The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID 20124104_832001205
Teammate’s MU STU ID and FZU STU ID 20124058_832001227
Teammate’s blog link
GitHub link
Video demo link


  • Key functions and programming thinking
    • Basic page switching
    • The number of people playing multiplayer
    • Automatically generate random results
    • Result list
  • Photo showing pair working
  • Experience in pair programming
  • Big events
  • PSP
  • GitHub link and commit record
  • Video

Key functions and programming thinking

Basic page switching

  • key function:By setting control-button, the function of entering the corresponding interface of the application when clicking the button is realized.
  • programming thinking
  • code:
<Buttonandroid:id="@+id/button"android:layout_width="264dp"android:layout_height="165dp"android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"android:layout_marginLeft="78dp"android:layout_marginBottom="39dp"android:background="#00000000"android:text=""tools:ignore="MissingConstraints" />
public class startgame extends AppCompatActivity {Button button;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.startgame);button = (Button)findViewById(;button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {Intent intent = new Intent();intent.setClass(startgame.this, choooooose.class);startActivity(intent);}});}

The number of people playing multiplayer

  • key function: When a multiplayer room is created, the number of throws in a round is generated based on the number entered by the user.
  • programming thinking:
  • code:
    <EditTextandroid:id="@+id/edt_test"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="60dp"android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"android:layout_marginLeft="118dp"android:layout_marginBottom="276dp"android:hint="@string/edt_test"android:inputType="number"android:textSize="18sp" />
EditText num = findViewById(;
int number = Integer.parseInt(et_age.getText().toString());

Automatically generate random results

  • key function: Each cast of six dices produces a random result (there are 6^6 results in total). Corresponding results will be generated automatically for each throw, such as: zhuangyuan (hongliubo), tanhua, bangyan and so on.
  • programming thinking:
  • code:
        rollButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){public void onClick(View v){//                产生随机数Random rand = new Random();int randNumber1 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber2 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber3 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber4 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber5 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber6 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;//                获取对ImageView对象的引用ImageView diceImage1 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage2 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage3 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage4 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage5 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage6 = findViewById(;int drawableResource1,drawableResource2,drawableResource3,drawableResource4,drawableResource5,drawableResource6;
//                将随机数与对应的图片资源联系起来switch (randNumber1){case 1: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_image5; break;case 6: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber1);}

Result list

  • key function: Multiplayer games produce a result list based on the number of players in a round after all players have cast their dice.
  • programming thinking:
  • code:
                TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;//获取一个TextViewString ct = "";//定义一个字符串String s = "历史记录\n";if (round == N){for (int m=0;m<N;m++){for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ct = ct + list[m][j];//数组拼接成字符串if (j == 0){ct = ct +"\u0020\u0020";}}ct = ct + "\n";}round = 0;ct = s +ct;}tv.setText(ct);//在TextView中显示数组内容round = round + 1;

Photo showing pair working

Experience in pair programming

  • Time Planning: Individual activities take time to plan, and so does working in pairs. The two of you should list your free time within the project cycle, then choose overlapping periods and plan your progress within these periods.
  • Communication: Communication is definitely one of the most important aspects of pairing. First of all, timely communication can avoid a lot of unnecessary rework. Secondly, the information collected by both parties can be effectively used in the communication. At the same time, we need to distribute work equally through communication.

Big events

  • Preliminary preparation: Since we were developing software for the first time, we first had to download the appropriate tools. The main tools we use this time are: android studio, jdk, SDK and so on. These tools are not downloadable like normal apps, they must be configured correctly when installed before they can be used later. So, after spending a lot of time looking for tutorials on how to configure these tools, we finally came to the conclusion that we should look for tutorial videos of the same version of the tool online and learn step by step if we need to, even if there is a mistake, the tool may not work in the end.
  • Implement different random results to produce the corresponding prize or not winning: We know that the six dices produce 6^6 results in a random situation, so it is impossible to enumerate each result with the corresponding awards. So we choose to use the if-else statement and count the number of times that the number “four” occurs in the result. But the logic is still complicated, and we spent a lot of time figuring it out.
  • Duplication of work due to miscommunication: In the stage of combining materials of this cooperation project, due to inappropriate file name, a lot of time was spent on modifying the name of the sub-project. What I mean is that even some seemingly insignificant things without effective communication will magnify their adverse effects in cooperation. Therefore, we should pay attention to every detail in cooperation.


Personal Software Process Stages Estimated Time/minutes Completed Time/minutes
Planning 30 40
Estimate 1240 1770
Development 120 150
Analysis 120 110
Design Spec 30 40
Design Review 20 40
Coding Standard 10 20
Design 40 50
Coding 360 720
Code Review 60 100
Test 100 300
Reporting 100 120
Test Report 20 30
Size Measurement 10 20
Postmortem&Process Improvement 20 30
total 1240 1770

GitHub link and commit record


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