
The Wi-Fi Alliance already announced Wi-Fi 6 back in October. Today, it’s announcing the details of the Wi-Fi 6 certification process, which will launch in the third quarter of 2019. Expect many new Wi-Fi 6 devices later this year.

Wi-Fi联盟已经在10月宣布了Wi-Fi 6 。 今天,它宣布了将于2019年第三季度启动的Wi-Fi 6认证流程的详细信息。预计今年晚些时候将有许多新的Wi-Fi 6设备。

Some manufacturers have already released routers and other devices advertising Wi-Fi 6 support, but they’re not “Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6.” That certification program ensures devices are compatible and that they have specific features. The Wi-Fi Alliance told us they expect manufacturers to have those already-existing Wi-Fi 6 devices certified when the program launches.

一些制造商已经发布了支持Wi-Fi 6支持的路由器和其他设备,但它们不是“ Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6” 。 该认证计划可确保设备兼容并具有特定功能。 Wi-Fi联盟告诉我们,他们希望制造商在计划启动时对那些已经存在的Wi-Fi 6设备进行认证。

Wi-Fi 6 includes a variety of technologies,  but some are mandatory for certification. Devices must support WPA3 encryption for improved security to achieve certification. They must also support specific features, including OFDMA, MU-MIMO, beamforming, 1024-QAM, and target wake time (TMT). Together, these features provide a more efficient network with lower latency, improved speed with multiple devices, and improved battery life for those devices.

Wi-Fi 6包含多种技术,但其中一些是强制性的。 设备必须支持WPA3加密,以提高安全性以获得认证。 它们还必须支持特定功能,包括OFDMA, MU-MIMO ,波束成形,1024-QAM和目标唤醒时间(TMT)。 这些功能共同提供了一个效率更高的网络,具有更低的延迟,多个设备的速度有所提高以及这些设备的电池寿命更长。

But you don’t need to know about all those technical terms. That’s the point of the new “Wi-Fi 6” name, which is a friendlier term for 802.11ax. Up until now, Wi-Fi standards have been named things like 802.11n, 802.11g, and 802.11ac. Can you put them in the correct order? (Hint: No, it’s not alphabetical!)

但是您不需要了解所有这些技术术语。 这就是新的“ Wi-Fi 6”名称的意义,它是802.11ax的更友好术语。 到目前为止,Wi-Fi标准已被命名为802.11n,802.11g和802.11ac。 您可以按正确的顺序放置它们吗? (提示:不,不是按字母顺序!)

The correct order for Wi-Fi standards from oldest to newest is 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, and 802.11ax. Don’t worry if you can’t remember, though—the Wi-Fi Alliance found that only 5% of people surveyed could put these standards in the correct order.

从最早到最新的Wi-Fi标准的正确顺序是802.11b,802.11a,802.11g,802.11n,802.11ac和802.11ax。 不过,即使您不记得也不要担心-Wi-Fi联盟发现,只有5%的受访者可以正确地排列这些标准。

So, forget all that stuff—just look for “Wi-Fi 6 Certified.” You don’t even need to worry about the WPA3 certification, as Wi-Fi 6 certified devices must support WPA3.

因此,忘记所有这些东西,只需寻找“ Wi-Fi 6认证”即可。 您甚至不必担心WPA3认证,因为经过Wi-Fi 6认证的设备必须支持WPA3。

Certification may seem like a formality, but it’s a sign those devices are actually arriving. We expect to see lots of Wi-Fi 6 devices released starting in mid-2019. Many manufacturers are already showing off various Wi-Fi 6 devices this week at CES 2019, from wireless routers and mesh network solutions to PCs.

认证似乎是一种形式,但这是这些设备实际到货的标志。 我们预计将从2019年中期开始发布许多Wi-Fi 6设备。 从无线路由器,网状网络解决方案到PC,许多制造商已经在本周的CES 2019上展示了各种Wi-Fi 6设备。

Image Credit: Jackie Niam/Shutterstock.com, Wi-Fi Alliance

图片来源: Wi-Fi联盟的Jackie Niam /Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/get-ready-for-wi-fi-6-certification-launches-in-q3-2019/


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