
  • 问题:
  • 方法一:借助arc gis软件
    • 1.在Google earth上创建kml
    • 2.在ArcGIS上导入kml文件
    • 3.图层多边形文件转为线要素
    • 4.线要素转为点要素
    • 5.点要素添加点要素的经纬度
    • 6. 查看点要素的属性表
  • 方法二:read_kml函数


在google earth上创建一个矩形框kml文件,然后获取kml文件上矩形框四个角点的经纬度。

方法一:借助arc gis软件

1.在Google earth上创建kml








6. 查看点要素的属性表




function [x,y,z] = read_kml(fileName)
% READ_KML Reads in (x,y,z) from a GoogleEarth kml file.
%  I have tried to make this code as robust as possible, but it may crash
%  or give unexpected resutls if the file is not formatted exactly as
%  expected.
% Example:
%   [x,y,z] = read_kml('test.kml');
% where test.kml looks like:
% <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
% <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1">
% <Placemark>
%   <name>test_length</name>
%   <description>junk</description>
%   <LineString>
%       <tessellate>1</tessellate>
%       <coordinates>
% -73.65138440596144,40.45517368645169,0 -73.39056199144957,40.52146569128411,0 -73.05890757388369,40.59561213913959,0 -72.80519929505505,40.66961872411046,0 -72.61180114704385,40.72997510603909,0 -72.43718187249095,40.77509309196679,0 </coordinates>
%   </LineString>
% </Placemark>
% </kml>
% afarris@usgs.gov 2016March09, now can read mulitple sets of coordinates
% afarris@usgs.gov 2006November%% open the data file and find the beginning of the data
if fid < 0error('could not find file')
end% This loop reads the data file one line at a time. If if finds the word
% <coordinates>, it knows there is data until it reads the word
% </coordinates>.  After loading this data, it keeps reading the file,
% looking for another instance of <coordinates> until it finds the word
% </kml> which signals that the end of the file has been reached.
% Some files have all the data on one line, others have newline charecters
% in various points in the file.  I hope this code that works in all cases.done=0;
endoffile = 0;
ar = 1;while endoffile == 0while done == 0junk = fgetl(fid);f = strfind(junk,'<coordinates>');ff = strfind(junk,'</kml>');if ~isempty(f)done = 1;elseif  ~isempty(ff)endoffile = 1;done = 1;endendif endoffilebreakend% 'junk' either ends with the word '<coordinates>' OR % some data follows the word '<coordinates>'  if (f + 13) >= length(junk)  % no data on this line% done2 is set to zero so the next loop will read the datadone2 = 0;else% there is some data in this line following '<coordinates>'clear f2f2 = strfind(junk,'</coordinates>');if ~isempty(f2) %all data is on this line% there may be multiple sets of data on this one line% I read them allfor i = 1 : size(f2,2)alldata{ar} = junk(f(i)+13:f2(i)-1);% I add in whitespace b/c sometimes it is missingalldata{ar+1} = ' ';ar = ar+2;end% done2 is set to one because the next loop does not need to rundone2 = 1;else% only some data is on this linealldata{ar} = junk(f+13:end);% I add in whitespace b/c sometimes it is missingalldata{ar+1} = ' ';ar = ar+2;% done2 is set to zero so the next loop will read the rest of the datadone2 = 0;end% check to see if at end of the fileff = strfind(junk,'</kml>');if  ~isempty(ff)% no more dataendoffile = 1;breakelse% need to keep looking for more datadone = 0;endend% If not all the data was on the line with the word <coordiate>, % read in the datawhile done2 == 0% read in line from data filejunk = fgetl(fid);f = strfind(junk,'</coordinates>');if isempty(f) == 1 % no ending signal, just add this data to the rest alldata{ar} = junk;ar = ar + 1;else% ending signal is presentdone = 0;if f < 20% </coordinates> is in the begining of the line, ergo no data % on this line; just end the loopdone2 = 1;else % the ending signal (</coordinates>) is present: remove it, % add data to the rest and signal the end of the loopf2 = strfind(junk,'</coordinates>');alldata{ar} = junk(1:f2-1);ar = ar + 1;done2 = 1;disp('done with line')endend% check to see if at end of the fileff = strfind(junk,'</kml>');if  ~isempty(ff)% no more dataendoffile = 1;breakelse% need to keep looking for more datadone = 0;endend
fclose(fid);%% get the data into neat vectors
%  I have to divide the string into X, Y and Z values.
% This is hard b/c there is no comma between points
% (just commans between x and y, and between
% y and z)  ie;  -70.0000,42.0000,0 -70.1000,40.10000,0 -70.2,....
% I used to do this by finding commas and spaces, now I use
% 'strsplit'!  Thank you Matlab!% 'alldata' is one huge cell
% turn alldata into regular vector so it is easier to work with
data = cell2mat(alldata);
% data is one huge string, split it so there is seperate element for each number
C = strsplit(data,{',',' '});
% sometimes first and/or last element in C is empty, this causes problems
len = size(C,2);
if isempty(C{1}) && isempty(C{end})D = C(2:len-1);
elseif isempty(C{1}) && ~isempty(C{end})D = C(2:end);
elseif isempty(C{end}) && ~isempty(C{1})D = C(1:len-1);
end% There has GOT to be a better way to split C into 3 variables!
a = 1;
for i = 1 : 3: length(D)-2x(a,1) = str2double(D{i});a=a+1;
for i = 2 : 3: length(D)-1y(a,1) = str2double(D{i});a=a+1;
for i = 3 : 3: length(D)z(a,1) = str2double(D{i});a=a+1;

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