

GitHub - inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll: nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad






// 1. Simple mode, it styles document scrollbar:【直接替换传统的scroll】
$(function() {  $("body").niceScroll();
});// 2. Instance with object returned:【获取body中替换的NiceScroll对象】
var nice = false;
$(function() {  nice = $("body").niceScroll();
});// 3. Style a DIV and change cursor color:【改变div的style】
$(function() {  $("#thisdiv").niceScroll({cursorcolor:"#00F"});
});// 4. DIV with "wrapper", formed by two divs, the first is the vieport, the latter is the content:【div嵌套时的用法,外层的叫viewport,内层的是warpper】
$(function() {$("#viewportdiv").niceScroll("#wrapperdiv",{cursorcolor:"#00F"});
});// 5. Get nicescroll object:【获取NiceScroll对象】
var nice = $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll();// 6. Hide scrollbars:【隐藏Scrollbars】
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().hide();// 7. Check for scrollbars resize (when content or position have changed):【当内容和位置发生改变时,就要使用resize这个函数了】
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().resize();// 8. Scrolling to a position:【获取sroll的位置,x轴和y轴】
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollLeft(x, duration); // Scroll X Axis
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollTop(y, duration); // Scroll Y Axis


$("#thisdiv").niceScroll({cursorcolor: "#424242", // change cursor color in hexcursoropacitymin: 0, // change opacity when cursor is inactive (scrollabar "hidden" state), range from 1 to 0cursoropacitymax: 1, // change opacity when cursor is active (scrollabar "visible" state), range from 1 to 0cursorwidth: "5px", // cursor width in pixel (you can also write "5px")cursorborder: "1px solid #fff", // css definition for cursor bordercursorborderradius: "5px", // border radius in pixel for cursorzindex: "auto" | [number], // change z-index for scrollbar divscrollspeed: 60, // scrolling speedmousescrollstep: 40, // scrolling speed with mouse wheel (pixel)touchbehavior: false, // DEPRECATED!! use "emulatetouch"emulatetouch: false, // enable cursor-drag scrolling like touch devices in desktop computerhwacceleration: true, // use hardware accelerated scroll when supportedboxzoom: false, // enable zoom for box contentdblclickzoom: true, // (only when boxzoom=true) zoom activated when double click on boxgesturezoom: true, // (only when boxzoom=true and with touch devices) zoom activated when pinch out/in on boxgrabcursorenabled: true // (only when touchbehavior=true) display "grab" iconautohidemode: true, // how hide the scrollbar works, possible values: true | // hide when no scrolling"cursor" | // only cursor hiddenfalse | // do not hide,"leave" | // hide only if pointer leaves content"hidden" | // hide always"scroll", // show only on scroll          background: "", // change css for rail backgroundiframeautoresize: true, // autoresize iframe on load eventcursorminheight: 32, // set the minimum cursor height (pixel)preservenativescrolling: true, // you can scroll native scrollable areas with mouse, bubbling mouse wheel eventrailoffset: false, // you can add offset top/left for rail positionbouncescroll: false, // (only hw accell) enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like spacebarenabled: true, // enable page down scrolling when space bar has pressedrailpadding: { top: 0, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0 }, // set padding for rail bardisableoutline: true, // for chrome browser, disable outline (orange highlight) when selecting a div with nicescrollhorizrailenabled: true, // nicescroll can manage horizontal scrollrailalign: right, // alignment of vertical railrailvalign: bottom, // alignment of horizontal railenabletranslate3d: true, // nicescroll can use css translate to scroll contentenablemousewheel: true, // nicescroll can manage mouse wheel eventsenablekeyboard: true, // nicescroll can manage keyboard eventssmoothscroll: true, // scroll with ease movementsensitiverail: true, // click on rail make a scrollenablemouselockapi: true, // can use mouse caption lock API (same issue on object dragging)cursorfixedheight: false, // set fixed height for cursor in pixelhidecursordelay: 400, // set the delay in microseconds to fading out scrollbarsdirectionlockdeadzone: 6, // dead zone in pixels for direction lock activationnativeparentscrolling: true, // detect bottom of content and let parent to scroll, as native scroll doesenablescrollonselection: true, // enable auto-scrolling of content when selection textcursordragspeed: 0.3, // speed of selection when dragged with cursorrtlmode: "auto", // horizontal div scrolling starts at left sidecursordragontouch: false, // drag cursor in touch / touchbehavior mode alsooneaxismousemode: "auto", // it permits horizontal scrolling with mousewheel on horizontal only content, if false (vertical-only) mousewheel don't scroll horizontally, if value is auto detects two-axis mousescriptpath: "" // define custom path for boxmode icons ("" => same script path)preventmultitouchscrolling: true // prevent scrolling on multitouch eventsdisablemutationobserver: false // force MutationObserver disabled,enableobserver: true // enable DOM changing observer, it tries to resize/hide/show when parent or content div had changedscrollbarid: false // set a custom ID for nicescroll bars


