
Access To MySQL

Access to MySQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL.

Wizard interface.

Transfer data directly from one server to another.

Create a dump file.

Select tables to transfer.

Select fields to transfer.

Transfer password protected databases.

Supports both shared security and user-level security.

Optional transfer of indexes.

Optional transfer of records.

Optional transfer of default values in field definitions.

Identifies and transfers auto number field types.

Command line interface.

Easy install, uninstall and upgrade.

Using Access to MySQL

When you start the program it will run you through a wizard. The wizard will ask you all the necessary questions to setup the database transfer. In the first step you are asked to supply the file name of the Microsoft Access Database to convert.

If your Access database requires you to log in you can specify a user name, password and a system database.

Specify Access database

The destination database and MySQL server connection settings are specified as shown below. You will have the choice of placing the result in a dump file instead of transferring it directly to another MySQL database.

MySQL connection and destination settings

You can specify exactly which tables you want to transfer to the destination database. Just check the box in front of each table name you want to transfer and click next.

Selecting the tables to transfer

Additional transfer options can be set in the dialog shown below. Here you can specify if you want to transfer the indexes of the Access database to MySQL. You can also select not to transfer any records. This will only create the tables in the destination table and leave them empty.

In both Access and MySQL fields can have default values. When creating the tables in MySQL the program can preserve the default values specified in the Access field definition. Also auto number properties of a field can be transferred if you check the Auto number properties box.

Setting advanced transfer options

After answering all the questions in the wizard you can press Finish. The transfer will now run until all the selected tables are transferred. When the transfer is done you will see a small report telling you how much data was transferred.

The settings of the wizard can be saved in a .ini file.


You can download the latest version here. After downloading the setup program you should simply run it to install the program.

More functionality

While our product offers a lot of functionality for free there is a commercial alternative. The commercial program has even more functionality but it comes at a small cost. We are an affiliate of DMSoft and if you buy any of their products then you also support our efforts to product great free software.

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