

Find the median
时间限制:C/C++ 3秒,其他语言6秒
空间限制:C/C++ 131072K,其他语言262144K
64bit IO Format: %lld


Let median of some array be the number which would stand in the middle of this array if it was sorted beforehand. If the array has even length let median be smallest of of two middle elements. For example, median of the array [10,3,2,3,2] is 3 (i.e. [2,2,3‾,3,10][2,2,\underline{3},3,10][2,2,3​,3,10]). Median of the array [1,5,8,1] is 1 (i.e. [1,1‾,5,8][1,\underline{1},5,8][1,1​,5,8]).

At first, you're given an empty sequence. There are N operations. The i-th operation contains two integers LiL_iLi​ and RiR_iRi​. This means that adding Ri−Li+1R_i-L_i+1Ri​−Li​+1 integers Li,Li+1,...,RiL_i, L_i+1, ... , R_iLi​,Li​+1,...,Ri​ into the sequence. After each operation, you need to find the median of the sequence.


The first line of the input contains an integer N (1≤N≤400000)N\ (1 \leq N \leq 400000)N (1≤N≤400000) as described above.

The next two lines each contains six integers in the following format, respectively:

- X1 X2 A1 B1 C1 M1X_1\ X_2\ A_1\ B_1\ C_1\ M_1X1​ X2​ A1​ B1​ C1​ M1​- Y1 Y2 A2 B2 C2 M2Y_1\ Y_2\ A_2\ B_2\ C_2\ M_2Y1​ Y2​ A2​ B2​ C2​ M2​

These values are used to generate Li,RiL_i, R_iLi​,Ri​ as follows:

We define:- Xi=(A1×Xi−1+B1×Xi−2+C1) module M1X_i = (A_1 \times X_{i-1} + B_1 \times X_{i-2} + C_1)\ module\ M_1Xi​=


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