Red Hat Linux 6.5 ,  Oracle GI , 两节点, 之前安装过GI及RAC数据库, 由于人为异常将目录权限更改混乱,后手工删除,重新装GI及RAC.

在安装GI时,检查前提条件的步骤,提示 swap不行,这个可以忽略,还有一个 Domain Sockets 出现warning ,  查询detail信息,提示需要删除

/var/tmp/.oracle 下的一些文件或目录, 忽然想起来,可能这个节点没有执行删除 /var/tmp/.oracle 目录, 导致之前安装时的文件还在,所以出现

warning  , 按照错误的action提示删除整个 /var/tmp/.oracle 后, 再次检查发现只剩下swap 一项warning了。


Perform Prerequisite Checks

Domain Sockets  warning .....

Domain Sockets - This task verifies Clusterware domain sockets

Check Failed on Nodes: [szxtsp137-or] Check Succeeded On Nodes: [szxtsp138-or]

Verification result of failed node: szxtsp137-or Details:


PRVG-11750 : File "/var/tmp/.oracle/ora_gipc_szxtsp137-or_DBG_OHASD_lock" exists on node "szxtsp137-or". - Cause: The specified file is not expected to be present on the node. - Action: Remove the specified file from the node.


PRVG-11750 : File "/var/tmp/.oracle/ora_gipc_szxtsp137-or_DBG_CTSSD_lock" exists on node "szxtsp137-or". - Cause: The specified file is not expected to be present on the node. - Action: Remove the specified file from the node.


PRVG-11750 : File "/var/tmp/.oracle/ora_gipc_sszxtsp137-orgridszxtsp1-clusterCRFM_SIPC_lock" exists on node "szxtsp137-or". - Cause: The specified file is not expected to be present on the node. - Action: Remove the specified file from the node.




PRVG-11750 : File "/var/tmp/.oracle/" exists on node "szxtsp137-or". - Cause: The specified file is not expected to be present on the node. - Action: Remove the specified file from the node.


PRVG-11750 : File "/var/tmp/.oracle/ora_gipc_szxtsp137-or_DBG_GIPCD_lock" exists on node "szxtsp137-or". - Cause: The specified file is not expected to be present on the node. - Action: Remove the specified file from the node.

来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。

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