1. Which method must exist in every java application?

A. main

B. paint

C. begin

D. init

Correct Answer : A

2.What's the right way to handle abnormalities in input on java?

A. By handling these problems by providing exception handlers.

B. By writing whileloops to guard against bad input.

C. By using the class FileFilter which gracrfully filters out bad input data.

D. By always specifying the throws clause in every method header where file i/o is performed.

Correct Answer :A

3. The name of a java source file ___?

A. must be the same as the class it defines, respecting case.

B. has no restrictions.

C. must use the extension class.

D. must be the same as the class it defines, ignoring case.

Correct Answer : A

4. A difference between the methods "print" and "println" of the class java.io.printwriter is that __?

A. "print" inserts a new line at the beginning of its output, but "println" does not.

B. "println" appends a new line to the end of its output, but "print" does not.

C. "println" inserts a new line at the beginning of its output, but "print" does not.

D. "print" appends a new line to the end of its output, but println does not.

Correct Answer : B

5. A tool that allows programmers to execute lines of a program one line at a time in order to help locate the source of a program's errors is known as a(n) __?

A. debugger.

B. scope.

C. exception handler.

D. stack trace.

Correct Answer : A

6. Classes from which of the following packages are implicitly imported into every Java program?

A. java.awt

B. java.io

C. java.lang

D. java.util

Correct Answer : C

7. Which of the following statements is(are) true about the use of an asterisk(*) in a java import statement?

i.It does not incur run-time overhead.

ii. It can be used to import multiple packages with a single statement.

iii. It can be used to import multiple classes with a single statement.

A. i and iii only

B. iii only

C. i only

D. i, ii and iii

Correct Answer : A

8. Which of the follwing is the string concatenation operator in java?

A. +

B. ^

C. &

D. ++

Correct Answer : A

9. What will be output when the following java program segment is executed?

int x = 5;int y = 2;System.out.println(x + y);

A. 7

B. 5 2

C. 5 + 2

D. 52

Correct Answer : A

10. What will be output caused by the execution of the following java program segment?

String name = "elvis";System.out.print(name + "was here");

A. name + was here

B. elvis was here

C. name was here

D. elviswas here

Correct Answer : D


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