

A big football championship will occur soon! n teams will compete in it, and each pair of teams will play exactly one game against each other.
There are two possible outcomes of a game:
the game may result in a tie, then both teams get 1 point;
one team might win in a game, then the winning team gets 3 points and the losing team gets 0 points.
The score of a team is the number of points it gained during all games that it played.
You are interested in a hypothetical situation when all teams get the same score at the end of the championship. A simple example of that situation is when all games result in ties, but you want to minimize the number of ties as well.
Your task is to describe a situation (choose the result of each game) so that all teams get the same score, and the number of ties is the minimum possible.

n只球队,每两队之间比赛一次,一共进行n * (n - 1) / 2次比赛。平局各加一分,赢加三分,输不加分。要使n只队伍比赛结束后得分全部相同,而且平局的数量尽可能少,输出每场比赛的情况。


The first line contains one integer t (1≤t≤100) — the number of test cases.
Then the test cases follow. Each test case is described by one line containing one integer n (2≤n≤100) — the number of teams.



For each test case, print n*(n−1)/2 integers describing the results of the games in the following order: the first integer should correspond to the match between team 1 and team 2, the second — between team 1 and team 3, then 1 and 4, …, 1 and n, 2 and 3, 2 and 4, …, 2 and n, and so on, until the game between the team n−1 and the team n.
The integer corresponding to the game between the team x and the team y should be 1 if x wins, −1 if y wins, or 0 if the game results in a tie.
All teams should get the same score, and the number of ties should be the minimum possible. If there are multiple optimal answers, print any of them. It can be shown that there always exists a way to make all teams have the same score.

1表示赢 ,0表示平,-1表示输。





1 -1 1

In the first test case of the example, both teams get 1 point since the game between them is a tie.
In the second test case of the example, team 1 defeats team 2 (team 1 gets 3 points), team 1 loses to team 3 (team 3 gets 3 points), and team 2 wins against team 3 (team 2 gets 3 points).

五、思路 + 代码




这样一来会发现:每考虑完一个偶数号队伍,在场的所有队伍都满足各自的胜场 = 负场。那么假如最后一个考虑的队伍是奇数号,那么他的对手只有1个,平局即可;最后一个考虑的队伍是偶数号,配平后全场每个队伍胜场 = 负场。


using namespace std;
int n;
int sta[105][105];
int sc[105];
void solve() {cin >> n;//当前选手for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {//奇数个对手需要平局int needtie = (n - i) & 1;int tot = (n - i) / 2;int f = 0;int cnt = 0;//奇数选手不考虑对手得分if (i & 1) {for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {if (needtie) {sta[i][j] = 0;needtie = 0;continue;}//赢一半if (f == 0) {sta[i][j] = 1;sc[i]++;sc[j]--;cnt++;if (cnt == tot) f = 1;continue;}//输一半if (f == 1) {sta[i][j] = -1;sc[i]--;sc[j]++;cnt++;}}}//偶数选手负责配平else {for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {if (sc[j] > 0) {sta[i][j] = 1;sc[j]--;sc[i]++;}else if (sc[j] < 0) {sta[i][j] = -1;sc[j]++;sc[i]--;}}}}for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {cout << sta[i][j] << " ";}}cout << endl;
int main() {int t;cin >> t;while (t--) {solve();}return 0;

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