

  • 常见词根与词缀


词根/词缀 含义 示例 词源
cardi(o)- heart 心脏 cardioscope 心脏镜
cardiosurgery 心脏外科学
from Greek kardia ‘heart’.
fibr(o)- fibre 纤维 fibrocyte 纤维细胞
fibroma 纤维瘤
from Latin fibra ‘fiber’.
aort(o)- aorta 主动脉 aortitis 主动脉炎
aortagram 主动脉造影片
mid 16th century: from Greek aortē (used in the plural by Hippocrates for the branches of the windpipe, and by Aristotle for the great artery), from aeirein ‘raise’.
angi(o)- vessel 血管 angiofibroma 血管纤维瘤
angioblastoma 成血管细胞瘤
from Greek angeion ‘vessel’.
arteri(o)- artery 动脉 arteriostenosis 动脉狭窄
arteriorrhexis 动脉破裂
late Middle English: from Latin arteria, from Greek artēria, probably from airein ‘raise’.
phleb(o)- vein 静脉 phlebology 静脉学
phlebolith 静脉石
from phleps (genitive phlebos) “vein”
ven(o)- vein 静脉 venography 静脉造影术
venosclerosis 静脉硬化
From veni (“come”) +‎ -o.
splanch(o)- viscus 内脏 splanchnopathy 内脏病
splanchnoscope 内窥镜
Ancient Greek σπλάγχνα (splánkhna, “viscera”)
注:感觉与 “viscosity (黏糊)” 有点渊源
steth(o)- breast 胸 stethophone 听诊器 (本义:挺胸器)
stethoscope 听诊器
from Greek stēthos ‘breast’
splen(o)- spleen 脾 splenoblast 成脾细胞
splenology 脾脏学
From Ancient Greek σπλήν (splḗn, “spleen”).
-lith stone 石,结石 angiolith 血管石
arteriolith 动脉石
from Greek lithos ‘stone’.
-rrhexis rupture 破裂 angiorrhexis 动脉破裂
phleborrhexis 静脉破裂
From New Latin, from Ancient Greek ῥῆξις (rhêxis).
coron(o)- corona 冠 coronary 冠状的
coronaritis 冠状动脉炎
from Latin, ‘wreath, crown’.
atri(o)- atrium (心) 房 atrial 心房的
atriomegaly 心房(过)大
From Latin ātrium (“entry hall”), from Etruscan.
注:atri- 与 entry确有点谐音
capillar(o)- capillary 毛(细)血管 capillaropathy 毛细管病
capillaroscopy 毛细管显微镜检查
mid 17th century: from Latin capillaris, from capillus ‘hair’, influenced by Old French capillaire .

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