




- 微软移动网络开发工具集(Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT))



- 概要
- 创建一个WMLScript文件
- 创建一个移动Web窗体页面
- 配置系统
- 配置IIS的MIME类型




extern function ComputeNums(func2Call, x, y) { var retVal = 0; if(func2Call == 1) { retVal = Add(x, y); } else if(func2Call == 2) { retVal = Subtract(x, y); } else if(func2Call == 3) { retVal = Multiply(x, y); } else if(func2Call == 4) { retVal = Divide(x, y); } WMLBrowser.setVar("TextBox3", retVal); WMLBrowser.refresh(); } function Add(x, y) { return (x + y); } function Subtract(x, y) { return(x - y); } function Multiply(x, y) { return(x * y); } function Divide(x, y) { return(x / y); }





<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %> <%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %> <mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server"> <mobile:SelectionList ID="computeType" Runat=server SelectType=Radio Title="Operation"> <Item Text="Add" Value="1" Selected=True></Item> <Item Text="Subtract" Value="2"></Item> <Item Text="Multiply" Value="3"></Item> <Item Text="Divide" Value="4"></Item> </mobile:SelectionList> <mobile:TextBox id=TextBox1 runat="server" Text="2"></mobile:TextBox> <mobile:TextBox id=TextBox2 runat="server" Text="3"></mobile:TextBox> <mobile:TextBox id=TextBox3 runat="server" Text=""></mobile:TextBox> <DeviceSpecific> <Choice Filter="isWML11"> <scriptTemplate> <do type="accept" label="Compute"> <go href="Math.wmls#ComputeNums($(computeType), $(TextBox1), $(TextBox2))" mce_href="Math.wmls#ComputeNums($(computeType), $(TextBox1)," /> </do> </scriptTemplate> </Choice> </DeviceSpecific> </mobile:Form>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.web> <deviceFilters> <filter name="isWML11" compare="PreferredRenderingType" argument="wml11" /> </deviceFilters> </system.web> </configuration>





3、在计算机属性对话框的IIS上点击“编辑”按钮找到“计算机MIME映射”("Computer MIME Map")部分。


5、在“文件类型”对话框,输入“.wmls”在“关联扩展”("Associated extension")文本框。在"Content Type (MIME)"对话框输入"text/vnd.wap.wmlscript"。

6、点击“确定”按钮关闭“文件类型”("File Type")对话框。

7、点击“确定”按钮关闭“文件类型”("File Types")对话框。

8、点击“确定”按钮关闭 计算机属性对话框。




HOW TO: How To Use WMLScript Files With MMIT [idea]

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT)



- Create The WMLScript File
- Create A Mobile Web Form Page
- Configure the System
- Configure the IIS MIME Type

This article will demonstrate how to include WMLScript files (.wmls) for use
within Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT) pages. The example in this
article will use a script which will compute two numbers based on the
of a SelectionList.

Create The WMLScript File

Create a file named Math.wmls and add the following code:

extern function ComputeNums(func2Call, x, y)
    var retVal = 0;

if(func2Call == 1)
        retVal = Add(x, y);
    else if(func2Call == 2)
        retVal = Subtract(x, y);
    else if(func2Call == 3)
        retVal = Multiply(x, y);
    else if(func2Call == 4)
        retVal = Divide(x, y);

WMLBrowser.setVar("TextBox3", retVal);

function Add(x, y)
    return (x + y);

function Subtract(x, y)
    return(x - y);

function Multiply(x, y)
    return(x * y);

function Divide(x, y)
    return(x / y);

Create A Mobile Web Form Page

When working with WML Script it is important that only WML clients receive
WML Script. This can be accomplished by using the DeviceSpecific class to
a filter for WML based devices. Once the DeviceSpecific class is defined, a
ScriptTemplate can be used to insert WML Script into the page. Create a file
named UseScriptFile.aspx in the directory where the Math.wmls is located
and add
the following code that illustrates how to create a DeviceSpecific filter:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls"
Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<%@ Page language="c#"
Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>

<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:SelectionList ID="computeType" Runat=server SelectType=Radio
<Item Text="Add" Value="1" Selected=True></Item>
<Item Text="Subtract" Value="2"></Item>
<Item Text="Multiply" Value="3"></Item>
<Item Text="Divide" Value="4"></Item>    
<mobile:TextBox id=TextBox1 runat="server" Text="2"></mobile:TextBox>
<mobile:TextBox id=TextBox2 runat="server" Text="3"></mobile:TextBox>
<mobile:TextBox id=TextBox3 runat="server" Text=""></mobile:TextBox>


<Choice Filter="isWML11">
<do type="accept" label="Compute">
<go href="Math.wmls#ComputeNums($(computeType), $(TextBox1),
$(TextBox2))" />




Note: The sample code above does not handle processing for non-WML devices.
may require using a mobile Command control and creating a postback event for
that control, or creating client side script for non-WML devices using a

Configure The System

A DeviceFilters section is required in the web.config file when using the
DeviceSpecific class with a filter. Below is a sample of a device filter
for WML
based devices. Create a file named web.config in the directory where the
UseScriptFile.aspx is located and add the following lines of code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<filter name="isWML11" compare="PreferredRenderingType"
argument="wml11" />

Configure the IIS MIME Type

You will need to configure a WML Script MIME type in Internet Information
(IIS) in order for the WML Script to run successfully. This can be done by
the following steps:

1. Open the Internet Services Manager on the web server.

2. Right-click the machine name in the left pane and click "Properties".

3. Click the "Edit" button found in the "Computer MIME Map" section on the
"Internet Information Services" tab of the computer properties dialog.

4. In the "File Types" dialog, click the "New Type..." button.

5. In the "File Type" dialog, enter ".wmls" in the "Associated extension"
textbox. Enter "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript" in the "Content Type (MIME)"

6. Click the "OK" button to close the "File Type" dialog.

7. Click the "OK" button to close the "File Types" dialog.

8. Click the "OK" button to close the machine properties dialog.

9. Right-click the machine name in the left pane and click "Restart IIS...".


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