

简单边框有三个关键属性:border-width、border-style 和 border-color

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border-width: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>


border-width 属性的取值可能是常规 CSS 长度值,可能是边框绘制区域宽度的百分数,也可能是三个快捷键值中的任意一个。

边框宽度默认值是 medium。

<长度值> 将边框宽度值设为以 CSS 度量单位(如 em、px、cm)表达的长度值
<百分数> 将边框宽度值设为边框绘制区域的百分数


border-style 属性的值可以是下表任意一个。默认是 none。

none 没有边框
dashed 破折线式边框
dotted 圆点线式边框
double 双线式边框
groove 槽线式边框
inset 使元素内容具有内嵌效果的边框
outset 使元素内容具有外凸效果的边框
ridge 脊线边框
solid 实线边框



属性 说明
定义顶边 跟通用属性的值一样
定义底边 跟通用属性的值一样
定义左边 跟通用属性的值一样
定义右边 跟通用属性的值一样
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border-width: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-left-width: 10px;border-left-style: dotted;border-top-width: 10px;border-top-style: dotted;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

1.4、使用 border 简写属性


属性 说明
border 设置所有的边框 <宽度> <样式> <颜色>
设置一条边 <宽度> <样式> <颜色>
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: medium solid black;border-top: solid 10px;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>


可以使用边框的 radius 特性创建圆角边框。与该功能相关的属性有 5 个。

属性 说明
设置一个圆角 一对长度值或百分数值,百分数跟边框盒子的宽度和高度相关
border-radius 一次设置四个角的简写属性 一对或四对长度值或百分数值,有 / 字符分割
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: medium solid black;border-top-left-radius: 20px 15px;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>


使用 border-radius 简写属性可以为边框的四个角指定一个值,或者在一个值中包含四个值。

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: medium solid black;                }#first {border-radius: 20px / 15px;}#second {border-radius: 50% 20px 25% 5em / 25% 15px 40px 55%}</style></head><body><p id="first">There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p><p id="second">There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>


边框不仅限于用 border-style 属性定义的样式,我们可以使用图像为元素创建真正的自定义边框。配置图像边框各个方面的属性有 5 个,外加一个可以在一条声明中配置所有特性的简写属性。

属性 说明
border-image-source 设置图像来源 none 或者 url(<图像>)
border-image-slice 设置切分图像的偏移 1~4个长度值或者百分数,受图像的宽度和高度影响
border-image-width 设置图像边框的宽度 auto 或 1~4 个长度值或者百分数
border-image-outset 指定边框图像向外扩展的部分 1~4 个长度值或者百分数
border-image-repeat 设置图像填充边框区域的模式 stretch、repeat 和 round 中的一个或两个值
border-image 在一条声明中设置所有值的简写属性 跟单个属性的值一样


将图像用做边框的关键是切分图像。开发人员指定图像边框内向偏移的值,浏览器会使用这些值来将图像切分成 9 块。为了演示切分的效果,我创建了一个图像,它能简单明了地表达浏览器如何进行切分以及使用每块切分图:

该图像大小为 90px x 90px,每个切分图是 30px x 30px。中间的切分图是透明的。要切分图像,应该提供图像边框在四个方向上向内偏移的量,用长度值或者相对图像尺寸的百分数表示均可。可以提供四个不同的值,也可以值提供两个值(分别代表水平方向和垂直方向的偏移量),当然只有一个值也可以(四个偏移量都一样)。对于这个图像,我使用了一个值:30px。

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {-webkit-border-image: url(bordergrid.png) 30 / 50px;-moz-border-image: url(bordergrid.png) 30 / 50px;-o-border-image: url(bordergrid.png) 30 / 50px;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

切分值和边框宽度值之间使用 / 字符进行分割。


border-image-repeat 属性:

stretch 拉伸切分图填满整个空间,默认值
repeat 平铺切分图填满整个空间
round 在不截断切分图的情况下,平铺切分图并拉伸以填满整个空间
space 在不截断切分图的情况下,平铺切分图并在图片之间保留一定的距离以填满整个空间
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {-moz-border-image: url(bordergrid.png) 30 / 50px round repeat;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>




属性 说明
background-color 设置元素的背景颜色,总是显示在背景图像下面
background-image 设置元素的背景图像,如果指定一个以上的图像,则后面的图像绘制在前面的图像下边
background-repeat 设置图像的重复样式
background-size 设置背景图像的尺寸
background-position 设置背景图像的位置
background-attachment 设置元素中的图像是否固定或随页面一起滚动
background-clip 设置背景图像剪裁方式
background-origin 设置背景图像绘制的起始位置
background 简写属性


<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: medium solid black;background-color: lightgray;background-image: url(banana.png);background-size: 40px 40px;background-repeat: repeat-x;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

图中香蕉图像水平重复穿过了元素。使用 background-repeat 属性可以实现这样的效果:

repeat-x 水平方向平铺图像,图像可能被截断
repeat-y 垂直方向平铺图像,图像可能被截断
repeat 水平和垂直方向同时平铺图像,图像可能被截断
space 水平或垂直方向平铺图像,但在图像与图像之间设置统一间距,确保图像不被截断
round 水平或者垂直方向平铺图像,但调整图像大小,确保图像不被截断
no-repeat 禁止平铺图像


上一个代码中,原始图像太大了,因此代码中使用了 background-size 属性将图像调整为 40 像素 x 40 像素。 除了使用长度值,属性值还可以是百分数(跟图像的宽度和高度相关)、预定义值。

contain 等比例缩放图像,使其宽度、高度中较大者与容器横向或纵向重合,背景图像始终包含在容器中
cover 等比例缩放图像,使图像至少覆盖容器,有可能超出容器
auto 默认值,图像以本身尺寸完全显示

contain 值确保图像调整尺寸后,整个图像始终包含在元素内部。浏览器判断图像长度和高度哪个更大,并将较大者调整至容器相应宽度或者高度。相反,如果属性取 cover 值,浏览器选中较小的值,并沿着该方向调整图像大小,这意味着图像的某一部分可能不会显示。


