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  • SRC算法
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  • 稀疏表达
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    • 图片分块并为列
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来自Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation

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2.3 Classification Based on Sparse Representation


Example 1(l1l^1l1-minimization versus l2l^2l2-minimization). To illustrate how Algorithm 111 works, we randomly select half of the 2,4142,4142,414 images in the Extended Yale B database as the training set and the rest for testing. In this example, we subsample the images from the original 192 ×\times× 168 to size 12 ×\times× 10. The pixel values of the downsampled image are used as 120−D120-D120−D features—stacked as columns of the matrix AAA in the algorithm. Hence, matrix AAA has size 120 ×\times× 1,207, and the system y=Axy = Axy=Ax is underdetermined.

Fig.3aFig. 3aFig.3a illustrates the sparse coefficients recovered by Algorithm 111 for a test image from the first subject. The figure also shows the features and the original images that correspond to the two largest coefficients. The two largest coefficients are both associated with training samples from subject 111. Fig.3bFig. 3bFig.3b shows the residuals with respect to the 383838 projected coefficients δix^1,i=1,2,...,38.\delta_i\hat{x}_1, i =1,2,...,38.δi​x^1​,i=1,2,...,38. With 12 ×\times× 10 downsampled images as features, Algorithm 111 achieves an overall recognition rate of percent across the Extended Yale B database. (See Section 444 for details and performance with other features such as Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces, as well as comparison with other methods.) Whereas the more conventional minimum l2l^2l2-norm solution to the underdetermined system y=Axy = Axy=Ax is typically quite dense, minimizing the l1l^1l1-norm favors sparse solutions and provably recovers the sparsest solution when this solution is sufficiently sparse. To illustrate this contrast, Fig.4aFig. 4aFig.4a shows the coefficients of the same test image given by the conventional l2l^2l2-minimization (4)(4)(4), and Fig.4bFig. 4bFig.4b shows the corresponding residuals with respect to the 383838 subjects. The coefficients are much less sparse than those given by l1l^1l1-minimization (in Fig.3Fig. 3Fig.3), and the dominant coefficients are not associated with subject 111. As a result, the smallest residual in Fig.4Fig. 4Fig.4 does not correspond to the correct subject (subject 111).



  1. 检查数据集中的数据特征,确定图片分块大小,并将无遮挡的人脸作为训练数据,有遮挡的人脸作为测试数据。
  2. 应用SCR算法进行字典构建并对测试集进行基于分块投票的分类;
  3. 统计分类结果与准确率。


  1. 初始化字典:A. 将训练集中的每一张图像进行降采样(例如降采样到40行30列),并reshape成一列(120行1列),并对该列进行归一化。B. 将训练图像依次处理并排列成字典,
    A=[A1,A2,A3⋯Ai,⋯Ak]A=[A_1, A_2,A_3\cdots A_i,\cdots A_k] A=[A1​,A2​,A3​⋯Ai​,⋯Ak​]
    A=[ai1,ai2⋯Ain]A=[a_{i1}, a_{i2}\cdots A_{in}] A=[ai1​,ai2​⋯Ain​]
  2. 将测试数据用同样的参数降采样并reshapereshapereshape得到特征向量。并用OMPOMPOMP算法计算该测试数据的稀疏表达x;
  3. 使用类似one−hotone-hotone−hot方法对xxx进行处理。
  4. 应用字典将处理后的稀疏表达还原,并计算原后的向量和图像原始特征向量的距离
  5. 对所有类别均用2.3、2.4的方法计算距离。距离最小的类,即为分类结果。




