

4个Android Chart开源免费的图表插件项目
1. Java4Less (http://java4less.com/charts/chart.php?info=android)

RChart will also run on google's platform for mobile devices, Android.
The evaluation version is available in the android subdirectory of the evaluation version. Please see the readme.txt file.
The delivery demo application can be executed like this:
install the demo application in your Android emulator with "adb install J4LChart.apk"
Select the J4LCharts application and a list of charts will be displayed:

Select one of the charts
2.Chart4J (http://code.google.com/p/charts4j/)

3. aChartEngine (http://code.google.com/p/achartengine/)

AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications. It currently supports the following chart types:

line chart
area chart
scatter chart
time chart
bar chart
pie chart
bubble chart
doughnut chart
range (high-low) bar chart
dial chart / gauge
All the above supported chart types can contain multiple series, can be displayed with the X axis horizontally (default) or vertically and support many other custom features. The charts can be built as a view that can be added to a view group or as an intent, such as it can be used to start an activity.

AChartEngine is currently at the 0.6.0 release. New chart types will be added in the following releases. Please keep sending your feedback such as we can continually improve this library.

4. aiCharts (http://www.artfulbits.com/Android/aiCharts.aspx)

其中aChartEngine 的代码和实例比较丰富。





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