
 public static String getTempDirectoryPath() {return System.getProperty("");}


public static File getTempDirectory() {return new File(getTempDirectoryPath());}


public static String getUserDirectoryPath() {return System.getProperty("user.home");}


public static File getUserDirectory() {return new File(getUserDirectoryPath());}

openInputStream(File file):通过指定文件创建一个输入流;如果第二个参数为 true,则将字节写入文件末尾处,而不是写入文件开始处。

public static FileOutputStream openOutputStream(File file) throws IOException {return openOutputStream(file, false);}
public static FileOutputStream openOutputStream(File file, boolean append) throws IOException {if (file.exists()) {if (file.isDirectory()) {throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' exists but is a directory");}if (file.canWrite() == false) {throw new IOException("File '" + file + "' cannot be written to");}} else {File parent = file.getParentFile();if (parent != null) {if (!parent.mkdirs() && !parent.isDirectory()) {throw new IOException("Directory '" + parent + "' could not be created");}}}return new FileOutputStream(file, append);}

byteCountToDisplaySize(long size):返回指定数值的计算机表示(KB,MB,GB);

/*** The number of bytes in a kilobyte.*/public static final long ONE_KB = 1024;/*** The number of bytes in a megabyte.*/public static final long ONE_MB = ONE_KB * ONE_KB;
/*** The number of bytes in a gigabyte.*/public static final long ONE_GB = ONE_KB * ONE_MB;
public static String byteCountToDisplaySize(long size) {String displaySize;//        if (size / ONE_EB > 0) {
//            displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_EB) + " EB";
//        } else if (size / ONE_PB > 0) {
//            displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_PB) + " PB";
//        } else if (size / ONE_TB > 0) {
//            displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_TB) + " TB";
//        } else if (size / ONE_GB > 0) {displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_GB) + " GB";} else if (size / ONE_MB > 0) {displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_MB) + " MB";} else if (size / ONE_KB > 0) {displaySize = String.valueOf(size / ONE_KB) + " KB";} else {displaySize = String.valueOf(size) + " bytes";}return displaySize;}

touch(File file):更新指定文件最终修改时间和访问时间;若文件不存在则生成空文件;Closeable 是可以关闭的数据源或目标。调用 close 方法可释放对象保存的资源(如打开文件)。

public static void touch(File file) throws IOException {if (!file.exists()) {OutputStream out = openOutputStream(file);IOUtils.closeQuietly(out);}boolean success = file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis());if (!success) {throw new IOException("Unable to set the last modification time for " + file);}}
public static void closeQuietly(OutputStream output) {closeQuietly((Closeable)output);}
public static void closeQuietly(Closeable closeable) {try {if (closeable != null) {closeable.close();}} catch (IOException ioe) {// ignore}}

convertFileCollectionToFileArray(Collection<File> files):把文件集合转换为数组形式;

public static File[] convertFileCollectionToFileArray(Collection<File> files) {return files.toArray(new File[files.size()]);}

contentEquals(File file1, File file2):比较两个文件内容是否相同;两个文件都不存在表示相同;不能比较目录,会抛出异常;

public static boolean contentEquals(File file1, File file2) throws IOException {boolean file1Exists = file1.exists();if (file1Exists != file2.exists()) {return false;}if (!file1Exists) {// two not existing files are equalreturn true;}if (file1.isDirectory() || file2.isDirectory()) {// don't want to compare directory contentsthrow new IOException("Can't compare directories, only files");}if (file1.length() != file2.length()) {// lengths differ, cannot be equalreturn false;}if (file1.getCanonicalFile().equals(file2.getCanonicalFile())) {// same filereturn true;}InputStream input1 = null;InputStream input2 = null;try {input1 = new FileInputStream(file1);input2 = new FileInputStream(file2);return IOUtils.contentEquals(input1, input2);} finally {IOUtils.closeQuietly(input1);IOUtils.closeQuietly(input2);}}

