Reapp 混合应用 - 帮助构建前所未有的强大应用

(Reapp Hybrid apps -  help you build powerful apps like never before)

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Hybrid apps, fast

React, Webpack, ES6 and our platform help you build powerful apps like never before.

npm install -g reapp
reapp new app
cd app && reapp run
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id="iframe" class="screen" src="" style="margin: auto; overflow: hidden; height: 625px; width: 355px; border-style: none; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238);">
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What is it?

React UI Kit

npm Modules

Webpack Build System

Easy CLI

  Reapp Ionic Touchstone Supersonic
Platform React Angular React Angular
Routing react-router Angular Angular
Animations Interactive JS CSS CSS CSS
Build System Webpack Gulp Gulp
Hot Reload
Themes Customizable JS CSS CSS CSS
Layout Flexbox Block Flexbox Block
Icons SVG Icon Font Icon Font Icon Font
  Views Views Views Views

The UI Kit »


Dynamic & fully interactive JavaScript-powered animations.


JavaScript + Flexbox. Composable, dynamic, with a declarative interface.


Constants, styles and animations. Mix and match them all to make your theme.


Views, ViewLists, even nested ViewLists. Build your own!


Load individually for optimal load & build times.


Use all our animation and styling mixins externally.


import React from 'react';
import { DottedViewList, View, List } from 'reapp-ui/all';export default React.createClass({render() {return<DottedViewList><View title="Hot Articles"><List wrap>{ => a.title)}</List></View><View title="Other"><p>Second view contents</p></View></DottedViewList>}

DottedViewLists show Views side-by-side with a dot indicator, just like the Twitter app.

Reapp has NestedViewList and DottedViewList, but you can use the ViewListMixin to make your own.

Lists can automatically wrap an array of items with ListItem components using the wrap property.

Read the docs

What else?

A set of optional packages. Once generated, mix and match them as you like.


A decorator and dependency injector


Generate & run webpack configs


Some mixins and helpers for React apps


A tiny reducer for use with flux apps


Superagent + bluebird + promises


DRY route to require w/react-router


Express assets for Reapp-structured apps


A polyfill, for Object.assign


A new stack, designed for software instead of documents, is needed.


having everybody in need of transportation buy the necessary spareparts to build a car is insane.


React enables incredible boosts of both productivity and performance. It's declarative components with lifecycles are the future of making apps.

JavaScript has grown up as well. We have amazing build tools that bring us new features. Webpack and 6to5 give you ES6/7, JSX and more. With react-hot-loader you have insanely fast development.

We want to get you running without locking you into a framework. So we built a simple CLI that bootstraps you in minutes. It even runs your server and builds out of the box.

Enjoy flexibility without needing all the glue. We're making hybrid apps, fast.

Copyright 2015 reapp.Icons from under CC

What is it?

Reapp is everything you need to build amazing hybrid apps with React: a collection of modules that work together, a UI kit, and our CLI that bootstraps your app and has a pre-configured build server.


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We have two example apps you can check the source to:

  • Kitchen Sink (demo)
  • Hacker News Reader (demo)


Installation is done through npm, though you can pick and choose any pieces you'd like and roll your own stack. To get the reapp CLI:

npm install -g reapp

Once that's done you can generate a new base reapp stack with:

reapp new [name]

Where [name] is the name you'd like to give your new stack.


The CLI has two main functions that it helps you with. The first is creating new apps. For now, it simply makes a bare clone of a repo we keep updated with the current best-practice. The goal is eventually to have a variety of baseline repo's to choose from.

It also lets you run your app, using reapp-server, a simple express server that works well with the default app structure.

CLI Usage:

Usage: reapp [options] [command]Commands:new [name]  creates a directory with a new reapp-starter scaffoldrun         runs a reapp application with express/webpack-dev-serverbuild       builds a reapp application to a bundle in ./builddebug       use this to for opening issues!help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]

Running & Building Reapp

The run command has a few options to help you out. You can do:

  • reapp run -d (debug) to output information on how it's running your app
  • reapp run -e production (env=production) to run your app in production mode, which is much faster
  • reapp run -t source-map (tool=source-map) to have full sourcemaps rather than the "eval" style sourcemaps we default to

The build command is used once you're ready to deploy your app (to either the web or to cordova). For now, we provide two types of builds:

  • reapp build targets the web for mobile sites.
  • reapp build ios targets cordova ios devices.

You also have the same flags available as the run commands, to adjust tools and envs.

When you run reapp build you'll notice a new ./build folder where your assets have been copied to. We're working on adding more documentation soon on how to get those assets into a Cordova/Phonegap app.

Structure of your applications

You can see the exact app that's generated through the reapp-starter repo. Only the /app/app.jsentrypoint and /assets/layout.html is "necessary". In the future, we could have a config file to make this completely custom. For now, it's very simple:

/config (optional)

/app/app.js is your entry point. Everything in the app folder should be pretty self-explanatory. /assets contains static assets, with a layout.html that is used to serve your app within. In general, you should't have to touch the layout, even for adding styles.

The /theme folder is reapp-ui specific. You can find docs for it in the repo, but it also should be pretty easy to understand.

If you place a build.webpack.js or run.webpack.js in your /config dir, the reapp CLI will use these configs when you run reapp build or reapp run. To see some example configs, check out the files in the ./config folder of the reapp-pack repo.

Your First App

There are a number of pieces we've included in a reapp. Let's explore a few of them in order of when you'll encounter them in your codebase. Think of this as a tour of a reapp app, giving an introduction to packages as we encounter them.

