


class Solution {
public:/*** @param s: A string* @param k: An integer* @return: An integer*/int lengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(string &s, int k) {// write your code hereif (s.size() <= 0) {return 0;}int right = 0;int left = 0;int max_len = 0;std::unordered_map<char, int> table;while (right < s.size()) {++table[s[right]];if (table.size() > k) {while (left <s.size() && table.size() > k) {if (--table[s[left]] == 0) {table.erase(s[left]);}++left;}}max_len = max(max_len, right-left+1);++right;}return max_len;}

386 · Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters最多有k个不同字符的最长子字符串相关推荐

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