

  • npm install koa-generator -g
  • koa2 blog-koa2
  • cd blog-koa2
  • npm install
  • npm i cross-env --save-dev
  • 启动项目npm run dev
  • 代码复用


  • 下载插件 koa-generic-session、koa-redis、redis
    npm i koa-generic-session koa-redis redis --save
  • 配置环境(app.js)
const session = require('koa-generic-session')
const redisStore = require('koa-redis')
const REDIS_CONF = require('./conf/db')
//session 与  redis
app.keys = ['dfhQWE_123#df']
app.use(session({//配置cookiecookie:{path:"/",httpOnly:true,maxAge:24 * 60 * 60 * 1000},//配置redisstore: redisStore({all:`${REDIS_CONF.host}:${REDIS_CONF.port}`})
  • 中间键
const {ErrorModel} = require('../model/resModel')module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {if (ctx.session.username) {await next()return }ctx.body = new ErrorModel('尚未登陆')


  • 获取博客列表
const getList = async (author, keyword) => {let sql = `select * from blogs where 1=1 `if (author) {author = escape(author)sql += ` and author = ${author} `}if (keyword) {keyword = escape(keyword)sql += ` and title like %${keyword}%`}sql += 'order by createtime desc; 'return await exec(sql)
  • 获取博客详细内容
const getDetail = async (id) => {id = escape(id)let sql = `select content,title,author,id from blogs where id = ${id}`const rows = await exec(sql)return rows[0]
  • 更新博客
const updateBlog = async (id, blogData = {}) => {const content = escape(xss(blogData.content))const title = escape(xss(blogData.title))id = escape(xss(id))let sql = `update blogs set title=${title}, content=${content} where id=${id}`const updateData = await exec(sql)if (updateData.affectedRows > 0) {return true}return false
  • 删除博客
const delBlog = async (id, author) => {id = escape(xss(id))author = escape(xss(author))let sql = `delete from blogs where id=${id} and author=${author};`const delData = exec(sql)if (delData.affectedRows > 0) {return true}return false
  • 增加博客
const newBlog = async (blogData = {}) => {const title = escape(xss(blogData.title))const content = escape(xss(blogData.content))const author = escape(xss(blogData.author))const createTime = Date.now()const sql = `insert into blogs (title, content, createtime, author)values (${title}, ${content}, ${createTime}, ${author})`const insertData = await exec(sql)return {id: insertData.insertId}
  • 用户登录
const {exec,escape} = require('../db/mysql')
const xss = require('xss')
const login = async(username,paasword) => {username = escape(xss(username))paasword = escape(xss(paasword))let sql = `select username, realname from users where username=${username} and password=${password}`const row = await exec(sql)return row[0] || {}


  • 查看博客列表
router.get('/list', async (ctx, next) => {let author = ctx.query.author || ''const keyword = ctx.query.keyword || ''if (ctx.query.isadmin) {if (ctx.session.username == null) {ctx.body = new ErrorModel('尚未登录')}author = ctx.session.username}const listData = await getList(author, keyword)ctx.body = new SuccessModel(listData)
  • 查看博客详细信息
router.get('/detail', async (ctx, next) => {const { id } = ctx.queryconst detail = await getDetail(id)ctx.body = new SuccessModel(detail)
  • 增加博客
const loginCheck = require('../middleware/loginCheck')
router.post('/new', loginCheck, async (ctx, next) => {ctx.request.body.author = ctx.session.usernameconst id = await newBlog(ctx.request.body)if (id > 0) {ctx.body = new SuccessModel()return} else {ctx.body = new ErrorModel('增加博客失败')}
  • 删除博客
const loginCheck = require('../middleware/loginCheck')
router.post('/del', loginCheck, async (ctx, next) => {const { id } = ctx.queryconst author = ctx.session.usernameconst val = await delBlog(id, author)if (val) {ctx.body = new SuccessModel()return} else {ctx.body = new ErrorModel('删除博客失败')} })
  • 更新博客
const loginCheck = require('../middleware/loginCheck')
router.post('/update', loginCheck, async (ctx, next) => {const { id } = ctx.queryctx.request.body.author = ctx.session.usernameconst val = await updateBlog(id, ctx.request.body)if (val) {ctx.body = new SuccessModel()return} else {ctx.body = new ErrorModel('更新博客失败')}
  • 用户登录
router.post('/login', async(ctx, next) => {//获取请求数据const {username, password} = ctx.request.bodyconst data = await login(username,password)if (data.username) {ctx.session.username = data.usernamectx.session.realname = data.realnamectx.body= new SuccessModel()return}ctx.body = new ErrorModel('登录失败')


  • 查看博客列表

  • 查看博客详细内容

  • 用户登录

  • 增加博客

  • 更新博客

  • 删除博客

  • 未登录进行博客操作


  • 安装 koa-morgan
    npm i koa-morgan --save
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const morgan = require('koa-morgan')
const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV
if (ENV !== 'production') {app.use(morgan('dev'),{stream:process.stdout //打印到控制台 (默认)})
} else {//线上环境const logfileName = path.join(__dirname, "logs","access.log")const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(logfileName, {flags:'a'})app.use(morgan('combined',{stream:writeStream}))





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