

barb(X, Y, U, V,, **kw)


Demonstration of wind barb plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 5)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
U, V = 12*X, 12*Y
data = [(-1.5, .5, -6, -6),(1, -1, -46, 46),(-3, -1, 11, -11),(1, 1.5, 80, 80),(0.5, 0.25, 25, 15),(-1.5, -0.5, -5, 40)]
data = np.array(data, dtype=[('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32), ('u', np.float32), ('v', np.float32)])
# Default parameters, uniform grid
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.barbs(X, Y, U, V)
# Arbitrary set of vectors, make them longer and change the pivot point
#(point around which they're rotated) to be the middle
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.barbs(data['x'], data['y'], data['u'], data['v'], length=8, pivot='middle')
# Showing colormapping with uniform grid. Fill the circle for an empty barb,
# don't round the values, and change some of the size parameters
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.barbs(X, Y, U, V, np.sqrt(U*U + V*V), fill_empty=True, rounding=False,sizes=dict(emptybarb=0.25, spacing=0.2, height=0.3))
# Change colors as well as the increments for parts of the barbs
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.barbs(data['x'], data['y'], data['u'], data['v'], flagcolor='r',barbcolor=['b', 'g'], barb_increments=dict(half=10, full=20, flag=100),flip_barb=True)


1.class Barbs()

class Barbs(mcollections.PolyCollection):@docstring.interpddef __init__(self, ax, *args, **kw):    '...'def _find_tails(self, mag, rounding=True, half=5, full=10, flag=50):'...'def _make_barbs(self, u, v, nflags, nbarbs, half_barb, empty_flag, length,pivot, sizes, fill_empty, flip):'...'def set_UVC(self, U, V, C=None):'...'def set_offsets(self, xy):'...'    
  • 通过读源代码可知类Barbs有五个方法分别为__init___find_tails_make_barbsset_UVCset_offsets


    @docstring.interpddef __init__(self, ax, *args, **kw):"""The constructor takes one required argument, an Axesinstance, followed by the args and kwargs describedby the following pylab interface documentation:%(barbs_doc)s"""self._pivot = kw.pop('pivot', 'tip')self._length = kw.pop('length', 7)barbcolor = kw.pop('barbcolor', None)flagcolor = kw.pop('flagcolor', None)self.sizes = kw.pop('sizes', dict())self.fill_empty = kw.pop('fill_empty', False)self.barb_increments = kw.pop('barb_increments', dict())self.rounding = kw.pop('rounding', True)self.flip = kw.pop('flip_barb', False)transform = kw.pop('transform', ax.transData)# Flagcolor and and barbcolor provide convenience parameters for# setting the facecolor and edgecolor, respectively, of the barb# polygon.  We also work here to make the flag the same color as the# rest of the barb by defaultif None in (barbcolor, flagcolor):kw['edgecolors'] = 'face'if flagcolor:kw['facecolors'] = flagcolorelif barbcolor:kw['facecolors'] = barbcolorelse:# Set to facecolor passed in or default to blackkw.setdefault('facecolors', 'k')else:kw['edgecolors'] = barbcolorkw['facecolors'] = flagcolor# Parse out the data arrays from the various configurations supportedx, y, u, v, c = _parse_args(*args)self.x = xself.y = yxy = np.hstack((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis]))# Make a collectionbarb_size = self._length ** 2 / 4  # Empirically determinedmcollections.PolyCollection.__init__(self, [], (barb_size,),offsets=xy,transOffset=transform, **kw)self.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())self.set_UVC(u, v, c)
  • __init__()方法为初始化方法,此方法中flagcolorbarbcolor为设置风羽颜色的关键字,中间的说明文字提示颜色设置是针对所有的风羽的,所以通过颜色设置达不到风羽中既有空心白色三角又有实心黑色三角。初始化方法中在对一些参数进行了初始化赋值后执行了set_UVC()方法,所以我们顺着这个set_UVC()方法往下继续读。


    def set_UVC(self, U, V, C=None):self.u = ma.masked_invalid(U, copy=False).ravel()self.v = ma.masked_invalid(V, copy=False).ravel()if C is not None:c = ma.masked_invalid(C, copy=False).ravel()x, y, u, v, c = delete_masked_points(self.x.ravel(),self.y.ravel(),self.u, self.v, c)else:x, y, u, v = delete_masked_points(self.x.ravel(), self.y.ravel(),self.u, self.v)magnitude = np.hypot(u, v)flags, emptyflags,barbs, halves, empty = self._find_tails(magnitude,self.rounding,**self.barb_increments)# Get the vertices for each of the barbsplot_barbs = self._make_barbs(u, v, flags, emptyflags,barbs, halves, empty,self._length, self._pivot, self.sizes,self.fill_empty, self.flip)self.set_verts(plot_barbs)# Set the color arrayif C is not None:self.set_array(c)# Update the offsets in case the masked data changedxy = np.hstack((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis]))self._offsets = xyself.stale = True
  • 在此方法中,首先进行了变量的命名赋值,然后依次执行了方法_find_tails_make_barbs_make_barbs的输入为_find_tails的输出,_find_tails的输入中有一个为magnitude = np.hypot(u, v)np.hypot()为勾股定理方法,因此可知magnitude为风速。


