

Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:

#define MAX_LEN 10 /* 字符串最大长度 /
#define STU_NUM 30 /
最多的学生人数 /
#define COURSE_NUM 6 /
最多的考试科目数 /
typedef struct student
long num; /
每个学生的学号 /
char name[MAX_LEN]; /
每个学生的姓名 /
float score[COURSE_NUM]; /
每个学生COURSE_NUM门功课的成绩 /
float sum; /
每个学生的总成绩 /
float aver; /
每个学生的平均成绩 */
int Menu(void);
void ReadScore(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryStudent(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryCourse(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SortbyScore(STU stu[],int n,int m,int (*compare)(float a,float b));
int Ascending(float a, float b);
int Descending(float a, float b);
void SwapFloat(float *x, float *y);
void SwapLong(long *x, long *y);
void SwapChar(char x[], char y[]);
void AsSortbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SortbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SearchbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SearchbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void StatisticAnalysis(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void PrintScore(STU stu[], int n, int m);

Input student number(n<30):
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input course number(m<=6):
Input student’s ID, name and score:
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
course 1:sum=473,aver=79
course 2:sum=466,aver=78
course 3:sum=492,aver=82
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
student 1: sum=258,aver=86
student 2: sum=280,aver=93
student 3: sum=233,aver=78
student 4: sum=165,aver=55
student 5: sum=206,aver=69
student 6: sum=289,aver=96
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in descending order by score:
11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96
11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in ascending order by score:
11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93
11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in ascending order by number:
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55
11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93
11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in dictionary order by name:
11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55
11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78
11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input the number you want to search:
Not found!
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input the number you want to search:
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input the name you want to search:
Not found!
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input the name you want to search:
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
For course 1:
<60 1 16.67%
60-69 1 16.67%
70-79 1 16.67%
80-89 1 16.67%
90-99 1 16.67%
100 1 16.67%
For course 2:
<60 1 16.67%
60-69 1 16.67%
70-79 1 16.67%
80-89 1 16.67%
90-99 2 33.33%
100 0 0.00%
For course 3:
<60 0 0.00%
60-69 1 16.67%
70-79 1 16.67%
80-89 2 33.33%
90-99 2 33.33%
100 0 0.00%
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55
11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93
11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86
11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78
11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96
11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input error!
Management for Students’ scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of every course
3.Caculate total and average score of every student
4.Sort in descending order by score
5.Sort in ascending order by score
6.Sort in ascending order by number
7.Sort in dictionary order by name
8.Search by number
9.Search by name
10.Statistic analysis
11.List record
Please Input your choice:
End of program!

( 1 )录入学生的人数:
**提示信息为:“Input student number(n<30):\n”
( 2 )录入课程数:
**提示信息为:“Input course number(m<=%d):\n”
( 3 )录入每个学生的学号、姓名和考试成绩:
**提示信息为:“Input student’s ID, name and score:\n”

**要求输出总分与平均分格式为:“course %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n”
**要求输出总分与平均分格式为:“student %d: sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n”
**提示信息为:“Sort in descending order by score:\n”
**提示信息为:“Sort in ascending order by score:\n”
**提示信息为:“Sort in ascending order by number:\n”
**提示信息为:“Sort in dictionary order by name:\n”
**如果未查到此学号的学生,提示信息为:“Not found!\n”;
# 要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"
# 要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"
# 要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"
**提示信息为:“Input the number you want to search:\n”
**如果未查到此学号的学生,提示信息为:“Not found!\n”;
# 要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"
# 要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"
# 要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"
**提示信息为:“Input the name you want to search:\n”
**提示信息为: “For course %d:\n”
**提示信息:“End of program!”
**提示信息:“Input error!\n”


