
安装库 stylecloud

pip install numpy
pip install pillow
pip install matplotlib
pip install wordcloud

pip install stylecloud


#安装两次就可以看到安装路径了,如执行两次  pip install numpy。查看python则可以直接where python

因为stylecloud 默认不能设置模板及背景色透明,根据网上才哥(详细见【推荐收藏】介绍2种Python绘制词云的手法,你会偷偷pick谁呢?)的可做如下修改:



from icon_font_to_png.icon_font import IconFont
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator
import csv
import os
from PIL import Image
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb
import numpy as np
import fire
from shutil import rmtree
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from typing import List, UnionSTATIC_PATH = resource_filename(__name__, "static")def file_to_text(file_path: str):"""Reads a text file, or if the file is a .csv,read as a dict of word/weights."""if not file_path.endswith(".csv"):with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:text = f.read()return textelse:  # parse as a CSVwith open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:r = csv.reader(f)header = next(r)assert len(header) <= 2, "The input CSV has too many columns."# If a single-column CSV, read as a bulk textif len(header) == 1:texts = ""for row in r:texts += row[0] + "\n"# If a two-column CSV, read as words/weightselif len(header) == 2:texts = {}for row in r:texts[row[0]] = float(row[1])return textsdef gen_fa_mask(icon_name: str = "fas fa-grin",size: int = 512,icon_dir: str = ".temp",pro_icon_path: str = None,pro_css_path: str = None,
):"""Generates a Font Awesome icon mask from the given FA prefix + name."""# FA prefixes which map to a font file.font_files = {"fas": "fa-solid-900.ttf","far": "fa-regular-400.ttf","fab": "fa-brands-400.ttf",}icon_prefix = icon_name.split(" ")[0]icon_name_raw = icon_name.split(" ")[1]css_path = pro_css_path or os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, "fontawesome.min.css")ttf_path = pro_icon_path or os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, font_files[icon_prefix])icon = IconFont(css_file=css_path, ttf_file=ttf_path)# If a length and width are provided, make icon the smaller of the twoif isinstance(size, tuple):size = min(size)icon.export_icon(icon=icon_name_raw[len(icon.common_prefix) :],size=size,filename="icon.png",export_dir=icon_dir,)def gen_palette(palette: str):"""Generates the corresponding palette function from `palettable`."""palette_split = palette.split(".")palette_name = palette_split[-1]# https://stackoverflow.com/a/6677505palette_func = getattr(__import__("palettable.{}".format(".".join(palette_split[:-1])),fromlist=[palette_name],),palette_name,)return palette_funcdef gen_mask_array(icon_dir: str, invert_mask: bool, size: int):"""Generates a numpy array of an icon mask."""icon = Image.open(os.path.join(icon_dir, "icon.png"))if isinstance(size, int):size = (size, size)# https://stackoverflow.com/a/2563883icon_w, icon_h = icon.sizeicon_mask = Image.new("RGBA", icon.size, (255, 255, 255, 255))icon_mask.paste(icon, icon)mask = Image.new("RGBA", size, (255, 255, 255, 255))mask_w, mask_h = mask.sizeoffset = ((mask_w - icon_w) // 2, (mask_h - icon_h) // 2)mask.paste(icon_mask, offset)mask_array = np.array(mask, dtype="uint8")if invert_mask:mask_array = np.invert(mask_array)return mask_arraydef gen_gradient_mask(size: int,palette: str,icon_dir: str = ".temp",gradient_dir: str = "horizontal",invert_mask: bool = False,
):"""Generates a gradient color mask from a specified palette."""mask_array = gen_mask_array(icon_dir, invert_mask, size)mask_array = np.float32(mask_array)palette_func = gen_palette(palette)gradient = palette_func.mpl_colormap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, size))# matplotlib color maps are from range of (0, 1). Convert to RGB.gradient *= 255.0# Add new axis and repeat gradient across it.gradient = np.tile(gradient, (size, 1, 1))# if vertical, transpose the gradient.if gradient_dir == "vertical":gradient = np.transpose(gradient, (1, 0, 2))# Turn any nonwhite pixels on the icon into the gradient colors.white = (255.0, 255.0, 255.0, 255.0)mask_array[mask_array != white] = gradient[mask_array != white]image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(mask_array)return image_colors, np.uint8(mask_array)def