    def _find_tails(self, mag, rounding=True, half=5, full=10, flag=50):'''Find how many of each of the tail pieces is necessary.  Flagspecifies the increment for a flag, barb for a full barb, and half forhalf a barb. Mag should be the magnitude of a vector (i.e., >= 0).This returns a tuple of:(*number of flags*, *number of barbs*, *half_flag*, *empty_flag*)*half_flag* is a boolean whether half of a barb is needed,since there should only ever be one half on a givenbarb. *empty_flag* flag is an array of flags to easily tell ifa barb is empty (too low to plot any barbs/flags.'''# If rounding, round to the nearest multiple of half, the smallest# incrementif rounding:mag = half * (mag / half + 0.5).astype(np.int)num_flags = np.floor(mag / flag).astype(np.int)mag = np.mod(mag, flag)num_barb = np.floor(mag / full).astype(np.int)mag = np.mod(mag, full)half_flag = mag >= halfempty_flag = ~(half_flag | (num_flags > 0) | (num_emptyflags > 0) |(num_barb > 0))return num_flags,num_barb, half_flag, empty_flag
  • 通过读此方法的说明文档可知,此方法作用为根据输入的风速、设置的短线长线三角的数值计算并返回三角、长线、短线的个数以及有没有无风的情况。


    def _make_barbs(self, u, v, nflags, nbarbs, half_barb, empty_flag, length,pivot, sizes, fill_empty, flip):'''This function actually creates the wind barbs.  *u* and *v*are components of the vector in the *x* and *y* directions,respectively.*nflags*, *nbarbs*, and *half_barb*, empty_flag* are,*respectively, the number of flags, number of barbs, flag for*half a barb, and flag for empty barb, ostensibly obtained*from :meth:`_find_tails`.*length* is the length of the barb staff in points.*pivot* specifies the point on the barb around which theentire barb should be rotated.  Right now, valid options are'head' and 'middle'.*sizes* is a dictionary of coefficients specifying the ratioof a given feature to the length of the barb. These featuresinclude:- *spacing*: space between features (flags, full/halfbarbs)- *height*: distance from shaft of top of a flag or fullbarb- *width* - width of a flag, twice the width of a full barb- *emptybarb* - radius of the circle used for lowmagnitudes*fill_empty* specifies whether the circle representing anempty barb should be filled or not (this changes the drawingof the polygon).*flip* is a flag indicating whether the features should be flipped tothe other side of the barb (useful for winds in the southernhemisphere.This function returns list of arrays of vertices, defining a polygonfor each of the wind barbs.  These polygons have been rotated toproperly align with the vector direction.'''# These control the spacing and size of barb elements relative to the# length of the shaftspacing = length * sizes.get('spacing', 0.125)full_height = length * sizes.get('height', 0.4)full_width = length * sizes.get('width', 0.25)empty_rad = length * sizes.get('emptybarb', 0.15)# Controls y point where to pivot the barb.pivot_points = dict(tip=0.0, middle=-length / 2.)# Check for flipif flip:full_height = -full_heightendx = 0.0endy = pivot_points[pivot.lower()]# Get the appropriate angle for the vector components.  The offset is# due to the way the barb is initially drawn, going down the y-axis.# This makes sense in a meteorological mode of thinking since there 0# degrees corresponds to north (the y-axis traditionally)angles = -(ma.arctan2(v, u) + np.pi / 2)# Used for low magnitude.  We just get the vertices, so if we make it# out here, it can be reused.  The center set here should put the# center of the circle at the location(offset), rather than at the# same point as the barb pivot; this seems more sensible.circ = CirclePolygon((0, 0), radius=empty_rad).get_verts()if fill_empty:empty_barb = circelse:# If we don't want the empty one filled, we make a degenerate# polygon that wraps back over itselfempty_barb = np.concatenate((circ, circ[::-1]))barb_list = []for index, angle in np.ndenumerate(angles):# If the vector magnitude is too weak to draw anything, plot an# empty circle insteadif empty_flag[index]:# We can skip the transform since the circle has no preferred# orientationbarb_list.append(empty_barb)continuepoly_verts = [(endx, endy)]offset = length# Add vertices for each flagfor i in range(nflags[index]):# The spacing that works for the barbs is a little to much for# the flags, but this only occurs when we have more than 1# flag.if offset != length:offset += spacing / 2.poly_verts.extend([[endx, endy + offset],[endx + full_height, endy - full_width / 2 + offset],[endx, endy - full_width + offset]])offset -= full_width + spacing# Add vertices for each barb.  These really are lines, but works# great adding 3 vertices that basically pull the polygon out and# back down the linefor i in range(nbarbs[index]):poly_verts.extend([(endx, endy + offset),(endx + full_height, endy + offset + full_width / 2),(endx, endy + offset)])offset -= spacing# Add the vertices for half a barb, if neededif half_barb[index]:# If the half barb is the first on the staff, traditionally it# is offset from the end to make it easy to distinguish from a# barb with a full oneif offset == length:poly_verts.append((endx, endy + offset))offset -= 1.5 * spacingpoly_verts.extend([(endx, endy + offset),(endx + full_height / 2, endy + offset + full_width / 4),(endx, endy + offset)])# Rotate the barb according the angle. Making the barb first and# then rotating it made the math for drawing the barb really easy.# Also, the transform framework makes doing the rotation simple.poly_verts = transforms.Affine2D().rotate(-angle).transform(poly_verts)barb_list.append(poly_verts)return barb_list
  • 通过读此方法的说明文档可知,此方法作用为根据输入的风数据以及短线长线三角的个数绘制风羽风向杆。
  • 绘制过程为:判断地图坐标点是不是无风,如果无风就绘制一个空心圆圈代表。如果有风就开始按照三角、长线、短线的顺序绘制。
  • 绘制方法为:
  1. 创建一个用于存储关键点坐标的列表poly_verts
  2. 计算关键点坐标
  3. 通过transform方法将关键点坐标列表中的各个关键点依次用黑线连接起来,最终将风羽风向杆绘制出来
  • 此方法的几个关键变量:
  1. spacing:风羽上短线长线以及三角间的距离
  2. full_height:三角的高度
  3. full_width :三角的宽度
  4. endx :风羽绘制的起始点x坐标
  5. endy:风羽绘制的起始点y坐标
  6. angles:风向杆角度
  7. poly_verts :绘制风羽风向杆的关键点列表
  8. offset:绘制完一个三角或线后下一个三角或线的关键起始坐标
            poly_verts = [(endx, endy)]offset = length# Add vertices for each flagfor i in range(nflags[index]):# The spacing that works for the barbs is a little to much for# the flags, but this only occurs when we have more than 1# flag.if offset != length:offset += spacing / 2.poly_verts.extend([[endx, endy + offset],[endx + full_height, endy - full_width / 2 + offset],[endx, endy - full_width + offset]])offset -= full_width + spacing
  • 这一段是绘制风羽的主要代码,利用图片的形式说明