class dataMaker():def __init__(self, file_dir, name='AR', use_num=None):if name == 'AR':if use_num == None:self.num_class = 100else:self.num_class = use_numself.train_item = 14self.test_item = 12self.AR_dataSet(file_dir)elif name == 'YaleB':if use_num == None:self.num_class = 39else:self.num_class = use_numself.train_item = 1self.test_item = 1self.YaleB_dataSet(file_dir)elif name == 'classed_pack':if use_num == None:self.num_class = 10else:self.num_class = use_num# 每类图片有三张(三个摄像头)取两个做训练集,一个做测试集self.train_item = 2self.test_item = 1self.classed_pack_dataset(file_dir)def AR_dataSet(self, file_dir):''' 提取文件夹下的地址+文件名,源文件设定排序规则 '''train_file = []test_file = []for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir):for file in files:f_name = file.split('-')id = f_name[2].split('.')id = int(id[0])if id <= 7 or (id >= 14 and id <= 20) :train_file.append(os.path.join(root, file))else:test_file.append(os.path.join(root, file))train_data = []test_data = []print('prepare file name...',end=' ')for i in train_file:img = Image.open(i)train_data.append(np.array(img))print('read in train data...',end=' ')for i in test_file:img = Image.open(i)test_data.append(np.array(img))print('read in test data...', end='\n')self.train_data = train_data        # 14*100self.test_data = test_data  # 12*100def YaleB_dataSet(self, file_dir):'''读取YaleB数据集, 同时作为训练集和测试集TODO:好吧实际上YaleB数据集每类只有一张图片所以在SRC算法中无用'''src_img_w = 192src_img_h = 168# dataset = np.zeros((38,192,168), np.float)dataset = np.zeros((src_img_w * src_img_h, 38), np.float)cnt_num = 0img_list = sorted(os.listdir(file_dir))os.chdir(file_dir)self.train_data = []self.test_data = []for img in img_list:if img.endswith(".pgm"):# print(img.size)gray_img = cv2.imread(img, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)# gray_img = cv2.resize(gray_img, (src_img_w, src_img_h),interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)# dataset[:, cnt_num] = gray_img.reshape(src_img_w * src_img_h, )cnt_num += 1self.train_data.append(gray_img)self.test_data.append(gray_img)print('...prepare train data finished')def classed_pack_dataset(self, file_dir):'''大创行李数据集,该数据集为'三个轨道的图像分别有两个做训练集,剩下的一个做测试集'TODO:考虑使用transforms'''# TODO:预定义哪个做测试集test_class = [3,]self.train_data = []self.test_data = []# 根据传入行李类别数判断读取.jpg文件for i in range(1, self.num_class + 1):temp = []sub_floder = file_dir + str(i) + '/'# 每件行李有三张图片for j in range(1, self.train_item + self.test_item + 1):# temp.append(sub_floder + str(j) + '.jpg')img_dir = sub_floder + str(j) + '.jpg'# TODO:直接以灰度图方式读出img = cv2.imread(img_dir, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)if j in test_class:self.test_data.append(img)else:self.train_data.append(img)print('...prepare train data finished')




