
Search is a powerful way help people visiting your site find the content that's most important to them. But often it's really challenging to figure out the rules and logic to make that happen. In this article, we'll see how can we can use fuse.js to add search to our apps.

搜索是一种强大的方式,可以帮助访问您网站的用户找到对他们来说最重要的内容。 但是,要弄清楚实现这一目标的规则和逻辑常常是真正的挑战。 在本文中,我们将看到如何使用fuse.js将搜索添加到我们的应用程序中。

  • What is fuse.js?


  • Why is search important?


  • What are we going to build?


  • Step 0: Bootstrapping our app


  • Step 1: Installing Fuse.js


  • Step 2: Creating a new Fuse search instance


  • Step 3: Setting up dynamic search based on user input


什么是fuse.js? (What is fuse.js?)

Fuse.js is a JavaScript library that provides fuzzy search capabilities for applications and websites. It's nice and easy to use out of the box, but also includes configuration options that allow you to tweak and create powerful solutions.

Fuse.js是一个JavaScript库,为应用程序和网站提供模糊搜索功能。 开箱即用非常好用,而且还包括配置选项,使您可以调整和创建强大的解决方案。

为什么搜索很重要? (Why is search important?)

Whether you're a content creator or are trying to sell a product with your website, it's important to help your visitors actually find what they're looking for.


If you're building an ecommerce website, you want someone to be able to easily find your Bender vinyl figures rather than having to dig through the entire catalog first.


我们要建造什么? (What are we going to build?)

We're going to start off with a basic Create React App example. It's going to include some character info as structured data for one of my favorite shows Futurama that's simply dumped out into an HTML list.

我们将从一个基本的Create React App示例开始。 它将包含一些字符信息作为结构化数据,这是我最喜欢的电影《 Futurama》之一,它只是转储到HTML列表中。

With that list, we're going to use fuse.js to provide client-side search capabilities, allowing us to demonstrate searching for the character we're looking for by their name and other details.


第0步:引导我们的应用 (Step 0: Bootstrapping our app)

To get started, we're going to need content to work with. I got started by building a list of characters from Futurama as structured json data that I put in a list with a fresh Create React App.

首先,我们需要内容才能使用。 我从构建Futurama中的字符列表作为结构化json数据开始,并使用新的Create React App将其放入列表中。

You'll also notice I've already added an input for our search. It's not yet functional but we'll use that to get started.

您还会注意到,我已经为搜索添加了输入。 它尚无功能,但我们将使用它来开始。

If you'd like to start off at the same place, I created a branch with my demo repo that you can clone locally to walk through the project with me!


git clone --single-branch --branch start git@github.com:colbyfayock/my-futurama-characters.git

Git branch "start"


Or follow along with the commit.

或者跟着提交 。

步骤1:安装Fuse.js (Step 1: Installing Fuse.js)

First thing we'll want to do is actually add Fuse.js to our app. In your project, run:

我们要做的第一件事实际上是将Fuse.js添加到我们的应用程序中。 在您的项目中,运行:

yarn add fuse.js
# or
npm install --save fuse.js

This will save the dependency to our project so that we'll be able to use it in our project.


Next we'll want to import the dependency to our app so that we can start building with it. At the top of your file, in our case src/App.js if you're following along with me in a new Create React App project, add:

接下来,我们要将依赖项导入到我们的应用程序中,以便我们开始使用它进行构建。 在文件顶部,如果您要跟着我一起在新的Create React App项目中,在我们的情况下为src/App.js ,请添加:

import Fuse from 'fuse.js';

If you want to test that it's working, you can console.log(Fuse) and see our Fuse class we'll use to create our search capabilities.


And with that, we're ready to get started!


Follow along with the commit


步骤2:创建一个新的Fuse搜索实例 (Step 2: Creating a new Fuse search instance)

To use Fuse.js, we'll want to first create a new instance of it.


At the top of your component, add:


const fuse = new Fuse(characters, {keys: ['name','company','species']

With this does:


  • Creates a new instance of Fuse创建一个新的Fuse实例
  • Passes in our characters array of objects


  • Specifies the 3 keys in our data that we want to search on指定我们要搜索的数据中的3个键

Next, to perform the search, we can add:


const results = fuse.search('bender');

And if we console log out the results, we can see:


You'll notice that we have more results than our friend Bender though. Fuse.js provides a "fuzzy search" meaning it tries to help you in case you're not sure what you're looking for or if you're misspelling your query.

您会注意到,我们的结果比朋友Bender多得多。 Fuse.js提供了一个“模糊搜索”,这意味着它可以在您不确定要查找的内容或拼写错误的查询时为您提供帮助。

To get an idea of how this works, let's add the includeScore option to our search:


const fuse = new Fuse(characters, {keys: ['name','company','species'],includeScore: true

Now we can see the score attribute in our results object.


You'll notice that our first result has a really low score. With fuse.js, a lower score means it's closer to an exact match.

您会注意到我们的第一个结果得分非常低。 使用fuse.js,较低的分数意味着它更接近完全匹配。

A score of 0 indicates a perfect match, while a score of 1 indicates a complete mismatch.


It's saying that is incredibly likely that the first result is what we're looking for, but it's not confident in the others.


So with our results, we want to actually connect that to our UI. If you notice our array output is different than what we are mapping through for the HTML list, so let's create a new variable that we can change it to:

因此,根据我们的结果,我们希望将其实际连接到我们的UI。 如果您发现我们的数组输出与HTML列表所映射的输出不同,那么让我们创建一个新变量,将其更改为:

const results = fuse.search('bender');
const characterResults = results.map(character => character.item);

What this is doing is creating a new array using the map method that will only include the item property from each array object.


Then if we replace our characters map inside of our list with characterResults.map:


<ul className="characters">{characterResults.map(character => {const { name, company, species, thumb } = character;

We can now see that our page only shows the results for "bender"!


Follow along with the commit!


步骤3:根据用户输入设置动态搜索 (Step 3: Setting up dynamic search based on user input)

Now that we have a hard-coded search working, we want someone to actually be able to use the search input to search!


To achieve this, we're going to use the useState hook and listen for changes to the input field, which will dynamically create a search for our data.


First, import the useState hook from React:


import React, { useState } from 'react';

Next, let's use that hook to create a state instance:


const [query, updateQuery] = useState('');

Here, we're creating a new state of query that we can update with updateQuery that defaults to an empty string ('').

在这里,我们正在创建一个新的query状态,可以使用updateQuery更新默认状态为空字符串( '' )。

With that, let's tell our search input to use that query value as it's value:


<input type="text" value={query} />

At this point, nothing should be different, as we are using a blank query.


Now let's add an event handler to our input that we can use to update our state:


<input type="text" value={query} onChange={onSearch} />

And we'll want to create that function so we can use it:


function onSearch({ currentTarget }) {updateQuery(currentTarget.value);

This will update our query with the input's value any time it changes.


Now that our query  will have what we want to search for, we can update our search instance:


const results = fuse.search(query);

And now if you reload the page, it's blank!


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