  • 实心三角绘制代码
            # Add vertices for each flagfor i in range(nflags[index]):# The spacing that works for the barbs is a little to much for# the flags, but this only occurs when we have more than 1# flag.if offset != length:offset += spacing / 2.poly_verts.extend([[endx, endy + offset],[endx + full_height/4, endy - full_width / 8 + offset],[endx, endy - full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + full_height/4, endy - full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + full_height/2, endy - full_width / 4 + offset],[endx, endy - full_width / 4 + offset],[endx + full_height/2, endy - full_width / 4 + offset],[endx + 3*full_height/4, endy - 3*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx, endy - 3*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + 3*full_height/4, endy - 3*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + full_height, endy - full_width / 2 + offset],[endx,endy-full_width/2+offset],[endx + full_height, endy - full_width / 2 + offset],[endx + 3*full_height/4, endy - 5*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx, endy - 5*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + 3*full_height/4, endy - 5*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + full_height/2, endy - 3*full_width / 4 + offset],[endx, endy - 3*full_width / 4 + offset],[endx + full_height/2, endy - 3*full_width / 4 + offset],[endx + full_height/4, endy - 7*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx, endy - 7*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx + full_height/4, endy - 7*full_width / 8 + offset],[endx, endy - full_width + offset]])offset -= full_width + spacing
  • 实心三角绘制示意图

  • 方法参数中加入nfullflags
def _make_barbs(self, u, v, nfullflags, nflags,nbarbs, half_barb, empty_flag, length,pivot, sizes, fill_empty, flip):'...'


    def _find_tails(self, mag, rounding=True, half=2, full=4, flag=20,fullflag=50):'''Find how many of each of the tail pieces is necessary.  Flagspecifies the increment for a flag, barb for a full barb, and half forhalf a barb. Mag should be the magnitude of a vector (i.e., >= 0).This returns a tuple of:(*number of flags*, *number of barbs*, *half_flag*, *empty_flag*)*half_flag* is a boolean whether half of a barb is needed,since there should only ever be one half on a givenbarb. *empty_flag* flag is an array of flags to easily tell ifa barb is empty (too low to plot any barbs/flags.'''# If rounding, round to the nearest multiple of half, the smallest# incrementif rounding:mag = half * (mag / half + 0.5).astype(np.int)num_fullflags = np.floor(mag / fullflag).astype(np.int)mag = np.mod(mag, fullflag)num_flags = np.floor(mag / flag).astype(np.int)mag = np.mod(mag, flag)num_barb = np.floor(mag / full).astype(np.int)mag = np.mod(mag, full)half_flag = mag >= halfempty_flag = ~(half_flag | (num_flags > 0) | (num_fullflags > 0) |(num_barb > 0))return num_fullflags,num_flags,num_barb, half_flag, empty_flag

3. 调整set_UVC中相关方法使用

        fullflags, flags,barbs, halves, empty = self._find_tails(magnitude,self.rounding,**self.barb_increments)# Get the vertices for each of the barbsplot_barbs = self._make_barbs(u, v, fullflags, flags,barbs, halves, empty,self._length, self._pivot, self.sizes,self.fill_empty, self.flip)


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfig=plt.figure()





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