property value description
cursorcolor "#424242" 改变光标颜色(十六进制)
cursoropacitymin 0 当光标是无效状态时改变其透明度,范围从1到0
cursoropacitymax 1 当光标是有效状态时改变其透明度,范围从1到0
cursorwidth "5px" 光标的宽度为5像素
cursorborder "1px solid #fff" 使用css定义光标包边
cursorborderradius "5px" 光标的包边半径(改包边为圆弧)
zindex "auto" | [number] 改变光标div的z-index
scrollspeed 60 光标速率
mousescrollstep 40 用滚轮滚动的光标速率
touchbehavior false 不要使用,改用emulatetouch
emulatetouch false 开启cursor-darg功能(像触屏滚动的那个效果)
hwacceleration true hw是hardware,使用硬件加数功能
boxzoom false 开启内容放缩功能
dbclickzoom true 当boxzoom为true时使用,当鼠标双击时zoom为激活状态
gesturezoom true 当boxzoom为true、touch devices为true时使用
grabcursorenabled true 当touchbehavior=true时生效,展示"grab"图标
autohidemode true
background "" 使用css定义background
iframeautoresize true auto resize
cursorminheight 32 设置光标最小高度
preservenatviescrolling true 使用原始的滚轮
radiloffset false 为rail postiont添加top/left的偏移
bouncescroll false (only hw accell) enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like
spacebarenabled true enable page down scrolling when space bar has pressed
railpadding {top: 0, right: 0, left 0, bottom: 0} 给rail bar设置padding
disableoutline true for chrome browser, disable outline (orange highlight) when selecting a div with nicescroll
horizrailenabled true nicescroll can manage horizontal scroll
railalign right 垂直滑轨的位置
railvalign bottom 水平滑轨的位置
enabletranslate3d true nicescroll can use css translate to scroll content
enablemousewheel true nicescroll can manage mouse wheel events
enablekeyboard true nicescroll can manage keyboard events
smoothscroll true scroll with ease movement
sensitiverail true click on rail make a scroll
enablemouselockapi true can use mouse caption lock API (same issue on object dragging)
cursorfixedheight false 设置光标固定高度
hidecursordelay 400 set the delay in microseconds to fading out scrollbars
directionlockdeadzone 6 dead zone in pixels for direction lock activation
nativeparentscrolling true detect bottom of content and let parent to scroll, as native scroll does
enablescrollonselection true enable auto-scrolling of content when selection text
cursordragontouch 0.3 speed of selection when dragged with cursor
oneaxismousemode "auto" horizontal div scrolling starts at left side
scriptpath "" drag cursor in touch / touchbehavior mode also
preventmultitouchscrolling true it permits horizontal scrolling with mousewheel on horizontal only content, if false (vertical-only) mousewheel don't scroll horizontally, if value is auto detects two-axis mouse
disablemutationobserver false force MutationObserver disabled
enableobserver true enable DOM changing observer, it tries to resize/hide/show when parent or content div had changed
    scrollbarid: false // set a custom ID for nicescroll bars 
scrollbarid false set a custom ID for nicescroll bars


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