copyFileToDirectory(File srcFile, File destDir),copyFileToDirectory(File srcFile, File destDir, boolean preserveFileDate):拷贝源文件到指定目录;如果目标目录不存在,则会被创建;如果目标文件存在,源文件会把它覆盖;如果第三个参数为 true,设置拷贝的目标文件最终修改时间与源文件时间一样;

public static void copyFileToDirectory(File srcFile, File destDir) throws IOException {copyFileToDirectory(srcFile, destDir, true);}

copyFile(File input, OutputStream output):把一个文件写到输出流里;返回写入的字节数大小;

public static long copyFile(File input, OutputStream output) throws IOException {final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input);try {return IOUtils.copyLarge(fis, output);} finally {fis.close();}}

copyDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir),copyDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir,
            boolean preserveFileDate),copyDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir,
            FileFilter filter, boolean preserveFileDate):拷贝源目录及目录下所有文件到指定目录,第三个参数如果为true,设置拷贝后的目录最后修改时间与源目录时间相同

public static void copyDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException {copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir, true);}

copyInputStreamToFile(InputStream source, File destination):把输入流中的内容写到指定文件中;

deleteDirectory(File directory):删除指定目录文件及目录下所有内容;

cleanDirectory(File directory):清空指定目录文件下所有内容,但不删除目录;

boolean deleteQuietly(File file):删除指定目录文件及目录下所有内容;但不抛出异常,异常在内部已经捕获;

readFileToString(File file, String encoding),readFileToString(File file):读取指定文件内容到一个字符串;第二个参数为指定的字符集编码;

readFileToByteArray(File file):读取指定文件到字节数组;

readLines(File file, String encoding):读取指定文件按行存入字符串List,第二个参数为指定的字符集编码;

writeStringToFile(File file, String data, String encoding),writeStringToFile(File file, String data, String encoding, boolean append):按指定的编码把字符串写入指定文件中;第四个参数如果为true,则把内容写到文件最后;如果文件不存在则创建;

writeByteArrayToFile(File file, byte[] data),writeByteArrayToFile(File file, byte[] data, boolean append):同上;

forceDelete(File file):删除指定文件,如果为目录,则清空目录并删除目录文件,如果为文件,直接删除文件;

forceDeleteOnExit(File file):在JVM退出时进行删除,如果为目录,则清空目录并删除目录文件,如果为文件,直接删除文件;

cleanDirectoryOnExit(File directory) :在JVM退出时清空目录;

forceMkdir(File directory):创建指定目录,如果失败抛出异常;

sizeOf(File file):返回指定文件大小或者目录下所有文件大小之和;

isFileNewer(File file, File reference):判断给定文件与比较文件哪个更新(创建时间更晚),第二个参数为参照文件;

isFileOlder(File file, File reference):判断给定文件与比较文件哪个更旧(创建时间更早),第二个参数为参照文件;

moveDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir):将源目录移动为指定目录;重命名那句代码,如果生命名成功就无须再移动文件了,如果生命名失败再进行拷贝和删除操作;

public static void moveDirectory(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException {if (srcDir == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Source must not be null");}if (destDir == null) {throw new NullPointerException("Destination must not be null");}if (!srcDir.exists()) {throw new FileNotFoundException("Source '" + srcDir + "' does not exist");}if (!srcDir.isDirectory()) {throw new IOException("Source '" + srcDir + "' is not a directory");}if (destDir.exists()) {throw new FileExistsException("Destination '" + destDir + "' already exists");}boolean rename = srcDir.renameTo(destDir);if (!rename) {copyDirectory( srcDir, destDir );deleteDirectory( srcDir );if (srcDir.exists()) {throw new IOException("Failed to delete original directory '" + srcDir +"' after copy to '" + destDir + "'");}}}

moveDirectoryToDirectory(File src, File destDir, boolean createDestDir):把源目录移动到指定目录下,如果目标目录不存在,根据第三个参数是否创建;如果不存在并且不创建,则会抛出异常;

moveFile(File srcFile, File destFile):移动文件,同上;

moveFileToDirectory(File srcFile, File destDir, boolean createDestDir):移动文件到指定目录;如果目标目录不存在,根据第三个参数是否创建;如果不存在并且不创建,则会抛出异常;


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