class SRC():def __init__(self, dataset, max_iter=100, tol=1e-6, n_nonzero_coefs=None):'''1.初始化字典'''# (120,165) -> (120, 160) -> (30, 40)*16 -> (1200,)*16self.max_iter = max_iterself.tol = tolself.n_nonzero_coefs = n_nonzero_coefsself.train_data = dataset.train_dataself.test_data = dataset.test_dataself.num_class = dataset.num_classself.train_item = dataset.train_itemself.test_item = dataset.test_itemdef makeDictionary(self, newShape, block):'''newShape为降采样后的图片大小,block为对降采样后的图片分别在行、列分为多少块A. 将训练集图像进行降采样eg.(40,30), 并reshape成一列(120行1列),并对该列进行归一化。 B. 将训练图像依次处理并排列成字典,1.1 其中Ai 是某一个人的特征集合。 1.2 其中"a" _i1是第i个人的第1张图像reshape的那一列(120行1列)。C. 将测试数据用同样的参数降采样并reshape得到特征向量。'''self.divide = Divide(int(newShape[1] / block[1]),int(newShape[0] / block[0]))self.div_num = block[0] * block[1]num_row = int(newShape[0]*newShape[1]/self.div_num)# 处理训练集(字典)print('SRC->init: train_data', end='')self.dictionary = np.zeros((num_row, self.num_class*self.train_item*self.div_num))for ind, i in enumerate(self.train_data):# 先重新降采样,规划图片大小img = cv2.resize(i, newShape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)# 按参数分块# plt.imshow(img),plt.show()res = self.divide.encode(img)# self.dictionary = np.column_stack((self.dictionary, res))self.dictionary[:,self.div_num*ind:self.div_num*(ind+1)] = resif ind % 20 == 0:print('.', end='')# 处理测试集(test)print('\nSRC->init: test_data', end='')self.test_img = np.zeros((num_row, self.num_class*self.test_item*self.div_num))for ind,i in enumerate(self.test_data):img = cv2.resize(i, newShape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)res = self.divide.encode(img)# plt.imshow(self.divide.decode(res,newShape[1],newShape[0])),plt.show()# self.test_img = np.column_stack((self.test_img, res))self.test_img[:,self.div_num*ind:self.div_num*(ind+1)] = resif ind % 20 == 0:print('.',end='')print('')# Normalize the columns of A to have unit l2-normprint('dictionary', self.dictionary.shape, 'test_img', self.test_img.shape)# plt.imshow(self.dictionary), plt.show()# plt.imshow(self.test_img), plt.show()self.dictionary = self.l2_normalize(self.dictionary)self.test_img = self.l2_normalize(self.test_img)# plt.imshow(self.dictionary), plt.show()# plt.imshow(self.test_img), plt.show()print()def l2_normalize(self, x, axis=-1, order=2):l2 = np.linalg.norm(x, ord = order, axis=axis, keepdims=True)l2[l2==0] = 1return x/l2def dict_update(self, y, d, x, n_components):"""使用KSVD更新字典的过程"""for i in range(n_components):index = np.nonzero(x[i, :])[0]if len(index) == 0:continue# 更新第i列d[:, i] = 0# 计算误差矩阵r = (y - np.dot(d, x))[:, index]# 利用svd的方法,来求解更新字典和稀疏系数矩阵u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(r, full_matrices=False)# 使用左奇异矩阵的第0列更新字典d[:, i] = u[:, 0]# 使用第0个奇异值和右奇异矩阵的第0行的乘积更新稀疏系数矩阵for j,k in enumerate(index):x[i, k] = s[0] * v[0, j]return d, xdef OMP(self, y):'''2.用OMP算法计算该测试数据的稀疏表达x;'''nrows = 3ncols = 4figsize = (8, 8)# _, figs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize)# l = []# 共self.num_class类,每类图片测试集有...张图片for i in range(self.test_item):yy = y[:, i * self.div_num : (i + 1) * self.div_num]# 求解稀疏表达 ATTENTION: 这个写错了n_comp = self.num_class * self.train_item * self.div_num# max_iter = 10dic = copy.deepcopy(self.dictionary)for j in range(self.max_iter):# 稀疏编码x = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(dic, y)if len(x.shape) == 1:x = x[:, np.newaxis]e = np.linalg.norm(y - np.dot(dic, x))print('dict_update->e:',e)if e < self.tol:breakdic, temp_x = self.dict_update(y, dic, x, n_comp)print('dict_update->dic.e:', np.linalg.norm(self.dictionary - dic))# print(x.transpose())# print(temp_x.transpose())xx = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(dic, yy)# xx = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(self.dictionary, yy)if len(xx.shape) == 1:xx = xx[:, np.newaxis]print(xx.transpose())# _, figs1 = plt.subplots(5, 5, figsize=figsize)for i in range(0, self.div_num):# TODO: 原来xx[]为0时log为-infxx[xx==0] = self.tolt_y = np.log(xx[:,i])# t_y = xx[:,i]# t_x = list(range(35000))t_x = list(range(self.train_item*self.num_class*self.div_num))# figs1[i][j].bar(t_x,t_y)# 这个占用内存太大了似乎出不来啊plt.subplot(1, 4, 1), plt.imshow(self.divide.decode(yy, 50, 60))plt.subplot(1, 4, 2), plt.bar(t_x, t_y)plt.subplot(1, 4, 3), plt.imshow(self.divide.decode(self.dictionary[:, 15 * self.div_num : (15 + 1) * self.div_num], 50, 60))plt.subplot(1, 4, 4), plt.imshow(self.divide.decode(np.dot(dic, x),50,60))plt.show()# plt.show()l = []print("[OMP]->i:{}: ".format(i))for j in range(self.num_class):# 取每类的字典部分和每类的稀疏表达部分计算误差dd = self.dictionary[:, j * self.train_item * self.div_num : (j + 1) * self.train_item * self.div_num]xxx = xx[j * self.train_item * self.div_num : (j + 1) * self.train_item * self.div_num, :]e = np.linalg.norm(yy - np.dot(dd, xxx))# print("[OMP]->i:{},j:{}->e:{}".format(i, j, e))print("\tj:{}->e:{}".format(j, e),end='')if e == 0.0:e = self.toll.append(math.log(e))print()# figs[int(i/4)][i%4].bar(list(range(100)), l)# figs[i][j].axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)# figs[i][j].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)plt.bar(list(range(self.num_class)), l)plt.show()# plt.show()def run(self):# 2.用OMP算法计算该测试数据的稀疏表达x;for i in range(self.num_class):self.OMP(self.test_img[:, i * self.div_num * self.test_item : (i + 1) * self.div_num * self.test_item])print('size dic:{},test:{}'.format(self.dictionary.shape, self.test_img.shape))# 3.使用类似one-hot方法对x进行处理。# 4.应用字典将处理后的稀疏表达还原,并计算原后的向量和图像原始特征向量的距离# train: 100类*14张*16块*1200 test: 100*12*16*1200# 5.对所有类别均用3、4的方法计算距离。距离最小的类,即为分类结果。