You can check out the reapp project on Github for more info.

To start, you'll want to open ./package.json. Notice we have the following packages:

  • reapp-routes (Routes generator)
  • reapp-ui (UI Kit)
  • reapp (CLI)
  • reapp-platform (Base utils)
  • reapp-component (DI and Factories)

You also have an entry point defined as app/app.js. This starts your app. The most important part here is the routing. Lets start there.

reapp-routes (Routes generator)

reapp-routes is a DRY nested route-to-directory mapping system. As long as your routes map to your component file structure, you can save lots of time and enforce consistency in your app, a win-win.

Notice how the import looks for reapp-routes/react-router. The first import in app.js is your router. We love react-router, so we included a reapp-routes generator for that by default, but you could write your own.

You'll notice that the pre-defined routes all perfectly map to the structure of ./app/components. To see more about how this works, check out reapp-routes.

This is the reapp-routes syntax. The key to note here is the require that is passed to the routes function at the top level, which is how it dynamically requires your components based on the route tree.

reapp-ui (UI Kit)

The next theme we require is the ./app/theme.js file. reapp-ui has it's own documentation, but themes are the core of reapp-ui. They have three things they need: constants, styles, and animations. You can just use the included iOS theme, but we've included the ./app/theme folder as an example of how you can easily customize themes.

Other packages

  • reapp (CLI)
  • reapp-platform (Base utils)
  • reapp-component (DI and Factories)


Reapp wasn't built purposefully to be a framework. Instead, it started as a UI kit. From that kit, two apps were built. While this isn't a lot, it was enough to see repetition between the two that could be extracted.

From those two apps, over a period of months, we extracted a set of packages, ensuring to keep each of them completely independent. It was an experiment in seeing if a framework was necessary.

What we found was this: if you can subscribe to a certain file structure, you can avoid the framework. With that file structure, we can provide helpers via a CLI. Bootstrap your app in one command and you have a mature build system built in, without having to do anything.

Really, Reapp is simple. You could even just use the UI kit and roll your own app. We just went through that headache, and decided to make it easier to avoid it if you like how we make apps.


Our initial goals are simple: focus on completeness, consistency, and performance. Also, a theme for Android.

Down the road we'd like to achieve the following:

  • Isomorphic - Render first on server, pass data over to client to continue from there (easily achievable).
  • Responsive - Support for tablet style interfaces and JS-powered responsive styling.
  • Physics - A spring based physics library into the animation library with an easy syntax.
  • Interaction - A simple, declarative interaction library that can be composed well with reapp

Development Environment

Sublime users, some helpful plugins for you to install:

  • SublimeLinter
  • JSXHint has Babel support
  • babel-sublime


Hybrid apps, fast

React, Webpack, ES6 and our platform help you build powerful apps like never before.

npm install -g reapp
reapp new app
cd app && reapp run

Get StartedGithubTwitter

id="iframe" class="screen" src="" style="margin: auto; overflow: hidden; height: 625px; width: 355px; border-style: none; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238);">
Try it live

What is it?

React UI Kit

npm Modules

Webpack Build System

Easy CLI

  Reapp Ionic Touchstone Supersonic
Platform React Angular React Angular
Routing react-router Angular Angular
Animations Interactive JS CSS CSS CSS
Build System Webpack Gulp Gulp
Hot Reload
Themes Customizable JS CSS CSS CSS
Layout Flexbox Block Flexbox Block
Icons SVG Icon Font Icon Font Icon Font
  Views Views Views Views

The UI Kit »


Dynamic & fully interactive JavaScript-powered animations.


JavaScript + Flexbox. Composable, dynamic, with a declarative interface.


Constants, styles and animations. Mix and match them all to make your theme.


Views, ViewLists, even nested ViewLists. Build your own!


Load individually for optimal load & build times.


Use all our animation and styling mixins externally.


import React from 'react';
import { DottedViewList, View, List } from 'reapp-ui/all';export default React.createClass({render() {return<DottedViewList><View title="Hot Articles"><List wrap>{ => a.title)}</List></View><View title="Other"><p>Second view contents</p></View></DottedViewList>}

DottedViewLists show Views side-by-side with a dot indicator, just like the Twitter app.

Reapp has NestedViewList and DottedViewList, but you can use the ViewListMixin to make your own.

Lists can automatically wrap an array of items with ListItem components using the wrap property.

Read the docs

What else?

A set of optional packages. Once generated, mix and match them as you like.


A decorator and dependency injector


Generate & run webpack configs


Some mixins and helpers for React apps


A tiny reducer for use with flux apps


Superagent + bluebird + promises


DRY route to require w/react-router


Express assets for Reapp-structured apps


A polyfill, for Object.assign


A new stack, designed for software instead of documents, is needed.


having everybody in need of transportation buy the necessary spareparts to build a car is insane.


React enables incredible boosts of both productivity and performance. It's declarative components with lifecycles are the future of making apps.

JavaScript has grown up as well. We have amazing build tools that bring us new features. Webpack and 6to5 give you ES6/7, JSX and more. With react-hot-loader you have insanely fast development.

We want to get you running without locking you into a framework. So we built a simple CLI that bootstraps you in minutes. It even runs your server and builds out of the box.

Enjoy flexibility without needing all the glue. We're making hybrid apps, fast.

Copyright 2015 reapp.Icons from under CC

Reapp 混合应用 - 帮助构建前所未所的强大应用(Reapp Hybrid apps - help you build powerful apps like never before)相关推荐

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