浏览器使用 background-position 属性设置背景图像的位置。

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: 10px double black;background-color: lightgray;background-image: url(banana.png);background-size: 40px 40px;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 30px 10px;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

这条声明告诉浏览器将背景图像设置为距离左边界 30 像素,距离顶部边界 10 像素。这里使用了长度单位指定位置。

top 将背景图像定位到盒子顶部边界
left 将背景图像定位到盒子左边界
right 将背景图像定位到盒子右边界
bottom 将背景图像定位到盒子底部边界
center 将背景图像定位到中间位置

第一个值控制垂直位置,可以是 top、bottom 和 center,第二个值控制水平位置,可以是 left、right 和 center。


为具有视窗的元素应用背景时,可以指定背景附着内容的方式。textarea 是常见的具有视窗的元素,可以自动添加滚动条以显示内容。另一个例子是 body 元素,如果其中内容比浏览器窗口长,可以为其设置滚动条。使用 background-attachment 属性可以控制背景的附着方式。

fixed 背景固定到视窗上,即内容滚动时背景不动
local 背景附着到内容上,即背景随内容一起滚动
scroll 背景固定到元素上,不会随内容一起滚动
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">textarea {border: medium solid black;background-color: lightgray;background-image: url(banana.png);background-size: 60px 60px;background-repeat: repeat;background-attachment: scroll;}</style></head><body><p><textarea rows="8" cols="30">There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.</textarea></p></body>


背景的起始点(origin)指定背景颜色和背景图像应用的位置。裁剪样式决定了背景颜色和图像在元素盒子中绘制的区域。background-origin 和 background-clip 属性控制着这些特性,两者可以取以下三个值:

border-box 在边框盒子内部绘制背景颜色和背景图像
padding-box 在内边距盒子内部绘制背景颜色和背景图像
content-box 在内容盒子内部绘制背景颜色和背景图像
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: 10px double black;background-color: lightgray;background-image: url(banana.png);background-size: 40px 40px;background-repeat: repeat;background-origin: border-box;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

代码使用了 border-box 值,也就是说浏览器会在边框下面绘制背景颜色和背景图像。所谓的 “下面”,是指边框肯定会绘制在背景上。

通过应用裁剪盒子,background-clip 属性决定了背景的哪一部分是可见的。剪裁盒子之外的部分一律被丢弃,不会显示。background-clip 属性的三个可能的取值跟 background-origin 属性一样。

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: 10px double black;background-color: lightgray;background-image: url(banana.png);background-size: 40px 40px;background-repeat: repeat;background-origin: border-box;background-clip: content-box;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>



通过 box-shadow 属性来实现:

属性 说明
box-shadow 为元素指定阴影

box-shadow 元素的组成如下:

box-shadow: hoffset voffset blur spread color inset
hoffset 阴影的水平偏移量,是一个长度值,正值代表阴影向右偏移,负值代表阴影向左偏移
voffset 阴影的垂直偏移量,是一个长度值,正值代表阴影位于元素盒子下方,负值相反
blur 指定模糊值,是一个长度值,值越大盒子的边界越模糊。默认值为 0,边界清晰
spread 指定阴影的延伸半径,是一个长度值,正值代表阴影向盒子各个方向延伸扩大,负值代表阴影沿相反方向缩小
color 设置阴影颜色,如果省略,则自动选择一个颜色
inset 将外部阴影设置为内部阴影(内嵌到盒子中)
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: 10px double black;               box-shadow: 5px 4px 10px 2px gray;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>

可以在一条 box-shadow 声明中定义多个阴影,只需要用逗号分隔每条声明即可。

<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style type="text/css">p {border: 10px double black;               box-shadow: 5px 4px 10px 2px gray, 4px 4px 6px gray inset;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varietiesof banana alone. By the time we add the countless types of apples, oranges,and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices. </p></body>



属性 说明
outline-color 设置外围轮廓的颜色 <颜色>
outline-offset 设置轮廓距离元素边框的偏移量 <长度>
outline-style 设置轮廓样式 跟 border-style 属性一样
outline-width 设置轮廓的宽度 thin、medium、thick、<长度>
outline 在一条声明中设置轮廓的简写属性 <颜色> <样式> <宽度>
<html><head><title>Example</title><meta name="author" content="Adam Freeman"/><meta name="description" content="A simple example"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><style>        p {width: 30%;padding: 5px;border: medium double black;background-color: lightgray;margin: 2px;float: left;}#fruittext {outline: thick solid red;}</style></head><body><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500varieties of banana alone. By the time we add the countless types ofapples, oranges, and other well-known fruit, we are faced withthousands of choices.</p><p id="fruittext">There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500varieties of banana alone. By the time we add the countless types ofapples, oranges, and other well-known fruit, we are faced withthousands of choices.</p><p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500varieties of banana alone. By the time we add the countless types ofapples, oranges, and other well-known fruit, we are faced withthousands of choices.</p><button>Outline Off</button><button>Outline On</button><script>var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("BUTTON");for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {buttons[i].onclick = function(e) {var elem = document.getElementById("fruittext");if (e.target.innerHTML == "Outline Off") {elem.style.outline = "none";} else {elem.style.outlineColor = "red";elem.style.outlineStyle = "solid";elem.style.outlineWidth = "thick";}};}</script></body>


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