import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_modeldef dict_update(y, d, x, n_components):"""使用KSVD更新字典的过程"""for i in range(n_components):index = np.nonzero(x[i, :])[0]if len(index) == 0:continue# 更新第i列d[:, i] = 0# 计算误差矩阵r = (y - np.dot(d, x))[:, index]# 利用svd的方法,来求解更新字典和稀疏系数矩阵u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(r, full_matrices=False)# 使用左奇异矩阵的第0列更新字典d[:, i] = u[:, 0]# 使用第0个奇异值和右奇异矩阵的第0行的乘积更新稀疏系数矩阵for j,k in enumerate(index):x[i, k] = s[0] * v[0, j]return d, xif __name__ == '__main__':# 3x1 = 3x10 * 10x1n_comp = 10y = np.random.rand(3, 1)+1print(y)dic = np.random.rand(3, n_comp)print(dic)xx = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(dic, y)max_iter = 10dictionary = dictolerance = 1e-6for i in range(max_iter):# 稀疏编码x = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(dictionary, y)if len(x.shape) == 1:x = x[:, np.newaxis]e = np.linalg.norm(y - np.dot(dictionary, x))print('e:',e)if e < tolerance:breakdictionary,_ = dict_update(y, dictionary, x, n_comp)sparsecode = linear_model.orthogonal_mp(dictionary, y)print(sparsecode)


[[0.46661241 0.36734721 0.20163223 0.26871968 0.21598456 0.05768749 0.72285521 0.05145567 0.05782816 0.55934381][0.06112155 0.145628   0.53625588 0.9450094  0.65518972 0.2937214 0.75746413 0.1241625  0.00434304 0.61652593][0.53914146 0.35131512 0.97329322 0.26000172 0.61166527 0.99942739 0.7813396  0.84670649 0.7177109  0.62133007]]
e: 1.755322357758388
e: 0.5079530627255521
e: 2.220446049250313e-16
[0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.2.44726583 0.         0.         0.        ]




class Divide:def __init__(self, b_w, b_h):'''b_w: block widthb_h: block height'''self.block_width = b_wself.block_height = b_hdef encode(self, mat):(W, H) = mat.shape# (192, 168)->(24,21)w_len = int(W / self.block_width)h_len = int(H / self.block_height)res = np.zeros((self.block_width * self.block_height, w_len * h_len))for i in range(h_len):for j in range(w_len):temp = mat[j * self.block_width:(j + 1) * self.block_width,i * self.block_height:(i + 1) * self.block_height]temp = temp.reshape(self.block_width * self.block_height)res[:, i * w_len + j] = tempreturn resdef decode(self, mat, W, H):'''mat.shape should be ( block_width*block_height, ~ = 24*21 )'''w_len = int(W / self.block_width)h_len = int(H / self.block_height)mat = mat.reshape(self.block_width * self.block_height, w_len * h_len)res = np.zeros((W, H))for i in range(h_len):for j in range(w_len):temp = mat[:, i * w_len + j]temp = temp.reshape(self.block_width, self.block_height)res[j * self.block_width:(j + 1) * self.block_width,i * self.block_height:(i + 1) * self.block_height] = tempreturn res


if __name__ == '__main__':# 1.检查数据集中的数据特征,确定图片分块大小 (120, 165)#   并将无遮挡的人脸作为训练数据,有遮挡的人脸作为测试数据。# dataset = dataMaker('D:\\MINE_FILE\\dataSet\\AR', 'AR', use_num=40)# dataset = dataMaker('D:\\MINE_FILE\\dataSet\\YaleB', 'YaleB')dataset = dataMaker('./image/classed_pack/', 'classed_pack')# 2.应用SCR算法进行字典构建并对测试集进行基于分块投票的分类;src_algorithm = SRC(dataset, max_iter=100, tol=1e-5)# ARsrc_algorithm.makeDictionary(newShape=(60,50),block=(1,1))# src_algorithm.makeDictionary(newShape=(120,160),block=(5,5))# YaleB# src_algorithm.makeDictionary(newShape=(120, 160), block=(5, 5))src_algorithm.run()# 3.统计分类结果与准确率。


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