
Date& Date::operator--()
{if (_day > 1){--_day;}else{if (1 == _month){--_year;_month = 12;_day = _GetMonthDay(_year,_month);}else{--_month;_day = _GetMonthDay(_year, _month);}}return *this;
Date Date::operator--(int)
{Date tmp(*this);*this = operator--();return tmp;
int Date::operator-(const Date & d)
{//异常:该日期比被减日期小if (d._year < _year){return -1;}else if (d._year == _year && d._month < _month){return -1;}else if (d._year == _year && d._month == _month && d._day < _day){return -1;}//正常情况Date tmp_d(d);Date tmp_d_day(*this);int ret = 0;while (!(tmp_d == tmp_d_day)){tmp_d_day.operator++();ret++;}return ret;
/*------------------------------------部分测试用例-------------------------------------*/# include "Date.h"//测试operator<=()
void Test7()
{//falseDate d1(2016, 1, 12);Date d2(2016, 1, 11);bool ret = d1 <= d2;d1.Display();d2.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d3(2016, 1, 12);Date d4(2015, 1, 12);ret = d3 <= d4;d3.Display();d4.Display();cout << ret << endl;//trueDate d5(2016, 1, 12);Date d6(2016, 1, 13);ret = d5 <= d6;d5.Display();d6.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d7(2016, 1, 12);Date d8(2016, 1, 12);ret = d7 <= d8;d7.Display();d8.Display();cout << ret << endl;}
void Test6()
{//trueDate d1(2016, 1, 12);Date d2(2016, 1, 11);bool ret = d1 >= d2;d1.Display();d2.Display();cout << ret << endl;//trueDate d3(2016, 1, 12);Date d4(2015, 1, 12);ret = d3 >= d4;d3.Display();d4.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d5(2016, 1, 12);Date d6(2016, 1, 13);ret = d5 >= d6;d5.Display();d6.Display();cout << ret << endl;//trueDate d7(2016, 1, 12);Date d8(2016, 1, 12);ret = d7 >= d8;d7.Display();d8.Display();cout << ret << endl;
void Test5()
{//falseDate d1(2016, 1, 12);Date d2(2016, 1, 11);bool ret = d1 < d2;d1.Display();d2.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d3(2016, 1, 12);Date d4(2015, 1, 12);ret = d3 < d4;d3.Display();d4.Display();cout << ret << endl;//trueDate d5(2016, 1, 12);Date d6(2016, 1, 13);ret = d5 < d6;d5.Display();d6.Display();cout << ret << endl;
void Test4()
{//trueDate d1(2016, 1, 12);Date d2(2016, 1, 11);bool ret = d1 > d2;d1.Display();d2.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d3(2016, 1, 12);Date d4(2016, 1, 12);ret = d3 > d4;d3.Display();d4.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d5(2016, 1, 12);Date d6(2016, 1, 13);ret = d5 > d6;d5.Display();d6.Display();cout << ret << endl;}//测试operator==
void Test3()
{//falseDate d1(2016, 1, 12);Date d2(2016, 1, 11);bool ret = d1 == d2;d1.Display();d2.Display();cout << ret << endl;//trueDate d3(2016, 2, 12);Date d4(2016, 1, 12);ret = d3 == d4;d3.Display();d4.Display();cout << ret << endl;//falseDate d5(2016, 1, 12);Date d6(2016, 1, 13);ret = d5 == d6;d5.Display();d6.Display();cout << ret << endl;}//测试Date(const Date & d)
void Test2()
{Date d1(2016, 1, 12);d1.Display();Date d2(d1);d2.Display();Date d3 = d1;d3.Display();
}//测试Date(size_t year = 0, size_t month = 0, size_t day = 0)
void Test1()
{Date d(2016, 1, 12);d.Display();
}//测试operator+ (size_t day)
void Test()
{Date d1(2016, 1, 13);d1.Display();cout << "+366天" << endl;Date ret = d1.operator+ (366);ret.Display();
}//测试operator+= (size_t day)
void Test8()
{Date d1(2016, 1, 13);d1.Display();cout << "+10天" << endl;Date ret = d1.operator+= (18);ret.Display();
}//测试operator- (size_t day)
void Test9()
{Date d1(2016, 1, 10);d1.Display();cout << "+375天" << endl;Date ret = d1.operator- (375);ret.Display();
void Test10()
{Date d1(2016, 2, 29);d1.operator++();d1.Display();Date d2(2016, 3, 3);d2.operator--();d2.Display();
void Test11()
{Date d1(2016, 12, 31);Date ret = d1.operator++(int());ret.Display();Date d2(2016, 12, 31);ret = d2.operator--(int());ret.Display();
}//测试operator-(const Date & d)
void Test12()
{Date d1(2016, 1, 13);Date d2(1970, 1, 1);int ret = d2.operator-(d1);cout << "起始日期" << endl;d2.Display();cout << "截止日期" << endl;d1.Display();cout<<"间隔"<< ret << "天" << endl;
}int main()
{//Test();//Test1();//Test2();//Test3();//Test4();//Test5();//Test6();//Test7();//Test8();//Test9();//Test10();//Test11();Test12();system("pause");return 0;



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