color_to_rgb(color):"""Converts a color to a RGB tuple from (0-255)."""if isinstance(color, tuple):# if a RGB tuple alreadyreturn colorelse:# to_rgb() returns colors from (0-1)color = tuple(int(x * 255) for x in to_rgb(color))return colordef gen_stylecloud(bg: str='', # 新增自定义蒙版参数scale: int = 5,text: str = None,file_path: str = None,size: int = 512,mode='RGBA',icon_name: str = "fas fa-flag",palette: str = "cartocolors.qualitative.Bold_5",colors: Union[str, List[str]] = None,background_color: str = "white",max_font_size: int = 200,max_words: int = 2000,stopwords: bool = True,custom_stopwords: Union[List[str], set] = STOPWORDS,add_stopwords: bool = False,icon_dir: str = ".temp",output_name: str = "stylecloud.png",gradient: str = None,font_path: str = os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, "Staatliches-Regular.ttf"),random_state: int = None,collocations: bool = True,invert_mask: bool = False,pro_icon_path: str = None,pro_css_path: str = None,
):"""Generates a stylecloud!:param text: Input text. Best used if calling the function directly.:param file_path: File path of the input text/CSV. Best used on the CLI.:param size: Size (length and width in pixels) of the stylecloud.:param icon_name: Icon Name for the stylecloud shape. (e.g. 'fas fa-grin'):param palette: Color palette (via palettable):param colors: Custom color(s) for text (name or hex). Overrides palette.:param background_color: Background color (name or hex).:param max_font_size: Maximum font size in the stylecloud.:param max_words: Maximum number of words to include in the stylecloud.:param stopwords: Boolean to filter out common stopwords.:param custom_stopwords: list of custom stopwords.:param add_stopwords: Whether to use custom_stopwords to add to default:param icon_dir: Temp directory to store the icon mask image.:param output_name: Output file name of the stylecloud.:param gradient: Direction of gradient. (if not None, will use gradient):param font_path: Path to .ttf file for font to use in stylecloud.:param random_state: Controls random state of words and colors.:param collocations: Whether to include collocations (bigrams) of two words.:param invert_mask: Whether to invert the icon mask.:param pro_icon_path: Path to Font Awesome Pro .ttf file if using FA Pro.:param pro_css_path: Path to Font Awesome Pro .css file if using FA Pro."""assert any([text, file_path]), "Either text or file_path must be specified."if file_path:text = file_to_text(file_path)gen_fa_mask(icon_name, size, icon_dir, pro_icon_path, pro_css_path)if gradient and colors is None:pal_colors, mask_array = gen_gradient_mask(size, palette, icon_dir, gradient, invert_mask)else:  # Color each word randomly from the palettemask_array = gen_mask_array(icon_dir, invert_mask, size)if colors:# if specifying a single color stringif isinstance(colors, str):colors = [colors]# iterate through each color to ensure correct RGB format.# see matplotlib docs on how colors are decoded:# https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/colors_api.htmlcolors = [color_to_rgb(color) for color in colors]else:palette_func = gen_palette(palette)colors = palette_func.colorsdef pal_colors(word, font_size, position, orientation, random_state, **kwargs):rand_color = np.random.randint(0, len(colors))return tuple(colors[rand_color])if add_stopwords:custom_stopwords.extend(STOPWORDS)# cleanup icon folderrmtree(icon_dir)wc = WordCloud(background_color=background_color,font_path=font_path,max_words=max_words,mask=mask_array if len(bg)==0 else bg, # 快看,这个是 蒙版设置参数stopwords=custom_stopwords if stopwords else None,max_font_size=max_font_size,random_state=random_state,collocations=collocations,mode = mode,scale = scale,)# generate word cloudif isinstance(text, str):wc.generate_from_text(text)else:  # i.e. a dict of word:value from a CSVif stopwords:  # manually remove stopwords since otherwise ignoredtext = {k: v for k, v in text.items() if k not in custom_stopwords}wc.generate_from_frequencies(text)wc.recolor(color_func=pal_colors, random_state=random_state)wc.to_file(output_name)def stylecloud_cli(**kwargs):"""Entrypoint for the stylecloud CLI."""fire.Fire(gen_stylecloud)