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LEN 10 /* 字符串最大长度 /
#define STU_NUM 30 /
最多的学生人数 /
#define COURSE_NUM 6 /
最多的考试科目数 /
typedef struct student
long num; /
每个学生的学号 /
char name[MAX_LEN]; /
每个学生的姓名 /
float score[COURSE_NUM]; /
每个学生COURSE_NUM门功课的成绩 /
float sum; /
每个学生的总成绩 /
float aver; /
每个学生的平均成绩 */
} STU;
int Menu(void);
void ReadScore(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryStudent(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryCourse(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SortbyScore(STU stu[], int n, int m, int (*compare)(float a, float b));
int Ascending(float a, float b);
int Descending(float a, float b);
void SwapFloat(float *x, float *y);
void SwapLong(long *x, long y);
void SwapChar(char x[], char y[]);
void AsSortbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SortbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SearchbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void SearchbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void StatisticAnalysis(STU stu[], int n, int m);
void PrintScore(STU stu[], int n, int m);
int main()
char ch;
int n = 0, m = 0; /
学生人数为n,课程门数为m /
printf(“Input student number(n<=30):\n”, STU_NUM);
scanf("%d", &n);
while (1)
ch = Menu(); /
显示菜单,并读取用户输入 /
switch (ch)
case 1:
printf(“Input course number(m<=%d):\n”, COURSE_NUM);
scanf("%d", &m);
ReadScore(stu, n, m);
case 2:
AverSumofEveryCourse(stu, n, m);
case 3:
AverSumofEveryStudent(stu, n, m);
case 4:
SortbyScore(stu, n, m, Descending);
printf(“Sort in descending order by score:\n”);
PrintScore(stu, n, m);
case 5:
SortbyScore(stu, n, m, Ascending);
printf(“Sort in ascending order by score:\n”);
PrintScore(stu, n, m);
case 6:
AsSortbyNum(stu, n, m);
printf(“Sort in ascending order by number:\n”);
PrintScore(stu, n, m);
case 7:
SortbyName(stu, n, m);
printf(“Sort in dictionary order by name:\n”);
PrintScore(stu, n, m);
case 8:
SearchbyNum(stu, n, m);
case 9:
SearchbyName(stu, n, m);
case 10:
StatisticAnalysis(stu, n, m);
case 11:
PrintScore(stu, n, m);
case 0:
printf(“End of program!”);
printf(“Input error!\n”);
return 0;
函数功能:显示菜单并获得用户键盘输入的选项 /
int Menu(void)
int itemSelected;
printf(“Management for Students’ scores\n”);
printf(“1.Input record\n”);
printf(“2.Caculate total and average score of every course\n”);
printf(“3.Caculate total and average score of every student\n”);
printf(“4.Sort in descending order by score\n”);
printf(“5.Sort in ascending order by score\n”);
printf(“6.Sort in ascending order by number\n”);
printf(“7.Sort in dictionary order by name\n”);
printf(“8.Search by number\n”);
printf(“9.Search by name\n”);
printf(“10.Statistic analysis\n”);
printf(“11.List record\n”);
printf(“Please Input your choice:\n”);
scanf("%d", &itemSelected); /
读入用户输入 /
return itemSelected;
函数功能:输入n个学生的m门课成绩 /
void ReadScore(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j;
printf(“Input student’s ID, name and score:\n”);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%ld%s", &stu[i].num, stu[i].name);
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
scanf("%f", &stu[i].score[j]);
函数功能:计算每个学生各门课程的总分和平均分 /
void AverSumofEveryStudent(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
stu[i].sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
stu[i].sum = stu[i].sum + stu[i].score[j];
stu[i].aver = m > 0 ? stu[i].sum / m : -1;
printf(“student %d: sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n”,
i + 1, stu[i].sum, stu[i].aver);
函数功能:计算每门课程的总分和平均分 /
void AverSumofEveryCourse(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j;
float sum[COURSE_NUM], aver[COURSE_NUM];
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
sum[j] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum[j] = sum[j] + stu[i].score[j];
aver[j] = n > 0 ? sum[j] / n : -1;
printf(“course %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n”, j + 1, sum[j], aver[j]);
函数功能:按选择法将数组sum的元素值排序 */
void SortbyScore(STU stu[], int n, int m, int (*compare)(float a, float b))
int i, j, k, t;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
k = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if ((compare)(stu[j].sum, stu[k].sum)) k = j;
