Word Preparation

served with:搭配

I ordered you some sushi served with miso soup for you lunch.

The beef steak is served with chips and salad.

consist of:由…构成;包括

This apartment consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition.

This series is going to consist of 12 episodes.

taste a bit like:尝起来有点像

This tastes a bit like plum.

This tastes a bit like beer but sweeter.

What’s the special for today? 今天特色菜是什么啊?

- What’s the special for today? 今天特色菜是什么?
- It’s creamy mushroom soup. 是奶油蘑菇汤。

What’s the special for today? Is there anything spicy?

What’s …, though? 那什么是…啊?

- So, what’s a risotto, though? 什么是“肉汁烩饭”啊?
- It’s an Italian dish. 是一种意大利餐点。

- I’d like to order a mojito. Would you like one? 我想点杯莫吉托。你也要一杯吗?
- Sounds nice, but what’s mojito, though? 听起来不错。不过什么是“莫吉托”啊?

How does it taste? 尝起来怎么样啊?

Have you had this dish before? How does it taste?

This looks really nice. How does it taste?


Asking about a dish 询问关于点餐的东西

除了How does it taste?,还可以说

  • Does it taste good?
  • How is the food?
  • What is the taste of …?
  • It doesn’t taste very nice, does it?
  • What’s sushi? does it taste good?
  • How is the food? You seem to be enjoying it.
  • What is the taste of this? It looks strange.
  • It doesn’t taste very well, does it?

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