Python string endswith() function returns True if the string ends with the given suffix, otherwise it returns False.

如果字符串以给定的后缀结尾,则Python字符串endswith()函数返回True ,否则返回False

Python字符串endswith() (Python String endswith())

This function syntax is:


str.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])

The suffix can be a string or a tuple of string suffixes to look for in the string.

后缀可以是字符串,也可以是要在字符串中查找的字符串后缀的元组 。

The start is an optional argument to specify the index from where test starts.


The end is an optional argument to specify the index where the test has to stop.


Python字符串endswith()示例 (Python string endswith() example)

Let’s look at a simple example of python string endswith() function.


s = 'I Love Python'print(s.endswith('Python'))  # True

Let’s look at some examples with the start argument.


s = 'I Love Python'print(s.endswith('Python', 2))  # True
print(s.endswith('Python', 9))  # False

The start index is 2 for the first print statement, so the test will use the sub-string “ove Python”. That’s why the first output is True.

第一个print语句的起始索引为2,因此测试将使用子字符串“ ove Python”。 这就是为什么第一个输出为True的原因。

For the second print statement, the substring is “hon” that doesn’t end with “Python”. Hence the output is False.

对于第二个打印语句,子字符串为“ hon”,但不以“ Python”结尾。 因此,输出为False。

Let’s look at some examples with the start and end arguments.


s = 'I Love Python'print(s.endswith('hon', 7, len(s)))  # True
print(s.endswith('Pyt', 0, 10))  # True
print(s.endswith('Python', 8))  # False

For the first print statement, the substring is “Python” i.e. ending with “hon” and hence the output is True.

对于第一个打印语句,子字符串为“ Python”,即以“ hon”结尾,因此输出为True。

In the second print statement, the substring is “I Love Pyt” and hence the output is True.

在第二个打印语句中,子字符串为“ I Love Pyt”,因此输出为True。

For the third print statement, the substring is “thon” that doesn’t end with “Python”, hence the output is False.

对于第三个print语句,子字符串为“ thon”,但不以“ Python”结尾,因此输出为False。

Tuple的Python字符串endswith()示例 (Python string endswith() example with Tuple)

Let’s look at some examples with Tuple of strings as the suffix.


s = 'I Love Python'print(s.endswith(('is', 'Python')))  # True
print(s.endswith(('Love', 'Python'), 1, 6))  # True

For the first print statement, string ends with “Python” and hence the output is True.

对于第一个打印语句,字符串以“ Python”结尾,因此输出为True。

For the second print statement, string test begins from index position 1 and ends at index position 6 (excluded). So the substring is ” Love” which ends with “Love” and hence the output as True.

对于第二条打印语句,字符串测试从索引位置1开始并在索引位置6处结束(不包括在内)。 因此,子字符串是“ Love”,以“ Love”结尾,因此输出为True。

GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中检出完整的python脚本和更多Python示例。

Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档



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