if (k != i)
for (t = 0; t < m; t++) /
交换m门课程的成绩 /
SwapFloat(&stu[k].score[t], &stu[i].score[t]);
SwapFloat(&stu[k].sum, &stu[i].sum); /
交换总分 /
SwapFloat(&stu[k].aver, &stu[i].aver); /
交换平均分 /
SwapLong(&stu[k].num, &stu[i].num); /
交换学号 /
SwapChar(stu[k].name, stu[i].name); /
交换姓名 /
使数据按升序排序 /
int Ascending(float a, float b)
return a < b; /
这样比较决定了按升序排序,如果a<b,则交换 /
使数据按降序排序 /
int Descending(float a, float b)
return a > b; /
这样比较决定了按降序排序,如果a>b,则交换 /
交换两个单精度浮点型数据 */
void SwapFloat(float *x, float *y)
float temp;
temp = *x;
*x = *y;
y = temp;
交换两个长整型数据 */
void SwapLong(long *x, long *y)
long temp;
temp = *x;
*x = *y;
y = temp;
交换两个字符串 /
void SwapChar(char x[], char y[])
char temp[MAX_LEN];
strcpy(temp, x);
strcpy(x, y);
strcpy(y, temp);
函数功能:按选择法将数组num的元素值按从低到高排序 /
void AsSortbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j, k, t;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
k = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (stu[j].num < stu[k].num) k = j;
if (k != i)
for (t = 0; t < m; t++) /
交换m门课程的成绩 /
SwapFloat(&stu[k].score[t], &stu[i].score[t]);
SwapFloat(&stu[k].sum, &stu[i].sum); /
交换总分 /
SwapFloat(&stu[k].aver, &stu[i].aver); /
交换平均分 /
SwapLong(&stu[k].num, &stu[i].num); /
交换学号 /
SwapChar(stu[k].name, stu[i].name); /
交换姓名 /
函数功能:交换法实现字符串按字典顺序排序 /
void SortbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j, t;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (strcmp(stu[j].name, stu[i].name) < 0)
for (t = 0; t < m; t++) /
交换m门课程的成绩 /
SwapFloat(&stu[i].score[t], &stu[j].score[t]);
SwapFloat(&stu[i].sum, &stu[j].sum); /
交换总分 /
SwapFloat(&stu[i].aver, &stu[j].aver); /
交换平均分 /
SwapLong(&stu[i].num, &stu[j].num); /
交换学号 /
SwapChar(stu[i].name, stu[j].name); /
交换姓名 /
函数功能:按学号查找学生成绩并显示查找结果 /
void SearchbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m)
long number;
int i, j;
printf(“Input the number you want to search:\n”);
scanf("%ld", &number);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (stu[i].num == number)
printf("%ld\t%s\t", stu[i].num, stu[i].name);
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
printf("%.0f\t", stu[i].score[j]);
printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n", stu[i].sum, stu[i].aver);
printf(“Not found!\n”);
函数功能:按姓名的字典顺序排出成绩表 /
void SearchbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m)
char x[MAX_LEN];
int i, j;
printf(“Input the name you want to search:\n”);
scanf("%s", x);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (strcmp(stu[i].name, x) == 0)
printf("%ld\t%s\t", stu[i].num, stu[i].name);
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
printf("%.0f\t", stu[i].score[j]);
printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n", stu[i].sum, stu[i].aver);
printf(“Not found!\n”);
函数功能:统计各分数段的学生人数及所占的百分比 /
void StatisticAnalysis(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j, total, t[6];
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
printf(“For course %d:\n”, j + 1);
memset(t, 0, sizeof(t)); /
将数组t的全部元素初始化为0 /
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (stu[i].score[j] >= 0 && stu[i].score[j] < 60) t[0]++;
else if (stu[i].score[j] < 70) t[1]++;
else if (stu[i].score[j] < 80) t[2]++;
else if (stu[i].score[j] < 90) t[3]++;
else if (stu[i].score[j] < 100) t[4]++;
else if (stu[i].score[j] == 100) t[5]++;
for (total = 0, i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
total = total + t[i];
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
if (i == 0) printf("<60\t%d\t%.2f%%\n", t[i], (float)t[i] / n * 100);
else if (i == 5) printf("%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",
(i + 5) * 10, t[i], (float)t[i] / n * 100);
else printf("%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",
(i + 5) * 10, (i + 5) * 10 + 9, t[i], (float)t[i] / n * 100);
函数功能: 打印学生成绩 */
void PrintScore(STU stu[], int n, int m)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%ld\t%s\t", stu[i].num, stu[i].name);
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
printf("%.0f\t", stu[i].score[j]);
printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n", stu[i].sum, stu[i].aver);


