本文为Kaggle Learn的Deep Learning课程的中文翻译。原链接为:https://www.kaggle.com/learn/deep-learning

1. Intro to Deep Learning and Computer Vision

A quick overview of how models work on images

2. Building Models from Convolutions

Scale up from simple building blocks to models with beyond human capabilities

3. Programming in TensorFlow and Keras

Start writting code using TensorFlow and Keras

4. Transfer Learning

A powerful technique to build highly accurate models even with limited data

5. Data Augmentation

Learning a simple trick that effectively increases amount of data available for model training.

6. A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning

How Stochastic Gradient Descent and Back-Propagation train your deep learning model.

7. Deep Learning From Scratch

Build models without transfer learning. Especially important for uncommom image types.

8. Dropout and Strides For Larger Models

Make your models faster and reduce overfitting

0.Overview——Deep Learning相关推荐

  1. 基于Wide Deep Learning的推荐系统

    我们先来看下Google Inc的paper:Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems. 一.介绍 推荐系统可以看成是一个搜索排序系统,其中输入 ...

  2. We're on the cusp of deep learning for the masses. You can thank Google later

    作者: Derrick Harris    2013/08/16 Summary Google researchers have developed new methods for analyzing ...

  3. 加密流量分类-论文1:Deep Learning for Encrypted Traffic Classification: An Overview

    加密流量分类-论文1:Deep Learning for Encrypted Traffic Classification: An Overview 0.摘要 1.介绍 2.网络流量分类流程框架 2. ...


    文章目录 1 介绍 2 任务定义 2.1 文档检索 2.2 段落检索 3 数据集 4 结果分析 4.1 深度学习与传统方法的对比 4.2 端到端检索与重排的对比 4.3 ORCAS数据的影响 4.4 ...

  5. 基因序列 深度学习Deep Learning for Genomics: A Concise Overview

    基因组学所需的数据量如此巨大,用深度学习技术去探索人类基因组密码便成为了趋势与未来. 由卡耐基梅龙大学硕士岳天溦与Eric Xing教授的学生汪浩瀚合著的论文"Deep Learning f ...

  6. 2020 Deep Learning for Sensor-based Human ActivityRecognition Overview, Challenges and Opportunities

    2020 Deep Learning for Sensor-based Human ActivityRecognition: Overview, Challenges and Opportunitie ...

  7. 深度学习概述教程--Deep Learning Overview

          引言         深度学习,即Deep Learning,是一种学习算法(Learning algorithm),亦是人工智能领域的一个重要分支.从快速发展到实际应用,短短几年时间里, ...

  8. 【Dex-Net 2.0】论文精度:Deep Learning to Plan Robust Grasps with Synthetic Point Clouds and Analytic Grasp

    Dex-Net 2.0: Deep Learning to Plan Robust Grasps with Synthetic Point Clouds and Analytic Grasp Metr ...

  9. 课程一(Neural Networks and Deep Learning),第四周(Deep Neural Networks)—— 0.学习目标...

    Understand the key computations underlying deep learning, use them to build and train deep neural ne ...


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