

#include <stdio.h>   /* gets */
#include <stdlib.h>  /* atoi, malloc */
#include <string.h>  /* strcpy */
#include "uthash.h"struct my_struct {int ikey;                    /* key */char value[10];UT_hash_handle hh;         /* makes this structure hashable */
};static struct my_struct *g_users = NULL;void add_user(int mykey, char *value) {struct my_struct *s;HASH_FIND_INT(users, &mykey, s);  /* mykey already in the hash? */if (s==NULL) {s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct));s->ikey = mykey;HASH_ADD_INT( users, ikey, s );  /* ikey: name of key field */}strcpy(s->value, value);
}struct my_struct *find_user(int mykey) {struct my_struct *s;HASH_FIND_INT( users, &mykey, s );  /* s: output pointer */return s;
}void delete_user(struct my_struct *user) {HASH_DEL( users, user);  /* user: pointer to deletee */free(user);
}void delete_all() {struct my_struct *current_user, *tmp;HASH_ITER(hh, users, current_user, tmp) {HASH_DEL(users,current_user);  /* delete it (users advances to next) */free(current_user);            /* free it */}
}void print_users() {struct my_struct *s;for(s=users; s != NULL; s=(struct my_struct*)(s->hh.next)) {printf("user ikey %d: value %s\n", s->ikey, s->value);}
}int name_sort(struct my_struct *a, struct my_struct *b) {return strcmp(a->value,b->value);
}int id_sort(struct my_struct *a, struct my_struct *b) {return (a->ikey - b->ikey);
}void sort_by_name() {HASH_SORT(users, name_sort);
}void sort_by_id() {HASH_SORT(users, id_sort);
}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {char in[10];int ikey=1, running=1;struct my_struct *s;unsigned num_users;while (running) {printf(" 1. add user\n");printf(" 2. add/rename user by id\n");printf(" 3. find user\n");printf(" 4. delete user\n");printf(" 5. delete all users\n");printf(" 6. sort items by name\n");printf(" 7. sort items by id\n");printf(" 8. print users\n");printf(" 9. count users\n");printf("10. quit\n");gets(in);switch(atoi(in)) {case 1:printf("name?\n");add_user(ikey++, gets(in));break;case 2:printf("id?\n");gets(in); ikey = atoi(in);printf("name?\n");add_user(ikey, gets(in));break;case 3:printf("id?\n");s = find_user(atoi(gets(in)));printf("user: %s\n", s ? s->value : "unknown");break;case 4:printf("id?\n");s = find_user(atoi(gets(in)));if (s) delete_user(s);else printf("id unknown\n");break;case 5:delete_all();break;case 6:sort_by_name();break;case 7:sort_by_id();break;case 8:print_users();break;case 9:num_users=HASH_COUNT(users);printf("there are %u users\n", num_users);break;case 10:running=0;break;}}delete_all();  /* free any structures */return 0;


#include <string.h>  /* strcpy */
#include <stdlib.h>  /* malloc */
#include <stdio.h>   /* printf */
#include "uthash.h"struct my_struct {char name[10];             /* key (string is WITHIN the structure) */int id;UT_hash_handle hh;         /* makes this structure hashable */
};int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {const char **n, *names[] = { "joe", "bob", "betty", NULL };struct my_struct *s, *tmp, *users = NULL;int i=0;for (n = names; *n != NULL; n++) {s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct));strncpy(s->name, *n,10);s->id = i++;HASH_ADD_STR( users, name, s );}HASH_FIND_STR( users, "betty", s);if (s) printf("betty's id is %d\n", s->id);/* free the hash table contents */HASH_ITER(hh, users, s, tmp) {HASH_DEL(users, s);free(s);}return 0;


#include <string.h>  /* strcpy */
#include <stdlib.h>  /* malloc */
#include <stdio.h>   /* printf */
#include "uthash.h"struct my_struct {const char *name;          /* key */int id;UT_hash_handle hh;         /* makes this structure hashable */
};int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {const char **n, *names[] = { "joe", "bob", "betty", NULL };struct my_struct *s, *tmp, *users = NULL;int i=0;for (n = names; *n != NULL; n++) {s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct));s->name = *n;s->id = i++;HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, users, s->name, strlen(s->name), s );}HASH_FIND_STR( users, "betty", s);if (s) printf("betty's id is %d\n", s->id);/* free the hash table contents */HASH_ITER(hh, users, s, tmp) {HASH_DEL(users, s);free(s);}return 0;


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