本人正在使用的Ubuntu版本是12.04.5,电脑是2009年款的Asus F81s笔记本,已经很old了。

刚开始装上系统时候,Ubuntu是能够正常关机的,出现此类问题的原因有很多种,可能是装了某些软件,也可能更新了新的Linux内核等等,造成ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)出现问题,现附上解决方法:


sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

找到这一行:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash”
改成:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash acpi=force pci=nomsi”


sudo update-grub

The first thing you will want to look at when experiencing shutdown problems is ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface). This, in my experience, is the most common culprit when it comes to Linux shutdown problems. When troubleshooting ACPI, please follow the steps below:
Try booting with the “acpi=off” kernel parameter: This will disable ACPI support. If the error is the same with acpi enabled and disabled, you are probably not having an ACPI issue. If that is the case, please see the section of this article titled “Other Possible Solutions”.
If “acpi=off” allows the system to boot, you will need to isolate the ACPI issue by trying each of the following boot parameters.
Try booting with “acpi=ht”: This disables all of ACPI except just enough to enable Hyper Threading. If acpi=off works and acpi=ht fails, then the issue is in the ACPI table parsing code itself, or perhaps the SMP code.
Try booting with “pci=noacpi”: This disables ACPI for IRQ routing and PCI scanning.
Try booting with “acpi=noirq”: This disables ACPI for IRQ routing.
Try booting with “pnpacpi=off”: This disables the ACPI component of the Linux Plug and Play code.
Try booting with “noapic”: This disables the IO-APIC for IRQ routing or PCI scanning.
Try booting with “nolapic”: This disables the local APIC.
With any luck one of these extra boot parameters has solved your problem with Ubuntu hanging on shutdown. If not, ACPI was not the problem and we’ll need to look at other possible solutions. Please skip ahead to “Other Possible Solutions”. If one or more of these boot parameters solved your problem with Ubuntu hanging on shutdown consult the next section on how to make the changes permanent.


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