  gen_stylecloud()参数修改如下:bg: str='', # 新增自定义蒙版参数scale: int = 5,mode='RGBA',WordCloud()中参数修改如下:
mask=mask_array if len(bg)==0 else bg, # 快看,这个是 蒙版设置参数mode = mode,scale = scale,

怎么执行了,我是初学者,记录如下:假设我写的py 在I:\MyQTGuitest\python\目录下

#执行pyton 可以直接在文件浏览器里  I:\MyQTGuitest\python\111.py
#要不cd 里  I:\MyQTGuitest\python   I:   111.py

stylecloud 例子:

import jieba
import codecs
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
#安装两次就可以看到安装路径了,如执行两次  pip install stylecloud。查看python则可以直接where python
#修改自定义蒙板 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TciqGM7cqGf5bspej07kzg
#fas fa-plane中的 fa-plane参考如下网页,只要在图票处右键,复制就有了 https://www.runoob.com/font-awesome/fontawesome-reference.html
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import jiebabg=np.array(Image.open("women.jpg"))
from stylecloud import gen_stylecloud
def cloud(file_name):with open(file_name,'r',encoding='utf8') as f:word_list = jieba.cut(f.read())result = " ".join(word_list) #分词用 隔开#制作中文云词gen_stylecloud(bg=bg,text=result,size=(768, 512), # 512font_path='I:/MyQTGuitest/lyss.ttf',background_color= None,palette='cartocolors.diverging.Fall_4',icon_name='fas fa-plane',output_name='t44.png',gradient=None,  # 梯度方向) #必须加中文字体,否则格式错误if __name__ == "__main__":file_name = 'C:/word.txt'cloud(file_name)





from wordcloud import WordCloud, ImageColorGenerator
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jieba.analyse# 打开文本
text = open('C:/word.txt',encoding='utf8').read()# 提取关键词和权重
freq = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(text, topK=200, withWeight=True)
freq = {i[0]: i[1] for i in freq}# colormap 的名称 可以在官方查到  matplotlibcolormaps
def color_func(word,/,font_size,position,random_state,**kwargs):#字体位置 yif position[0]<500:r=random_state.randint(0,40)# 相当于random.randint(0,40)else:r=random_state.randint(100,150)#字体位置 xif position[1]<500:g=random_state.randint(0,40)else:g=random_state.randint(100,150)#字体大小 if font_size<50:b=random_state.randint(0,40)else:b=random_state.randint(100,150)#返回一个rgb颜色元组return (r,g,b)#第一个参数我写的是 scale=4,这个数值越大,产生的图片分辨率越高,字迹越清晰。你可以调到64试试,我希望你的电脑足够快 /笑哭
# 生成对象
mask = np.array(Image.open("women.jpg"))#Result199.png
wc = WordCloud(scale=1,mask=mask, font_path='I:/MyQTGuitest/lyss.ttf', mode='RGBA', background_color=None).generate_from_frequencies(freq)#wc = WordCloud(mask=mask, font_path='I:/MyQTGuitest/lyss.ttf', mode='RGBA', background_color=None,
#               color_func=color_func,# 这里要将刚才写的函数传入 是自己设置色彩
#               ).generate_from_frequencies(freq)# 从图片中生成颜色
image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(mask)
wc.recolor(color_func=image_colors)# 显示词云
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.show()# 保存到文件

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