  1. 第12章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V5.0(c语言)

    第12章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V5.0 某班有最多不超过30人(具体人数由键盘输入)参加期末考试,最多不超过6门(具体门数由键盘输入).参考学生成绩管理系统V4.0,定义结构体类型,用结构体数组作函 ...

  2. 大学C语言系统作业,c语言大作业_学生成绩管理系统v5.0.doc

    Word格式 完美整理 //成绩管理系统v1.0 #include #include #include #define N 30 #define M 6 typedef struct student ...

  3. 哈工大慕课 学生成绩管理系统V1.0~5.0

    文章目录 学生成绩管理系统V1.0 学生成绩管理系统V2.0 学生成绩管理系统V3.0 学生成绩管理系统V4.0 学生成绩管理系统V5.0 本文提供测试数据哦~ 运行时请将数据粘贴到输入框中. 由于自 ...

  4. 第11章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V4.0

    第11章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V4.0 某班有最多不超过30人(具体人数由键盘输入)参加期末考试,最多不超过6门(具体门数由键盘输入).参考学生成绩管理系统V3.0,用二维数组作函数参数编程实现如下 ...

  5. 第11章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V4.0(C语言)

    第11章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V4.0 (前方空降提示:由于题目很长很长很长,代码在最后,翻到底才有哦.) 某班有最多不超过30人(具体人数由键盘输入)参加期末考试,最多不超过6门(具体门数由键盘输 ...

  6. 第8章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V1.0

    第8章实验1:学生成绩管理系统V1.0 某班有最多不超过30人(具体人数由键盘输入)参加某门课程的考试,用一维数组作函数参数编程实现如下学生成绩管理: (1)录入每个学生的学号和考试成绩: (2)计算 ...

  7. 数据结构实验报告—学生成绩管理系统(Java实现)

    数据结构实验报告----学生成绩管理系统(Java实现) [具体下载链接]https://download.csdn.net/download/mmzian/10897535 部分代码展示 Test类 ...

  8. C语言实验报告计算成绩,c语言实验报告--学生成绩管理系统.doc

    c语言实验报告--学生成绩管理系统.doc XX大学CSUC语言程序设计实践报告题目学生成绩管理系统学生姓名剽悍的小白兔指导教师TZ学院信息科学与工程学院专业班级电气信息类XXXX班完成时间20XX年 ...

  9. 学生成绩信息管理系统c语言,C语言写的学生成绩管理系统V4.0

    学生成绩管理系统V4.0 学生成绩管理系统软件主要适用于成绩管理!这款软件具有成绩输入.各班成绩汇总分析.成绩打印.成绩综合排名等一系列功能.这款软件完全根据学校平常的学生成绩管理办法研发出来.运用先 ...


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