
I am a sucker for nostalgic computer games.  Oregon Trail was the first computer game I ever played on the Apple IIe system.  With the help of the Enhanced Apple IIe Emulator and some virtual floppy discs we can relive those golden memories on your current PC.  I am playing this on my Windows XP box.  I am not sure if it works with Vista.

我是怀旧电脑游戏的傻瓜。 Oregon Trail是我在Apple IIe系统上玩过的第一款电脑游戏。 借助增强型Apple IIe仿真器和一些虚拟软盘,我们可以在当前PC上重现那些美好的回忆。 我正在Windows XP盒子上播放此音乐。 我不确定它是否适用于Vista。

The first thing you need to do is download AppleWin 1.14.0  This is a zip file so just go ahead and extract it where you like.  I just put it on my desktop.  Open the folder and double click on the AppleWin.exe icon to launch the emulator.  To start the virtual machine click on the Apple button on the upper right side.

您需要做的第一件事是下载AppleWin 1.14.0。这是一个zip文件,因此只需继续将其解压缩即可。 我只是将其放在桌面上。 打开文件夹,然后双击AppleWin.exe图标以启动模拟器。 要启动虚拟机,请单击右上角的Apple按钮。

Now the next thing we need to play Oregon Trail is the virtual floppy disks.  You can find them along with tons of other great classic ROMS @ jeff.greenfeld.net

现在,我们需要玩Oregon Trail的下一件事是虚拟软盘。 您可以在jeff.greenfeld.net上找到它们以及大量其他经典ROMS。

Once you have these downloaded and extracted click on the Master Disk Drive on the left side.  Drag the Oregon Trail Floppy there and double click to load it.

下载并解压缩这些文件后,单击左侧的Master Disk Drive。 将Oregon Trail软盘拖到此处,然后双击以加载它。

Now Reboot the virtual machine by hitting the Apple button again.  Time to get on the trail!

现在,再次按下Apple按钮重新启动虚拟机。 是时候上路了!

The following is just some of the screen shots from Oregon Trail.  Here I am setting up the players.

以下只是Oregon Trail的一些屏幕截图。 在这里,我正在设置播放器。

Exploring the rivers along the way.


Buying supplies from the store.  Who didn’t pick the banker?

从商店购买耗材。 谁没有选择银行家?

This is a very stable emulator.  There are also hundreds of virtual applications out there that you can find and load to relive your legacy computing memories.

这是一个非常稳定的模拟器。 您还可以找到并加载数百个虚拟应用程序,以重现传统的计算内存。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79832/play-oregon-trail-the-way-you-remember-it/



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