this is not official way, but we practise grupping items in variables definition
export const ITEM_SERVICE = ‘ItemService’; - this is part of organization, it can be close to organization variables



  • Removed FeatureConfigService from constructor.


  • Removed FeatureConfigService from constructor.

deprecatedParams should contain parameter to remove

the meaning of “deprecatedParams”: this block should contain all the parameters used in deprecated constructors( I mean the deleted constructor )?

it is like “old constructor”.

其他同事完成修改后,git pull origin epic/organization-deprecations to update your branch

一个潜在的 conflict 问题

we define all migration related constants centrally in file: projects\schematics\src\shared\constants.ts
Suppose both colleague A and B are working on different Component,which have same parameter in constructor signature, let’s say ItemService.
Since A and B are working in parallel, both declared ITEM_SERVICE = ‘ItemService’ in their local constants.ts.
and A push his change first. But B wasn’t aware of A’s work. When B tries to merge his PR, B will find there’s some conflict. And B has to manually resolve the conflict. Do I understand correctly?


you can have 2 kinds of conflict like:

  1. git recognized that both developers changed the same lines, and you must resolve it manually by choosing version (or both)

  2. both people added the same variable in the same file, but in different places so git will not see any problem, but your IDE (eslint) should.

create own branch based on epic/organization-deprecations

so you create an own branch fix/GH-11530, and wants to merge commit into epic/organization-deprecations.

SAP Spartacus deprecation for 4.0 需要注意的一些事项相关推荐

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  3. SAP Spartacus 4.0 deprecation 之一 - i18next-xhr-backend

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  5. 为什么 SAP Spartacus 4.0 源代码版本读取不到 CX_BASE_URL 环境变量的值?

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  7. SAP Spartacus 4.0 版本因为 hamburger 依赖导致构建出错的问题

    build from Schematics 遇到错误消息: SassError: Undefined function. ...

  8. SAP Spartacus 升级时关于 schematics 的更新

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  9. SAP Spartacus central Travis build的lint环节

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